***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So here it is gentlemen.

First of all the public can already see just how misleading politics are, both these guys drifted away from questions that were asked and answered them with talking points. Complete joke. If I was one of the people up there asking the questions I would have spoken back.

Obama came to play tonight, he looked alive and did a very good job countering Romney. Obama definitoy had better moments,In my opinion he had the better debate performance. However Mitt Romney did a good job of countering back as well. He may have lost the debate but he surely didn't get blown out the room.

What so many of us NTalkers are expecting is an Obama thrashingly catapulting performance that leaves Mitt Romney in the dust and that's just not going to happen. Mitt has nothing to lose. He's not going to let that happen to himself. Mitt did that to Obama in the first debate, and Obama lost a 5 point lead in one week. That type of turnaround is impossible for Obama to recover. He's not getting that back.

Obamas debate performance tonight should allow him to swing some voters back but not many, I wouldn't even estimate more than a point. This race may be as tight as the 2000 Gore-Bush election. Going to be wild.
So here it is gentlemen.

First of all the public can already see just how misleading politics are, both these guys drifted away from questions that were asked and answered them with talking points. Complete joke. If I was one of the people up there asking the questions I would have spoken back.

Obama came to play tonight, he looked alive and did a very good job countering Romney. Obama definitoy had better moments,In my opinion he had the better debate performance. However Mitt Romney did a good job of countering back as well. He may have lost the debate but he surely didn't get blown out the room.

What so many of us NTalkers are expecting is an Obama thrashingly catapulting performance that leaves Mitt Romney in the dust and that's just not going to happen. Mitt has nothing to lose. He's not going to let that happen to himself. Mitt did that to Obama in the first debate, and Obama lost a 5 point lead in one week. That type of turnaround is impossible for Obama to recover. He's not getting that back.

Obamas debate performance tonight should allow him to swing some voters back but not many, I wouldn't even estimate more than a point. This race may be as tight as the 2000 Gore-Bush election. Going to be wild.

I told my wife this as we were watching :smh:
My favorite part about the debate was Romney and how well traveled he was.

"Tell us about lowering gas prices" - I was just in a coal mine with coal miners
"How will i get a job when i graduate" - I was just with a student who is about to graduate and doesn't have a job
"Tell us about woman in the work place getting equal pay" - I have binders full of woman

I really do hate politics though. When a man can stand up and run for president of our country say something like "I want to expand pell grants" then some one says "no you don't that's a lie" and the rebuttal is "not ehhhh". Like is this what it has come to? You say something that people want to hear.....and hope people don't find out you are lying about it? That goes to both candidates since i haven't been able to fact check everything.

Not voting this election anyway.
I already know who I'n voting for, I got my guy. But these debates have turned into a joke for me. A candidate's response consists of:-30 seconds of talking about his policy-Another 2 minutes pointing the finger at the other sideAnd this comes from both sides. SMH. Welcome to Politics I guess
I have said it before and said I'll say it again. It's not that Romney is lying or stretching the truth any more than Obama is, it's the fact Romney's lies and ******... are so easy to call out a middle school kid could do it.

Like for example how he's gonna "get tough on China"...how are you going to get tough on a country who's labor laws (or lack thereof) helped you ain't your buddies get rich? How do you have a 5 point plan with NO SPECIFIC POINTS? How are you literally gonna sit up there and make up your tax plan off the cuff during the debate?

While I may not have agreed with McCain's policies or views he was lightyears ahead of Romney as a candidate. At least he stood for something. If you can honestly listen to Romney and support him after all the obvious lies and flip-flopping he's done I'm inclined to believe you're either a idiot or terribly blinded by your party affiliation.

I'm not at all saying Obama is the perfect candidate, because he's not and there's more than a few issues I have with some of his policies and subjects he hasn't addressed. But I refuse to support a candidate who has absolutely no plan on what he's going to do with this country.
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

The race will always be "close" according to the media because it makes for better news. Remember how four years ago the race was close till the actual votes came in?

The data will always be skewed to make the race seem closer than it is. Im certain that in reality it's nowhere near the "tight race" they're portraying it to be.
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

The race will always be "close" according to the media because it makes for better news. Remember how four years ago the race was close till the actual votes came in?

The data will always be skewed to make the race seem closer than it is. Im certain that in reality it's nowhere near the "tight race" they're portraying it to be.

No, it wasn't close until the actual votes came in. By October, the momentum had swung decidedly in Obama's favor and everyone from both sides knew it would take a miracle for it to be close.

From this thread, you'd think it was Romney just lying last night. Both were telling bold face lies. No one here has the gall to call Obama out on his.
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It actually wouldn't surprise me if the race was close, as much as it pains me to say this, the american people aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed :smh:
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

The race will always be "close" according to the media because it makes for better news. Remember how four years ago the race was close till the actual votes came in?

The data will always be skewed to make the race seem closer than it is. Im certain that in reality it's nowhere near the "tight race" they're portraying it to be.

No, it wasn't close until the actual votes came in. By October, the momentum had swung decidedly in Obama's favor and everyone from both sides knew it would take a miracle for it to be close.

From this thread, you'd think it was Romney just lying last night. Both were telling bold face lies. No one here has the gall to call Obama out on his.
Do you have gall to call him out? Let's hear it.
edit -@jhawk
If you seem to be waiting for someone to do it, why don't you?
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My favorite part about the debate was Romney and how well traveled he was.

"Tell us about lowering gas prices" - I was just in a coal mine with coal miners
"How will i get a job when i graduate" - I was just with a student who is about to graduate and doesn't have a job
"Tell us about woman in the work place getting equal pay" - I have binders full of woman

I really do hate politics though. When a man can stand up and run for president of our country say something like "I want to expand pell grants" then some one says "no you don't that's a lie" and the rebuttal is "not ehhhh". Like is this what it has come to? You say something that people want to hear.....and hope people don't find out you are lying about it? That goes to both candidates since i haven't been able to fact check everything.

Not voting this election anyway.

As funny as it is, Obama used that same tactic during the first election. It politics, there are lies from both. It's honestly picking the better of two evils now. Both parties are going to sweep stuff under the rug and follow their agenda.

Not trying to sway you but you should vote regardless. These decisions no matter if you 100% support them or not do effect your life in some shape or form.

Someone should overlay the troll face on Obama 
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