***Official Political Discussion Thread***

honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

The race will always be "close" according to the media because it makes for better news. Remember how four years ago the race was close till the actual votes came in?

The data will always be skewed to make the race seem closer than it is. Im certain that in reality it's nowhere near the "tight race" they're portraying it to be.

No, it wasn't close until the actual votes came in. By October, the momentum had swung decidedly in Obama's favor and everyone from both sides knew it would take a miracle for it to be close.

From this thread, you'd think it was Romney just lying last night. Both were telling bold face lies. No one here has the gall to call Obama out on his.
Do you have gall to call him out? Let's hear it.

According to PolitiFact, there was one incident where Obama's statements where found to be false or mostly false last night: Claiming Romney said Arizona's immigration law was a 'model for the nation.'

Obama's not exactly out there with his pants on fire.
Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.

Wrong again... It's close because of the first debate... If you look at the week of polls before the first debate.. Obama was winning by a similar margin that he did in 2008. And won every state he carried in 2008 with the exception of Indiana.
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I think he means the election. I agree with him. It'll be close, maybe even Bush-Gore close, but I think Obama has got this

If he's talking about the election and you're co-signing his 55% percent statement you guys are tripping (simple arithmetic like Obama keeps saying :lol:).

You understand how much 55% is in a popular election? That's like winning the popular vote by more than 12 million votes, that's not a close election at all, it's a blowout.

In 2008 Obama blew McCain away after running the best campaign imaginable following a nationally detested George Bush he only won with getting 53%, which was like 10 million votes.

In 2000, Gore vs Bush, Gore was the first ever President to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote. Gore won by only .5 percent, complete craziness.

This election I'm seriously sensing a close battle, definitely under 1.5 %.
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Wrong again... It's close because of the first debate... If you look at the week of polls before the first debate.. Obama was winning by a similar margin that he did in 2008. And won every state he carried in 2008 with the exception of Indiana.

If he's talking about the election and you're co-signing his 55% percent statement you guys are tripping (simple arithmetic like Obama keeps saying
You understand how much 55% is in a popular election? That's like winning the popular vote by more than 12 million votes, that's not a close election at all, it's a blowout.
In 2008 Obama blew McCain away after running the best campaign imaginable following a nationally detested George Bush he only won with getting 53%, which was like 10 million votes.
In 2000, Gore vs Bush, Gore was the first ever President to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote. Gore won by only .5 percent, complete craziness.
This election I'm seriously sensing a close battle, definitely under 1.5 %.
Not cosigning his 55%, cosigning the fact that he thinks it'll be close. Sorry for the mix-up
I think the media always says its close because if it were reported that either Romeny or Obama was winning by a landslide

weeks before voting happens most people wouldn't even vote.
I feel bad for the people who are undecided and actually have faith is this rigged system. None of the questions were actually answered last night, except one. The one question that was actually answered was directed at Obama on "equal work for equal pay", Obama can lecture on worker's rights until the end of days in his sleep. Other than that, every question was answered with a "talking point" between the the two of them, obviously details they were both overly prepared. Again, neither gave specifics on anything. I don't understand why the media expects either candidate to give specifics, they don't even know. Their plans are made by their campaigns, not them. Also, giving specifics with an alotted 2min. each question is really unrealistic. Finger pointing at the "he said, she said" over Libya was a nice distraction and dodge to the actual question asked.

Both candidates seem very comfortable with putting tariffs on China, which will make the unions happy, but will increase the price of goods China provides to the U.S. essentially raising taxes on the Middle Class, the class they both claim to help. This "tax cut" debate is actually quite funny, neither of them are cutting any taxes, they just want to change spending habits. Inflation was never mentioned, inflation is raising the prices of food, gas, and destroying peoples Savings and nothing was mentioned. That was the moderators job to pose that regarding the economy, but she is a hack selected by both campaigns, so of course she wouldnt.

The only high point of this debate was when Obama "fact checked" Mercantilist Mitt on Libya, pretty funny to do that during the debate. Which is sad because while it is true he called is an "act of terror" his administration pushed that YouTube hoax for a couple of weeks.

The U.S. has a clear choice...between two rotten apples.
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honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.

What exactly sucks about it??  Please be specific.

Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?

You seen da housing market?

You seen wages compared to inflation?

Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take

It for da team.

immigration reform..or lack there of.

QE3? Smh

Gas prices?

& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...
Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?
You seen da housing market?
You seen wages compared to inflation?
Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take
It for da team.
immigration reform..or lack there of.
QE3? Smh
Gas prices?
& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...

You understand he's one man, and without congress.....NOTHING can be done. Their whole agenda was to make the president a "one term president". They even said they won't pass the jobs bill 'because it makes the president look good'.

What's Romney's plan?
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.
What exactly sucks about it??  Please be specific.
Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?
Lowest in 4 years.

You seen da housing market?
Roaring back
You seen wages compared to inflation?
Which industries?

Last I checked, minimum wage was increased and the president isn't responsible for paying people.
Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take

It for da team.
You mean a covert CIA operation that got busted? Stuff happens.

Plus, we don't need more warmongers saying we need to invade libya. It was an administrative failure and they were still collecting info. Believe what you want.
immigration reform..or lack there of.
You mean the neutered Dream Act once Obama got the GOP to look at it?

No argument there

Gas prices?
Are you trolling?

The president doesn't control gas prices. 

& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...
You weren't listening, were you?
Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.

Wrong again... It's close because of the first debate... If you look at the week of polls before the first debate.. Obama was winning by a similar margin that he did in 2008. And won every state he carried in 2008 with the exception of Indiana.

Hello..for romney to win da 1st debate he had to PRESENT how bad Obama's record was.
Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?
You seen da housing market?
You seen wages compared to inflation?
Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take
It for da team.
immigration reform..or lack there of.
QE3? Smh
Gas prices?
& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...
You understand he's one man, and without congress.....NOTHING can be done. Their whole agenda was to make the president a "one term president". They even said they won't pass the jobs bill 'because it makes the president look good'.

What's Romney's plan?
But what happens if the president has a virtual super-majority in both houses? Can he still blame it on the opposition? Despite that, they still had to implement parliamentary rules just to get the president's cornerstone legislation passed.

He can blame (or credit) Bush with inheriting a $1T deficit. If that's the case, how to we account for the additional $500B/yr. deficit?
Obama had a super majority in da Senate & Congress to pass immigration

Reform for 2 years...dont try to pass that hog wash over here.
Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?
You seen da housing market?
You seen wages compared to inflation?
Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take
It for da team.
immigration reform..or lack there of.
QE3? Smh
Gas prices?
& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...
You understand he's one man, and without congress.....NOTHING can be done. Their whole agenda was to make the president a "one term president". They even said they won't pass the jobs bill 'because it makes the president look good'.

What's Romney's plan?
But what happens if the president has a virtual super-majority in both houses? Can he still blame it on the opposition? Despite that, they still had to implement parliamentary rules just to get the president's cornerstone legislation passed.

He can blame (or credit) Bush with inheriting a $1T deficit. If that's the case, how to we account for the additional $500B/yr. deficit?

Good god man you guys don't read ANY NUMBERS in context. This **** is getting sad. 

And stop complaining about a super majority. Obama didn't have enough to win with all the moderates voting against him. Its this myth that keeps getting perpetuated and its damn annoying. 
Can anyone tell me how you win a debate?

I'm still waiting. 
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As usual Ninja has no idea what he's talking about :lol:

About to watch the 2nd debate now, got caught up last night and ended up missing it.
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.
What exactly sucks about it??  Please be specific.
Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?

You seen da housing market?

You seen wages compared to inflation?

Obama lying about da embassy scandal & hillary gotta take

It for da team.

immigration reform..or lack there of.

QE3? Smh

Gas prices?

& obama aint go NO plans for his 2nd term...
1.  During the last administration this country was LOSING jobs in high numbers by the month, now we are GAINING jobs each month. 

2.  No disrespect but you live in an apartment, a so called "gold plated" apartment and you plan on living there for the rest of your life, not sure why you care about the housing market.  However, the housing market is tied into alot of issues, with the housing market burst, and people taking on loans or mortgages that they should not have been.  As well as banks getting greedy and approving loans that they know they shouldn't have.

3.  One thing that plays into that is companies shipping jobs overseas as they can have cheaper wages for employees over there as opposed to here.  Romney participated in this as he got rich from closing companies and shipping jobs overseas. 

Also, as far as gas prices go WORLD DEMAND has increased which has caused gas prices to go up, which NO President has a say so or control over. 
It wasn't 2 years he had the majority, that's a MYTH. Kennedy died then Scott Brown won in CT, I believe. It was about 8months he had the super majority, and yes, he was busy doing the Affordable Healthcare Act, which I'm sure a lot of you guys can take advantage of. Being covered til the age of 26 and they can't deny you for pre existing condition.
As usual Ninja has no idea what he's talking about :lol:

About to watch the 2nd debate now, got caught up last night and ended up missing it.

Da irony is hilarious.

Like i said, from da time of inauguration to 2010 dems had da senate, house, & oval office.

Immigration reform WASN'T on their agenda, & Univision HAMMERED him for it for promising

And NOT delivering.

Dems only had a "super majority" for 134 days.


I still would like someone to mention the unprecedented filibustering and obstruction by Congress.

They made it their sole position to oppose EVERYTHING the President has proposed, EVERYTHING.

GOP put party over country and are a great deal responsible for this anemic recovery.

Julius F. Wrek
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Dems only had a "super majority" for 134 days.


I still would like someone to mention the unprecedented filibustering and obstruction by Congress.

They made it there sole position to oppose EVERYTHING the President has proposed, EVERYTHING.

GOP put party over country and are a great deal responsible for this anemic recovery.

Julius F. Wrek

I'm not sure how anyone fails to see this.
As usual Ninja has no idea what he's talking about

About to watch the 2nd debate now, got caught up last night and ended up missing it.
Da irony is hilarious.

Like i said, from da time of inauguration to 2010 dems had da senate, house, & oval office.

Immigration reform WASN'T on their agenda, & Univision HAMMERED him for it for promising

And NOT delivering.
Romney's plan is SELF-DEPORTATION.  Do you think SELF-DEPORTATION is a winning formula for dealing with immigration??
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