***Official Political Discussion Thread***

:lol: okay, when election day comes and you happen to be proven right feel free to point out how wrong I was. I have no problem being proven wrong.
No I wish it was the way you're saying it is, believe me I do. It's just not, here's how.

First - Voter turnout will be much lower this election than last election. Whenever voter turnout is low it usually means that Minorities, Young People, and Women aren't going to the polls. Those three demographics tend to vote Democrat. Voter turnout in 2008 was the highest of all time. Truth be told if everyone was forced to vote in this country, Democrats would win every election (That's another story).

Second - Obama's debate performance, although solid; won't do much. The only time someone gains an excessive amount of poll-points after a debate is when that candidate literally embrasses the other candidate. (Like the first debate). That 5 point lead Obama had 2 weeks ago, he won't have again.

Thirds - The support for Romney at the booth (like you predicted to be low) is actually going to be high. After the first debate the Republican base went insane. They gained so much ground and momentum and are ready to hit the booth. The Undecided/Independent voters who are now voting for Romney will absolutely show up.

Also the Gallup tracking polls you're talking about has Romney up 6+ points, so I don't why you seem so confident.

This race will be tight, no if, ands, buts about it.

Like I said before, if Obama loses - will go down as one of the biggest Fail's in political history. Our grandchildren will talk about how Obama lost this election with one bad debate performance.

Momentum is fleeting. I don't believe that the first of three (four, considering the VP debate and how much attention that got) debates is enough to carry a voting base through October and into November as strong as it first started. Especially if Obama is able to deliver another debate win as he did last night. That "embarrassing" performance by Obama in the first debate will fade in people's memories because it's often the person who strikes last that carries the momentum and excitement into election day. Obama's blunders in the first performance will be forgiven if he remains as intent and committed to combating Romney point for point as he did last night.

The Gallup is reporting that Romney is up four points today among likely voters, which isn't ideal for Obama but certainly not something that's permanent, especially considering how you noted Obama's five point lead drop almost instantly. My skepticism over the reliability of these polls is probably too high, but as I said, I'm more than happy to admit to being wrong when it's proven that I'm wrong.
What type of grown *** man writes "da"?? Goddamnit man, its "THE"

We're on sneaker message board... please go pick your wedgie put & sit da **** down somewhere
Yeah now its just a sneaker board...right?

But you debating politics never happened. 
FYI, debates matter because of early voting.

If you can seal the deal before election day, you can vote today without having to wait to lose that fervor or excitement. 
Yeah now its just a sneaker board...right?

But you debating politics never happened. 

The same sneaker board that ninja proclaimed as his lifeblood less than a month ago. Da troll is not to be fed, let us move on.
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.
honestly this presidential race shouldn't even be close at all

Its close cuz Obama's record sucks.

What exactly sucks about it??  Please be specific.

Yo champ, you seen da unemployment #'s?
Lowest in 4 years.

You seen da housing market?
Roaring back

You seen wages compared to inflation?
Which industries?

Last I checked, minimum wage was increased and the president isn't responsible for paying people.

Obama lying about da embassy scandal
You mean a covert CIA operation that got busted? Stuff happens.

Plus, we don't need more warmongers saying we need to invade libya. It was an administrative failure and they were still collecting info. Believe what you want.

immigration reform..or lack there of.
You mean the neutered Dream Act once Obama got the GOP to look at it?

No argument there

Gas prices?
Are you trolling?

The president doesn't control gas prices. 

You weren't listening, were you?

:pimp: my man.
Putty, You're my dude- we share a lot of the same personal beliefs. Let me tell you this though, you are way more effective in political threads than religious threads. Both are appreciated, you are just less grating when it comes to politics. :tongue:
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.

Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.

Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Doesn't change the fact that the candidate you support doesn't have Latino interests in mind. Just because Romney can get house support doesn't make his policies right.
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.
Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Wait...you said he didn't have any action...but then that the GOP didn't want to help him.

Which is it?
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.

Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Wait...you said he didn't have any action...but then that the GOP didn't want to help him.

Which is it?

Obama acted like his issh aint stink when he passed obamacare. da GOP was beneath him cuz of da majorities..if he wanted to go gunhoe

He could've AT LEAST pass bipartisan legislation on immigration reform 1ST before effectively pissing off da entire

GOP so when Democrats sustained da biggest loss in house seats on 30+ years in 2010 because da idiot tried to

Ram a cap & trade bill & got spanked for it, him blaming da GOP for refusing to cooperate with him when he ends up needing em

Isnt surprising...
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Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.

Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Wait...you said he didn't have any action...but then that the GOP didn't want to help him.

Which is it?

Obama acted like his issh aint stink when he passed obamacare. da GOP was beneath him cuz of da majorities..if he wanted to go gunhoe

He could've AT LEAST pass bipartisan legislation on immigration reform 1ST before effectively pissing off da entire

GOP so when Democrats sustained da biggest loss in house seats on 30+ years in 2010 because da idiot tried to

Ram a cap & trade bill & got spanked for it, him blaming da GOP for refusing to cooperate with him when he ends up needing em

Isnt surprising...
Bush tax cuts.
Ninja, even though Obama maintained the status quo on immigration policies for 3 years, that lack of action is still better than Romney's proposed immigration reform. Romney's immigration plans are clearly against Latino immigrants (building high-tech fence, e-verify, only way for residency is military service). That is the reason Obama has strong support from the Latino community, you come off as a proud Latino so I don't understand how you don't see that.

Obama's non action of da issue at hand pissed off alot of people.

Da GOP aint wanna help him out cuz he was shoe horning obamacare

And burned alot of bridges, why else did da tea party wave sweep thru da house da way it did.
Wait...you said he didn't have any action...but then that the GOP didn't want to help him.

Which is it?
Obama acted like his issh aint stink when he passed obamacare. da GOP was beneath him cuz of da majorities..if he wanted to go gunhoe
Oh so "should have, could have" is your argument now?

So the fact that he still passed the dream act as a step towards more comprehensive reform, since ya'll won't even let him take credit for that alone, doesn't mean anything?

Let me know when you're in charge of making the schedule of bills to be voted on in the legislature. 

He could've AT LEAST pass bipartisan legislation on immigration reform 1ST before effectively pissing off da entire

GOP so when Democrats sustained da biggest loss in house seats on 30+ years in 2010 because da idiot tried to

Ram a cap & trade bill & got spanked for it, him blaming da GOP for refusing to cooperate with him when he ends up needing em

Isnt surprising...


C. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown...ose-some-districts-were-never-a-good-fit.html




D. Tea Party.

Keep trying though. SINCE the impatient numbnuts of america couldn't wait, I guess this country's progress since 2010 has been the result of the GOP who won't vote for him?
Your man obama passed da dream act executive order to SAVE FACE...

Joint is a bandiaid on a bullet wound, and he did it THIS YEAR after 3 & ½ years

In office cuz he KNEW them Cubans & Dominicans in florida swing state wasnt rocking wit him for it.

And obama went ½ assed on obama care cuz he let dems in his OWN party punk him outta taking

Da public option outta healthcare reform....

"He too cool, you too cool you gon lose"
Your man obama passed da dream act executive order to SAVE FACE...

Joint is a bandiaid on a bullet wound, and he did it THIS YEAR after 3 & ½ years

In office cuz he KNEW them Cubans & Dominicans in florida swing state wasnt rocking wit him for it.

And obama went ½ assed on obama care cuz he let dems in his OWN party punk him outta taking

Da public option outta healthcare reform....

"He too cool, you too cool you gon lose"
Hey-Zeus Christos! What the hell are you talking about?

The same reason you chastised him for not using the SEVEN WEEKS of a supermajority he had, which wasn't even a super majority because a senator was MIA, now you're saying that he couldn't get bipartisan support for his original legislation.

Yo, you are wacked out man.

What is your problem? 

He does something then its. Its not enough. If he rushes for 100 yards, you move the end-zone by 10 more yards. 

Guess what ninjahood, there are lives that were changed by that "half-assed" legislation he passed so you can erroneously prance around like it doesn't establish a pattern we can build off of but you don't get to manipulate facts to suit your purpose. 

Don't come in here saying he didn't do...what he DID do. Thats just ridiculous.

What is your plan for comprehensive immigration reform? Let me guess. Romney's right? Because stopping short guys with tans and  slicked back hair at the intersection is a way to "reclaim the border"

Give me a break. 
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