***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Lol who made that
This is amazing
did mittens tell that broad "move over"? :rofl:

this whole campaign seems like a big joke and an insult to my intelligence. am I really supposed to believe this guy is the best they could do? I'm not sold on Obama either but at least he is more convincing.
Your man obama passed da dream act executive order to SAVE FACE...

Joint is a bandiaid on a bullet wound, and he did it THIS YEAR after 3
Hey-Zeus Christos! What the hell are you talking about?

The same reason you chastised him for not using the SEVEN WEEKS of a supermajority he had, which wasn't even a super majority because a senator was MIA, now you're saying that he couldn't get bipartisan support for his original legislation.

Yo, you are wacked out man.

What is your problem? 

He does something then its. Its not enough. If he rushes for 100 yards, you move the end-zone by 10 more yards. 

Guess what ninjahood, there are lives that were changed by that "half-assed" legislation he passed so you can erroneously prance around like it doesn't establish a pattern we can build off of but you don't get to manipulate facts to suit your purpose. 

Don't come in here saying he didn't do...what he DID do. Thats just ridiculous.

What is your plan for comprehensive immigration reform? Let me guess. Romney's right? Because stopping short guys with tans and  slicked back hair at the intersection is a way to "reclaim the border"

Give me a break. 

lemme ask you something b, you ever **** a chick in da ***? cuz its da same strategy.

when obama was first voted into office, his approval ratings was thru da roof, da republicans were soul searching, basically wide open for him to do whatever he wanted

similar to a skankybroad on a molly u just bagged at your local club that just seen you hop out of something wit a V12 engine in front wit sissor doors.

now while da chick isn't gonna put much of a fight, at da end of da day you aint just gonna boguard da bunz, you gonna at least be cosher with it.

you ease da chick into that with something light first, same way you ease da GOP with something light (immigration reform) get da chick purked up and lubed out.

THEN when you create some kind of history, THEN and ONLY then you come thru wit da long stiff pipe (obamacare)

da GOP like a skeeeza from da block that fronts like she never sucked some **** before but meanwhile you look at her rep and she's got camera phone pics and videos

all over da web (defending medicare which is universal healthcare for da old) (medicaid, universal healthcare for da poor)

when you try to RAM da skankyness from da jump, and da garden tool catches a attitude, good luck every trying to let da broad let you in da back door.

^^^ What the **** did I just read


Son... OMG...

And did Ninja really just say "cosher"?
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See, this is why I **** with NT...I came in here expecting serious political commentary and insight, and got that and giggles as a bonus.
Unless there is a quick fix to this looming fiscal cliff, the housing market is going to crash again. If you notice, a lot of homes are probably going up for sale in your neighborhood right now. People want OUT before everything falls apart.

Personally, I'm hoping for some 11th hour resolution to solve this problem.

I'm catching up on this thread but where and what are you basing this off of?
I'm catching up on this thread but where and what are you basing this off of?

I don't know where he got that from either. Inventory for homes here in Southern CA is pretty much dead. I have been putting down offers on homes for investments all over the place, and can't compete with these investors paying cash. Just today on LA Times, there is an article about how the housing industry has recovered faster than anticipated.


I look at my 401k and investment portfolios and all are looking gravy too. IMO, economy wise, it looks like we are recovering... slowly but surely.
Romney eating at Wendy's

LOL those binders look like they wanted to curse him out but had to hold back. And I guarantee they fancied up the place and only let in certain people for his "shoot". I've never seen a Wendys this nice or this empty.
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can't compete with these investors paying cash.

That's where the market is currently...so many new cash buyers entering the market every month. And the worse condition the house, the more they want to buy it.

And this isn't just CA, it's every state.
can't compete with these investors paying cash.

That's where the market is currently...so many new cash buyers entering the market every month. And the worse condition the house, the more they want to buy it.

And this isn't just CA, it's every state.

True. I think the idea they're getting at is that the market is pretty much propped up by the government right now through government programs, tax incentives etc. I'm really not sure what to make of it all, but it's a shame that lenders are reporting record profits again and we could very well see another housing disaster shortly.
True. I think the idea they're getting at is that the market is pretty much propped up by the government right now through government programs, tax incentives etc. I'm really not sure what to make of it all, but it's a shame that lenders are reporting record profits again and we could very well see another housing disaster shortly.

Hard money lenders are salivating right now...people want to break into the market, but don't have all the cash assets to make offers on these properties so who do they turn to? Yup, the lenders...for better or worse. Also, now's an amazing time to buy for first time home owners. HUD properties require a fraction of a down payment. I'd imagine this time around that the screening process is a bit more stringent and more qualified home-buyers are actually being placed in properties. Time will tell.
What's with these stupid people that are saying that Obama did not address the equal pay for women issue? The first thing that came out of his mouth was that he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.

I think it was the woman that asked the question that said after the debate that both Romney and Obama didn't answer her question.
What's with these stupid people that are saying that Obama did not address the equal pay for women issue? The first thing that came out of his mouth was that he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.

I think it was the woman that asked the question that said after the debate that both Romney and Obama didn't answer her question.
Grand opening. Grand closing. 
What's with these stupid people that are saying that Obama did not address the equal pay for women issue? The first thing that came out of his mouth was that he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.
I think it was the woman that asked the question that said after the debate that both Romney and Obama didn't answer her question.

Word, there's a lot of questions both of them tried to dodge, but he definitely answered that one. I don't know what more people want.
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- Immigrant rights groups called Thursday for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to stop airing a Spanish-language television ad that debuted Wednesday, calling its claims that he worked with Democrats on immigration reform as Massachusetts' governor and would do the same as president, misleading.

"Romney's ad is a fraud," Frank Sharry, executive director of pro-immigration reform group America's Voice, said in an email. "The only permanent solution we know Romney will advocate is 'self-deportation,' which is code for a purge of millions of hardworking Latino immigrant families."

Romney vetoed Massachusetts' version of the Dream Act, which would have given in-state tuition to some young undocumented immigrants, Sharry pointed out.

His current views on immigration are also out of line with those of many Democrats. He said he would veto the national Dream Act, which would allow undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children to work toward citizenship, and only allow them legal residence. He also opposes "amnesty" -- giving a path to citizenship to undocumented immigrants already in the United States and usually a central tenet of comprehensive reform.

Romney has softened his tone on immigration since the Republican primary, when he advocated "self-deportation," or making life difficult for undocumented immigrants until they leave, as a solution to immigration problems. He said during the presidential debate Tuesday that his statement meant only that undocumented immigrants should have the choice to leave if they wished.

Many of Romney's Spanish-language ads point out -- correctly -- that Obama failed to enact comprehensive immigration reform as he promised during his 2008 campaign, and that Romney would do better. Romney has said he would begin work on immigration reform before Inauguration Day.

Erika Andiola, an undocumented immigrant and political director of Dream Action Coalition, said Latino voters won't be convinced by Romney's recent statements.

After running on an anti-immigrant platform all year, he is now trying to mislead the Latino community without details on a real solutions," she said in an email. "Self-deportation, e-verify, SB-1070, and a military pathway only to residency are not the solutions Dreamers and the Latino community are looking for."
I'm catching up on this thread but where and what are you basing this off of?

I don't know where he got that from either. Inventory for homes here in Southern CA is pretty much dead. I have been putting down offers on homes for investments all over the place, and can't compete with these investors paying cash. Just today on LA Times, there is an article about how the housing industry has recovered faster than anticipated.


I look at my 401k and investment portfolios and all are looking gravy too. IMO, economy wise, it looks like we are recovering... slowly but surely.

can't compete with these investors paying cash.

That's where the market is currently...so many new cash buyers entering the market every month. And the worse condition the house, the more they want to buy it.

And this isn't just CA, it's every state.

can't compete with these investors paying cash.

That's where the market is currently...so many new cash buyers entering the market every month. And the worse condition the house, the more they want to buy it.

And this isn't just CA, it's every state.

True. I think the idea they're getting at is that the market is pretty much propped up by the government right now through government programs, tax incentives etc. I'm really not sure what to make of it all, but it's a shame that lenders are reporting record profits again and we could very well see another housing disaster shortly.

General response regarding real estate:

I've been in the business for 8 years. While the market is not what it was and whether it will continue for an extended period of time remains to be seen, it has most definitely stabilized and is at a level where we can seemingly restart.

Every market is different, from state to state, county, city/town, even neighborhoods. My market (essentially 3 counties) is actually strong right now. Naturally the market slows into the winter due to kids & school, the holidays and at least here, the winter and snow. We also see a change in the market around presidential elections and even though we were seeing really good signs of a recovery in the housing market even last year and a ton of activity in the spring, I was very cautiously optimistic 6 months ago because of the election. Buyers tend to take the wait and see approach now but activity has been incredible.

We've seen increases in sales and prices (though slight) every quarter dating back to last year and inventory here is the lowest it's been since 2008. The market had been saturated, thankfully we hadn't been hit by foreclosures as badly as most areas but short sales remain an issue...the buyers are still buying, rates are low and it's a positive that the mortgage qualification process has become much stricter. The market was artificially inflated and prices needed to be corrected, it's been difficult for a lot of people who bought at the peak or believed their property to have a certain value and saw that equity as money in the bank, which ~20-25% is now gone. In areas with median prices around $500k, that's a lot of money. The only unfortunate part of my market is that property taxes are the highest in the country and are not in line with market values. These homes are now very "affordable" for a lot of people here but when you figure in at least $1k/month in taxes alone for single-family homes, it's tough.

In terms of government incentives, what exactly are you talking about? In terms of programs, FHA loans?

The other posters are right. There's a steady amount of investors that see distressed properties as a huge opportunity now. Even if it's not a matter of immediately flipping them, they're creating their own small business and either renting to those that either have been affected by the economy (lower wages, short sales & foreclosures or even divorce, other financial hardships, etc) and cannot qualify for a mortgage now or just are not in a position to buy. For these investors, renting these properties allows them to make money on a monthly/yearly basis until they feel the time is right to sell. And there's even just your typical buyer who sees the opportunity to own for less than or slightly more than renting a comparable property.

I could post a ton on the topic and there's no doubt certain areas are not seeing positives in the housing market but as a whole, there are at least signs of legitimate stability now if not improvement.
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