***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Then why are you even here?

Do you really think your opinion would matter then?

Think about that for a moment.

If you're not voting, are you working to introduce a system you would be happy to vote in, or are you just sitting on your rear and armchair QBing?

Interesting username and political stance. I'll leave it at that. Bro

Anyways, you spelled "Libya" wrong. 

On top of that, do you only pay attention to how the candidates look, or what they say? 
I posted in here because it shouldnt matter if i vote or not...I am human, and have an opinion based on what i have watched, and certain things i know about politics.

and i dont know why your laughing.... there's no such thing as ONE reality in politics... everyone has their own political reality, based on beliefs and perception.... hope you can understand that, or would you like to continue to judge someone you know NOTHING about with slick comments and smileys...

sorry i spelled something incorrectly...kill me for it...

And on top of that, i pay attention to how each candidate handles themselves, and how their stances reflect their individual records...Are you telling me Obama's record is great? And when it comes down to it, what is said means just about nothing with him... He has proven that. 

With that said, its obvious who you are voting for... another biased liberal who tries to take down people who have opposing views or even the slightest difference of opinion, while bashing conservatives for doing the same exact thing.... Now THAT is hilarious...

I hope i answered your questions
Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.." :lol:

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Then why are you even here?

Do you really think your opinion would matter then?

Think about that for a moment.

If you're not voting, are you working to introduce a system you would be happy to vote in, or are you just sitting on your rear and armchair QBing?

Interesting username and political stance. I'll leave it at that. Bro

Anyways, you spelled "Libya" wrong. 

On top of that, do you only pay attention to how the candidates look, or what they say? 
I posted in here because it shouldnt matter if i vote or not...I am human, and have an opinion based on what i have watched, and certain things i know about politics.
Yeah, but your opinion doesnt matter if you're not neither voting NOR pushing a candidate you do like (third parties do exist) NOR pushing for a system you would enjoy participating in.

You're being lazy and thinking that your inaction is doing anyone, any benefit. 

You're chasing your tail. 
and i dont know why your laughing.... there's no such thing as ONE reality in politics... everyone has their own political reality, based on beliefs and perception.... hope you can understand that, or would you like to continue to judge someone you know NOTHING about with slick comments and smileys...
I don't discount your opinion. I discount your behavior.

Vote for Romney or Jill Stein for all I care. It doesn't bother me. Push for election reform if you want.

But you're not doing anything. You're acting like you're doing anything to corroborate your thoughts on the election...that you're not even participating in.

Do you do homework for classes you're not taking?

Don't complain about a system you're not trying to change.
sorry i spelled something incorrectly...kill me for it...

And on top of that, i pay attention to how each candidate handles themselves, and how their stances reflect their individual records...Are you telling me Obama's record is great? And when it comes down to it, what is said means just about nothing with him... He has proven that. 
I think one candidate lies more than another candidate. That matters more to me than "aggression."
With that said, its obvious who you are voting for... another biased liberal who tries to take down people who have opposing views or even the slightest difference of opinion, while bashing conservatives for doing the same exact thing.... Now THAT is hilarious...

I hope i answered your questions
Show me anywhere in this thread or another where I said who I'd be voting for.

I've made a distinct effort NOT to express that. 

I WILL tell you who i'm NOT voting for though.
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Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.."
Damn. Ben Stein used to tick me off with some of his comments especially on science education and religion...but hey a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Can't run from facts all your life. 

They were HEART broken. 
 Dudes had NOTHING to say. 
Yeah, but your opinion doesnt matter if you're not neither voting NOR pushing a candidate you do like (third parties do exist) NOR pushing for a system you would enjoy participating in.

You're being lazy and thinking that your inaction is doing anyone, any benefit. 

You're chasing your tail. 

I don't discount your opinion. I discount your behavior.

Vote for Romney or Jill Stein for all I care. It doesn't bother me. Push for election reform if you want.

But you're not doing anything. You're acting like you're doing anything to corroborate your thoughts on the election...that you're not even participating in.

Do you do homework for classes you're not taking?

Don't complain about a system you're not trying to change.

I think one candidate lies more than another candidate. That matters more to me than "aggression."

Show me anywhere in this thread or another where I said who I'd be voting for.

I've made a distinct effort NOT to express that. 

I WILL tell you who i'm NOT voting for though.
Ok... great... since i wont vote THIS TIME, i shouldnt watch anything related to the campaign nor should i comment on what i have seen...

Terrible comparison with homework and a presidential campaign by the way... just not even close at all...watching and giving an opinion is not a homework assignment, its being interested in politics.  I just dont like one candidate that much more than the other to give them my support....and lazy? once again, you couldn't be more off...not voting does not equate to laziness lol, youre funny.  That's actually the first time i have ever heard someone relate the two...hmm...

And when it comes to "trying to make a change" - I live in California, so it doesnt matter if i put the pope on my ballot, Obama has the state on lock...as does EVERY democrat president.

This post is nearly 60 pages, would you like to go through the whole thing and tell everyone else who isnt voting, but still responding, that they shouldn't even pay attention?  It's important to know what is going on around us.
Yeah, but your opinion doesnt matter if you're not neither voting NOR pushing a candidate you do like (third parties do exist) NOR pushing for a system you would enjoy participating in.

You're being lazy and thinking that your inaction is doing anyone, any benefit. 

You're chasing your tail. 

I don't discount your opinion. I discount your behavior.

Vote for Romney or Jill Stein for all I care. It doesn't bother me. Push for election reform if you want.

But you're not doing anything. You're acting like you're doing anything to corroborate your thoughts on the election...that you're not even participating in.

Do you do homework for classes you're not taking?

Don't complain about a system you're not trying to change.

I think one candidate lies more than another candidate. That matters more to me than "aggression."

Show me anywhere in this thread or another where I said who I'd be voting for.

I've made a distinct effort NOT to express that. 

I WILL tell you who i'm NOT voting for though.
Ok... great... since i wont vote THIS TIME, i shouldnt watch anything related to the campaign nor should i comment on what i have seen...

Terrible comparison with homework and a presidential campaign by the way... just not even close at all...watching and giving an opinion is not a homework assignment, its being interested in politics.  I just dont like one candidate that much more than the other to give them my support....and lazy? once again, you couldn't be more off...not voting does not equate to laziness lol, youre funny.  That's actually the first time i have ever heard someone relate the two...hmm..
So what are you doing? 

Are you saying there are NO candidates you like?

And why aren't you pushing for a voting system you would prefer if thats where your beef is?

Your opinion doesn't manifest in any change, any effect, or have any impact what-so-ever.

You like to think you're "enlightened" because you're refraining from voting, yet you're not even trying to promote a paradigm that you would be more comfortable with. 

You're doing literally nothing and your thoughts matter EVEN LESS since you're doing nothing. 
And when it comes to "trying to make a change" - I live in California, so it doesnt matter if i put the pope on my ballot, Obama has the state on lock...as does EVERY democrat president.
Actually, California is a democratic state because some people votes that way.

Do you not wonder where the republican representatives and mayors come from on a local level? Do those just pop into existence? Are they spontaneous events to be studied by physicists? 

No. They're voters acting en masse. 

The margins are already slim. Don't give them a reason to doubt where you stand, wherever that is. 

There are massive efforts being done to prevent people from voting which would even affect local ballots and referendums...so are you saying that you don't care about those either? 
This post is nearly 60 pages, would you like to go through the whole thing and tell everyone else who isnt voting, but still responding, that they shouldn't even pay attention?  It's important to know what is going on around us.
I've already said my piece on that, but since you're new to the thread and you also share this role of "voter apathy superiority" I chose to respond to you. 

I find it funny that you think its important to know whats going on, but you don't care enough to actually do anything. 
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Future MD,

I dont even know where to start with most of the crap you're saying...

You make a lot of assumptions that are baseless...

Nowhere did i say or indicate that i was "so enlightened," nor am i not voting as a form of superiority LOL wtf are you even talking about?

I post one thought, and you attempt to basically make an example of me, since i am not gonna vote.

If you're making such a difference in America, why are you worried about people like me who are so insignificant?

And it's important to know what's going on, because we live here, and need to know what we are looking at as far as the direction the country is going in... I need to know what Obama is going to try to do, and i need to know what Romney is going to try to do, so that im not clueless to what becomes of our socieity when one is elected.  Should i ignore everything and not know whats going on with jobs, taxes, and our protection?
Fox News in 2008: Presidents can't control gas prices...unless its Obama. 

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Future MD,

I dont even know where to start with most of the crap you're saying...

You make a lot of assumptions that are baseless...

Nowhere did i say or indicate that i was "so enlightened," nor am i not voting as a form of superiority LOL wtf are you even talking about?

I post one thought, and you attempt to basically make an example of me, since i am not gonna vote.

If you're making such a difference in America, why are you worried about people like me who are so insignificant?

And it's important to know what's going on, because we live here, and need to know what we are looking at as far as the direction the country is going in... I need to know what Obama is going to try to do, and i need to know what Romney is going to try to do, so that im not clueless to what becomes of our socieity when one is elected.  Should i ignore everything and not know whats going on with jobs, taxes, and our protection?
Why do you care so much if you're not going to do anything to fix anything?
I care because i want to be prepared..

and Who the hell are you?

You think you're gonna change anything in this election? you're not

You sound like those kids who walk around junior college classes to talk to them about how important it is to vote, and that you HAVE to vote... I always wanted to tell them to shut up
Im new so some posts arent going through, so if this gets repeated in anyway, its cause they are blocking half my messages

Essential 1... not funny at all... especially since no one was trying to be a "bad ***"
I care because i want to be prepared..

and Who the hell are you?

You think you're gonna change anything in this election? you're not

You sound like those kids who walk around junior college classes to talk to them about how important it is to vote, and that you HAVE to vote... I always wanted to tell them to shut up
Let me ask you a few things:

1. Do you care whats on your local ballots? Tax policy? Code referendums? When you skip this election, you're missing the chance to vote for things that matter in your own district.

2. What are YOU doing to change things? Even if you say that voting doesn't matter, and it very well may not, what are YOU doing to change the matter? The very notion that entire states are trying to limit voting access means that it matters to SOMEONE to prevent me from voting, so I'm at least not going to give them a reason to forget me.

3. What purpose will all this knowledge serve if you're not doing anything to push things the way you want to go? Do you think junior politicians rise up out of nowhere? You think city councilmen and judges just get shuttled in for thousands of tiny districts? Do you really think that these crazy politicians that reject science in congress came from nowhere? People VOTED for them to get to that level. 

Even if they have to physically erase my vote and hit a different key, i'm going to vote so that i'll take away that extra annoying second of their lunch break in doing so. I'm not going to roll over and not let my thoughts on things as a member of my community go unheard.

On top of that, I DO support voting reform of various measures. I think the existing paradigm isn't working and there are many changes that need to be made. We should adopt either the Mixed-Member vote or the Alternative Vote.
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Thats great man, really.... im proud of you for standing up for what you believe in, and making sure your pencil led is being heard... keep up the good work.
Thats great man, really.... im proud of you for standing up for what you believe in, and making sure your pencil led is being heard... keep up the good work.
TL;DR: I'm too lazy to do anything about the system. I'll just complain instead. 

Enjoy playing that SPLOST tax in your area without your consent. 
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TL;DR: I'm too lazy to do anything about the system. I'll just complain instead. 

Enjoy playing that SPLOST tax in your area without your consent. 
LOL, for real man, i disliked you at first, but now you are quite the character in my eyes...

I admire your passion, but youre out of control judging me based on an election i never said i cared so much about. i just had a 4-5 sentence opinion that you turned in to two different posts of us disagreeing... you are talented at spinning what others say...

i will argue this last point though, whatever that SPLOST tax is, if it gets passed, my consent doesnt matter at all.  If it doesnt get passed, my consent still dont matter 'cause it wont come down to my sole vote. 

I enjoy following debates and certain areas of politics, but the way i see my life going, none of this **** is really gonna effect me...only the jobs and income taxes areas, which Obama is inferior to Romney in those areas. 

I bet that pisses you off doesnt it? Romney superior to Obama in anything? well, its true... hes a business genius, and Obama is a sales genius...he should be a salesman instead of a president.

Youre sig is so funny to me right now, by the way... i wotn even get in to that though.... it's great knowing your stance, presidentially, and reading that....true comedy. I love you man continue the good fight for those of us who walk to a different beat, or however that saying goes
No sir, i have had other accounts on here, none lasted long either cause of bans, or cause i just didnt care to post...known about NT since 2000, back when this site was the greatest thing on the internet....def. not anymore...but it works good enough...

I know how people work on here, attack those who are different.  but i like it, its funny, and i look more reasonable in the end........most of the time at least :lol:
TL;DR: I'm too lazy to do anything about the system. I'll just complain instead. 

Enjoy playing that SPLOST tax in your area without your consent. 
LOL, for real man, i disliked you at first, but now you are quite the character in my eyes...

I admire your passion, but youre out of control judging me based on an election i never said i cared so much about. i just had a 4-5 sentence opinion that you turned in to two different posts of us disagreeing... you are talented at spinning what others say...

i will argue this last point though, whatever that SPLOST tax is, if it gets passed, my consent doesnt matter at all.  If it doesnt get passed, my consent still dont matter 'cause it wont come down to my sole vote. 

I enjoy following debates and certain areas of politics, but the way i see my life going, none of this **** is really gonna effect me...only the jobs and income taxes areas, which Obama is inferior to Romney in those areas. 

I bet that pisses you off doesnt it? Romney superior to Obama in anything? well, its true... hes a business genius, and Obama is a sales genius...he should be a salesman instead of a president.

Youre sig is so funny to me right now, by the way... i wotn even get in to that though.... it's great knowing your stance, presidentially, and reading that....true comedy. I love you man continue the good fight for those of us who walk to a different beat, or however that saying goes
Why do you keep saying stuff like this? I live in a city that JUST gained the right to sell liquor on Sundays and some parts of the city lost the vote by something like 30 votes...and that was a midterm local election earlier this year.

That stuff MATTERS son. 

Those votes come from somewhere. 

Oh...and your boy Romney isn't superior in basic math. You can't cut spending and cut taxes. Ask him what he did in Massachusetts. You seem to think that he's "better" in that area, don't you? 
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Why do you keep saying stuff like this? I live in a city that JUST gained the right to sell liquor on Sundays and some parts of the city lost the vote by something like 30 votes...and that was a midterm local election earlier this year.

That stuff MATTERS son. 

Those votes come from somewhere. 

Oh...and your boy Romney isn't superior in basic math. You can't cut spending and cut taxes. Ask him what he did in Massachusetts. You seem to think that he's "better" in that area, don't you? 
At this point, ill say just about anything and you will take it with seriousness unknown to the common man...


Romney is a big time businessman who has created jobs = FACT

He knows government doesnt create jobs, business/corps do = FACT

He would probably still be a bad president = FACT

Obama thinks $250,000 a year income is considered "wealthy" = FACT, but extremely false

Obama thinks government creates jobs = FACT, but extremely false, and socialist, though im not sayin he is a socialist, he has socialist tendencies

Ok, now back to the fun... what time you camping out to vote? for real? 2 days? 3 days? i heard the ballots are limited, and they doing raffles....even the pencils are limited
Why do you keep saying stuff like this? I live in a city that JUST gained the right to sell liquor on Sundays and some parts of the city lost the vote by something like 30 votes...and that was a midterm local election earlier this year.

That stuff MATTERS son. 

Those votes come from somewhere. 

Oh...and your boy Romney isn't superior in basic math. You can't cut spending and cut taxes. Ask him what he did in Massachusetts. You seem to think that he's "better" in that area, don't you? 
At this point, ill say just about anything and you will take it with seriousness unknown to the common man...


Romney is a big time businessman who has created jobs = FACT

He knows government doesnt create jobs, business/corps do = FACT

He would probably still be a bad president = FACT

Obama thinks $250,000 a year income is considered "wealthy" = FACT, but extremely false

Obama thinks government creates jobs = FACT, but extremely false, and socialist, though im not sayin he is a socialist, he has socialist tendencies

Ok, now back to the fun... what time you camping out to vote? for real? 2 days? 3 days? i heard the ballots are limited, and they doing raffles....even the pencils are limited
What jobs did Romney create?
Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.." :lol:

Damn. Ben Stein used to tick me off with some of his comments especially on science education and religion...but hey a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Can't run from facts all your life. 

They were HEART broken. :rofl:  Dudes had NOTHING to say. 
Yeah he's not someone I really ever agree with ideologically, but I just like him from watching Ferris Bueller as a kid and the seemingly random nature of his tv/movie cameos.
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What jobs did Romney create?
He created businesses, which lead to jobs...
He also had a low unemployment rate in Mass. Half of the current national average
Created jobs in China you mean with rampant outsourcing. 47th in job creation out of 50 states, funny how you continue to ignore that. This is the same dude who wanted to let the auto industry die, and will do the same to any other industry to avoid pumping any government funds into it, regardless of how many people it employs.
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