***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Did he really say this or is this your usual spin? I watched 30 minutes of it and then turned it off. I heard no talk of religion.

He said he was going to repeal the Johnson Amendment which was put in place to prevent tax-exempt organizations, in this case churches, from making political endorsements
Did he really say this or is this your usual spin? I watched 30 minutes of it and then turned it off. I heard no talk of religion.

He said he was going to repeal the Johnson Amendment which was put in place to prevent tax-exempt organizations, in this case churches, from making political endorsements
As a staunch atheist, I am firmly against that. But he was obviously throwing red meat to the Evangelical wing of the GOP to consolidate support from the Cruz fanatics. No need to worry about that "promise".
So David Duke announced he's running for a Louisiana senate seat. The GOP has disavowed him, saying that they don't support his message of racism.

Pretty sure he won't be the last of the KKK to trying to get elected somewhere. Win or lose, Trump's candidacy and message has awakened old demons and legitimized ideas we thought were buried in the past.
I will say that many Evangelical Christian churches are already diving into politics. I remember during the Bush years my pastor would tell people to vote their conscience and when Bush got reelected the pastoral team got up at church one day and said "we won, praise God we win". [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]. They weren't too happy when Obama won though, they acted like someone died.
The debates require the candidates to delve into the details of their proposals

Trump is ******* doomed
I used to think this but I'm not so sure anymore. The way he bashed her foreign policy failures last night was well done. He'll be able to absolutely murder her on that topic. Dude went so far as to say we have to stop trying to nation build 
 (although his dumb *** followed it up with rebuild our military 

I find it wild that so many of his policies are aligned directly with what the left has been saying. The right only needed to hear his racism and xenophobia to fall in love. They couldn't care less about policy. 
Reading some of these DNC emails, you forget that Bernie was actually a candidate of the Democratic Party.
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If there's one major positive about our political system it's that we're mostly secular and those who are religious don't let it get in the way of civil rights. Thankfully we don't have to deal with a bunch of biblethumpers trying to push anti-gay laws, abortion and euthanasia restrictions, ...
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If there's one major positive about our political system it's that we're mostly secular and those who are religious don't let it get in the way of civil rights. Thankfully we don't have to deal with a bunch of biblethumpers trying to push anti-gay laws, abortion and euthanasia restrictions, ...
Lol right. Like who the F did Drumpf think he was talking to last night? 
Reading some of these DNC emails, you forget that Bernie was actually a candidate of the Democratic Party.

Word :lol:,yet they caused such a fuss about anonymous "Bernie Bros" online :rolleyes

Among some of the underhanded tactics revealed in those emails,Dem clowns actually wanted to attack him on his religion :lol:. Right of the GOP playbook :smh:
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This dude just promised to tear down the firewall between church and state

Holy ****!! :x

Did he really say this or is this your usual spin? I watched 30 minutes of it and then turned it off. I heard no talk of religion.
The speech was over an hr.

Gotta be dumb to come in here talking about the part of the speech I watched had nothing about religion :lol: :smh:
What does Obama have to do with Germany?
What does Germany have to do with America?

I mean at least reference some shooting here. Donalds entire speech was about how things are at their worst here not the whole world :lol:
Reading some of these DNC emails, you forget that Bernie was actually a candidate of the Democratic Party.
Well, he WAS an Independent running as a Democrat. I remember last Winter, some people in here were trying to say it wasn't rigged.
Like REALLY?! It was so obvious from the debate schedule, then they tried to pull access to voter information for some minor infraction. If he actually had a level playing field, I think he would have stood a lot better chance. For the LONGEST time, they were trying to plant the message that Hillary had already won due to her Super Delegates when primaries had barely taken place yet.

da day after Trump RNC convention speech is arguably better than da stellar one he delivered on Thursday.
I will say that many Evangelical Christian churches are already diving into politics. I remember during the Bush years my pastor would tell people to vote their conscience and when Bush got reelected the pastoral team got up at church one day and said "we won, praise God we win". [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]. They weren't too happy when Obama won though, they acted like someone died.

My mom left a church last year because the preacher started bashing Obama during his sermons. :smh: :lol:
Some progressives will probably be pissed and throw out the "DINO" red herrings like crazy

But he is a center left liberal, with a good reputation, speaks fluent Spanish, and a decent debater from what I hear.

He is vanilla, but kinda a french vanilla. As more time went on, the more looked like the right choice.

Picking Lizzybae Warren would have meant losing a Senate seat.
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As a staunch atheist, I am firmly against that. But he was obviously throwing red meat to the Evangelical wing of the GOP to consolidate support from the Cruz fanatics. No need to worry about that "promise".

First off, I love how Trump supporters still us the "don't take that crazy thing he said seriously" excuse

I assume you're going to give me and apology for claiming I spun what happen. So Whenever you ready brah :D
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