***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What jobs did Romney create?
He created businesses, which lead to jobs...
He also had a low unemployment rate in Mass. Half of the current national average
Created jobs in China you mean with rampant outsourcing. 47th in job creation out of 50 states, funny how you continue to ignore that. This is the same dude who wanted to let the auto industry die, and will do the same to any other industry to avoid pumping any government funds into it, regardless of how many people it employs.
Thanks for doing that. I didn't want to have to restate that.

Dudes are really just out here rewriting history. 
Created jobs in China you mean with rampant outsourcing. 47th in job creation out of 50 states, funny how you continue to ignore that. This is the same dude who wanted to let the auto industry die, and will do the same to any other industry to avoid pumping any government funds into it, regardless of how many people it employs.
LOL, and you know whats funny about that...he was talking so much about fighting against China's cheating ways, when he has done so much business with them...I love his arrogance... like seriously, he just doesnt give a ****...that smirk on his face and slow walk is classic.  They call him a liar to his face and he just smirks like "so what..." It doesnt even effect him.  When people call Obama a liar he absolutely hates it, and all his cool, relaxed aura goes down the toilet.  They both are full of ****... We got Jimmy Carter on one side, and... well the first Mitt Romney on the other...true comedy
LOL, and you know whats funny about that...he was talking so much about fighting against China's cheating ways, when he has done so much business with them...I love his arrogance... like seriously, he just doesnt give a ****...that smirk on his face and slow walk is classic. They call him a liar to his face and he just smirks like "so what..." It doesnt even effect him. When people call Obama a liar he absolutely hates it, and all his cool, relaxed aura goes down the toilet. They both are full of ****... We got Jimmy Carter on one side, and... well the first Mitt Romney on the other...true comedy
He created businesses, which lead to jobs...

He also had a low unemployment rate in Mass. Half of the current national average
This can't be serious. There are 6.5 million people in Massachusetts. There are 314.5 million people in the United States. OF COURSE the unemployment rate is going to be significantly lower in a sample size 2.0% the size of the nation. That's simple statistics. I'm in awe right now, you can do better than that fam.
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This can't be serious. There are 6.5 million people in Massachusetts. There are 314.5 million people in the United States. OF COURSE the unemployment rate is going to be significantly lower in a sample size 2.0% the size of the nation. That's simple statistics. I'm in awe right now, you can do better than that fam.
Shhhhhhhhh man, he dont understant that
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“As a nation we must continue the investments that revolutionized agriculture, invented the Internet, gave us modern medicine, and enabled a strong national defense. Abandoning this tradition would be a devastating step backwards,” the 68 Nobel laureates conclude.

All of those things were built/based off of strong conservative beliefs in an economy free of government intervention...And strong national defense is much more important to conservatives than liberals... so this explanation of their endorsement of Obama isnt making sense...

then i read this....

"But the evidence shows that the public’s investments in science and technology pay off. If we’re serious about creating jobs and growing the economy for the long term, then Gov. Romney and his allies in Congress have it backward: It’s not that we can’t afford to increase our investments in science. It’s that we can’t afford not to."

So i havent heard much about each candidates stance on science and technology, but this doesnt necessarily mean Romney wants to put a stop to investments in technology such as medicine, agriculture, and national protection.  Those are necessitys...  I would think if he has said we cant afford to increase investments in science, he is referring to "pet projects" that won't do anything to enhance the lives of Americans.  Also, we dont need to invest anymore in to the internet, or technology such as smart phones for example, because they are already beyond what they should be, and have caused enough negative effects on society.  Of course im speculating based on common sense, but maybe im wrong....although when it comes to topics like medicine, agriculture, and national defense, there's no way a republican candidate would be referring to those needs... id hope neither side would

But scientists are known to believe more in evolution than a God anyway...so they are expected to lean liberal, and spin things in favor of that direction.
10/19/12 at 8:37am

  • 4,806 Posts. Joined 8/2005
  • Reputation: 94

He created businesses, which lead to jobs...

He also had a low unemployment rate in Mass. Half of the current national average
This can't be serious. There are 6.5 million people in Massachusetts. There are 314.5 million people in the United States. OF COURSE the unemployment rate is going to be significantly lower in a sample size 2.0% the size of the nation. That's simple statistics. I'm in awe right now, you can do better than that fam.


"Yeah, and then they make you drive them to church the next morning. Like gas ain't free" - Dwight Schrute

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post #1729 of 1731

10/19/12 at 8:55am

  • 119 Posts. Joined 10/2012
  • Reputation: 18

This can't be serious. There are 6.5 million people in Massachusetts. There are 314.5 million people in the United States. OF COURSE the unemployment rate is going to be significantly lower in a sample size 2.0% the size of the nation. That's simple statistics. I'm in awe right now, you can do better than that fam.
Shhhhhhhhh man, he dont understant that
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Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.." :lol:

Damn. Ben Stein used to tick me off with some of his comments especially on science education and religion...but hey a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Can't run from facts all your life. 

They were HEART broken. :rofl:  Dudes had NOTHING to say. 

Any idiot knows taxes is too low & it didnt help that we put 2 wars on da ol uncle sam

Credit card...

Im a independent, voted for obama for 08' & he's been garbage. What pains me instead of

His supporters not willing to put his feet on da fire for da wack job he's done thus far ya just wanna

Just apologize for him...

A-Rod had a batting average of .111 or so in da postseason..you know who's KILLING im da most? NY YANKEES fans.

We as a country DEMAND a better job.

Silly putty, in this WHOLE THREAD you havent once said ONE THING obama been doing sucky in...

What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought

Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh
Any idiot knows taxes is too low & it didnt help that we put 2 wars on da ol uncle sam
Credit card...
Im a independent, voted for obama for 08' & he's been garbage. What pains me instead of
His supporters not willing to put his feet on da fire for da wack job he's done thus far ya just wanna
Just apologize for him...
A-Rod had a batting average of .111 or so in da postseason..you know who's KILLING im da most? NY YANKEES fans.
We as a country DEMAND a better job.
Silly putty, in this WHOLE THREAD you havent once said ONE THING obama been doing sucky in...
What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought
Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh
With all these people in here claiming to be so intelligent... THIS is the man who ends up dropping the highest level of knowledge ive read in here...a fellow independent is also nice to see for once

Obama knew what he was getting himself in to...he doesnt deserve any excuses or forgiveness...
Any idiot knows taxes is too low & it didnt help that we put 2 wars on da ol uncle sam
Credit card...
Im a independent, voted for obama for 08' & he's been garbage. What pains me instead of
His supporters not willing to put his feet on da fire for da wack job he's done thus far ya just wanna
Just apologize for him...
A-Rod had a batting average of .111 or so in da postseason..you know who's KILLING im da most? NY YANKEES fans.
We as a country DEMAND a better job.
Silly putty, in this WHOLE THREAD you havent once said ONE THING obama been doing sucky in...
What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought
Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh
With all these people in here claiming to be so intelligent... THIS is the man who ends up dropping the highest level of knowledge ive read in here...a fellow independent is also nice to see for once

Obama knew what he was getting himself in to...he doesnt deserve any excuses or forgiveness...
Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.."

Damn. Ben Stein used to tick me off with some of his comments especially on science education and religion...but hey a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Can't run from facts all your life. 

They were HEART broken. 
 Dudes had NOTHING to say. 
Any idiot knows taxes is too low & it didnt help that we put 2 wars on da ol uncle sam

Credit card...

Im a independent, voted for obama for 08' & he's been garbage. What pains me instead of

His supporters not willing to put his feet on da fire for da wack job he's done thus far ya just wanna

Just apologize for him...

A-Rod had a batting average of .111 or so in da postseason..you know who's KILLING im da most? NY YANKEES fans.

We as a country DEMAND a better job.

Silly putty, in this WHOLE THREAD you havent once said ONE THING obama been doing sucky in...

What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought

Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh
A. Obama did "better" in the first debate because he didn't have to lie his way through aggressive tactics to make his claim. If Mitt Romney's smile means more to you, just say so.

B. I'm not impressed with aspects of Obama's foreign policy, but you weren't listening to that either. I think Obamacare didn't go far enough. He gave too much amnesty to financial criminals. There are host of things Obama has failed on. 

HOWEVER what you don't realize is that you're blaming Obama for things HE DOES NOT HAVE CONTROL OF. 

You can't keep throwing up BS arguments and hoping they'll stick. You have to at least make an argument that actually puts the appropriate accountability firmly in Obama's court.

If anything, Obama has showed me how little control any president has over most things and that impatient voters will just toss everything on him anyways.

Don't forget, Fox News in 2008 was touting this "the president doesn't control gas prices" glib...now 4 years later here you come blaming Obama for gas prices.

You don't get it and you won't continue to in so much as you keep making arguments that have NO basis to it. 
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This can't be serious. There are 6.5 million people in Massachusetts. There are 314.5 million people in the United States. OF COURSE the unemployment rate is going to be significantly lower in a sample size 2.0% the size of the nation. That's simple statistics. I'm in awe right now, you can do better than that fam.
Shhhhhhhhh man, he dont understant that
So what the hell are you talking about?

Is that a plus? 

On top of that MASS has a significantly more robust tax base to play with than the rest of the country. 
Not sure if this was posted.. but my man Ben Stein (a REPUBLICAN) layeth the smacketh down on Fox News about Romney's tax plan:

"I hate to say this on Fox, but uhh.."

Damn. Ben Stein used to tick me off with some of his comments especially on science education and religion...but hey a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Can't run from facts all your life. 

They were HEART broken. 
 Dudes had NOTHING to say. 
Any idiot knows taxes is too low & it didnt help that we put 2 wars on da ol uncle sam

Credit card...

Im a independent, voted for obama for 08' & he's been garbage. What pains me instead of

His supporters not willing to put his feet on da fire for da wack job he's done thus far ya just wanna

Just apologize for him...

A-Rod had a batting average of .111 or so in da postseason..you know who's KILLING im da most? NY YANKEES fans.

We as a country DEMAND a better job.

Silly putty, in this WHOLE THREAD you havent once said ONE THING obama been doing sucky in...

What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought

Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh
This is news to me ninjahood, one that you even voted in the last presidential election and two that you voted for Obama.  There may be hope for you yet champ, we just need you to stop being a house ***** to get you back on track. 

There are a couple of things I'm disappointed with Obeezy about,

but if these people that truly believe he was TERRIBLE, are misplacing their anger.

The 112th Congress deserves your ire.

Its is THEY who've stalled the recovery.

Don't you let these media outlets dupe you.

Julius F. Wrek
Obama went hard after weed dispensaries. Don't think that had anything to do with congress. He failed bad on the drug war in general
What are you, a left wing spin master at a DNC think tank cubicle? You were da ONLY person here that thought
Obama did a good job in da 1st debate...smh

There is a huge difference between a stylistic win and a win on substance. While the President didn't bring his 'A' game, just spewing nonsense louder doesn't mean your debate was of higher quality. If Romney wasn't frothing, do you think people would say he had more to say?
Obama went hard after weed dispensaries. Don't think that had anything to do with congress. He failed bad on the drug war in general
Completely agreed here.

BUT, I should note that I think that big one in Oakland was breaking a bunch of rules. Apparently they were coaching people how to grow the stuff as well. 

There are a couple of things I'm disappointed with Obeezy about,

but if these people that truly believe he was TERRIBLE, are misplacing their anger.

The 112th Congress deserves your ire.

Its is THEY who've stalled the recovery.

Don't you let these media outlets dupe you.

Julius F. Wrek

Da congress was a product of voters COSIGNING tea party rhetoric that tsunamied

House Democrats 2010.

Silly putty still apologizing for Obama's first debate when Obama himself cosigned he did a wack

Job with his fund raising poltical jokes last night. U need to concede to that or else imma never take you

Seriously other then a left wing version of pig love.

Obama's foreign policy is actually his strong suite other then lying about da video hiccup that you KNOW he's gonna get grilled on

Next debate since its gonna be primarily based on foreign policy

But i still dont see REAL criticism from silly putty in regards to da obama administration. Son campaigned for da highest

Office in da land and da buck stops with him, no if's and's or butts..da fact that hilliary had to claim responsibility for that embassy gate was wack.

Like i said i aint a partisan, i COMMEND obama on things like expanding medicaid to da entire country in a similar fashion that NY state already enjoys

I COMMEND obama on his defending 99 weeks of unemployment insurance for da working folks who lost their jobs due to da collateral damage from da

Economy, but its easy for me cuz i aint tethered to a ideology. If u wanna impress people in here poltically then i CHALLENGE silly putty on jumping on

Da GOP's shoes for a min and find da PROS of a possible Mitt Romney administration. After all Republicans are only about 1/2 da country afterall.
Obama went hard after weed dispensaries. Don't think that had anything to do with congress. He failed bad on the drug war in general
Obama better start heading back to his 08 promises of letting states decide what to do with Mary Jane. He also better reform our outdated drug policies or I'll consider his tenure a failure.
Da congress was a product of voters COSIGNING tea party rhetoric that tsunamied
House Democrats 2010.
Silly putty still apologizing for Obama's first debate when Obama himself cosigned he did a wack
Job with his fund raising poltical jokes last night. U need to concede to that or else imma never take you
Seriously other then a left wing version of pig love.
Obama's foreign policy is actually his strong suite other then lying about da video hiccup that you KNOW he's gonna get grilled on
Next debate since its gonna be primarily based on foreign policy
But i still dont see REAL criticism from silly putty in regards to da obama administration. Son campaigned for da highest
Office in da land and da buck stops with him, no if's and's or butts..da fact that hilliary had to claim responsibility for that embassy gate was wack.
Like i said i aint a partisan, i COMMEND obama on things like expanding medicaid to da entire country in a similar fashion that NY state already enjoys
I COMMEND obama on his defending 99 weeks of unemployment insurance for da working folks who lost their jobs due to da collateral damage from da
Economy, but its easy for me cuz i aint tethered to a ideology. If u wanna impress people in here poltically then i CHALLENGE silly putty on jumping on
Da GOP's shoes for a min and find da PROS of a possible Mitt Romney administration. After all Republicans are only about 1/2 da country afterall.
Tea party culture wrote their own death warrant in the end, dems are def retaining power in the senate, and might take back the house as well. the real criticism with Obama is the drug war, and I feel he is bipartisan to a fault. Ala jimmy carter.
Am I the only one genuinely interested in what effect Obama can have when not worrying about being re-elected, or another "4 more years", or making the attempt to be bipartisan?
Am I the only one genuinely interested in what effect Obama can have when not worrying about being re-elected, or another "4 more years", or making the attempt to be bipartisan?

I think it's piqued all of our interest. Odrama 2012 :smokin
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