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Tribune Endorsement: Too Many Mitts

Obama has earned another term

Published: October 19, 2012 12:13PM
Updated: October 19, 2012 03:36PM


President Barack Obama speaks about the choice facing women in the upcoming election, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, at a campaign event at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Nowhere has Mitt Romney’s pursuit of the presidency been more warmly welcomed or closely followed than here in Utah. The Republican nominee’s political and religious pedigrees, his adeptly bipartisan governorship of a Democratic state, and his head for business and the bottom line all inspire admiration and hope in our largely Mormon, Republican, business-friendly state.

But it was Romney’s singular role in rescuing Utah’s organization of the 2002 Olympics from a cesspool of scandal, and his oversight of the most successful Winter Games on record, that make him the Beehive State’s favorite adopted son. After all, Romney managed to save the state from ignominy, turning the extravaganza into a showcase for the matchless landscapes, volunteerism and efficiency that told the world what is best and most beautiful about Utah and its people.

In short, this is the Mitt Romney we knew, or thought we knew, as one of us.

Sadly, it is not the only Romney, as his campaign for the White House has made abundantly clear, first in his servile courtship of the tea party in order to win the nomination, and now as the party’s shape-shifting nominee. From his embrace of the party’s radical right wing, to subsequent portrayals of himself as a moderate champion of the middle class, Romney has raised the most frequently asked question of the campaign: “Who is this guy, really, and what in the world does he truly believe?”

The evidence suggests no clear answer, or at least one that would survive Romney’s next speech or sound bite. Politicians routinely tailor their words to suit an audience. Romney, though, is shameless, lavishing vastly diverse audiences with words, any words, they would trade their votes to hear.

More troubling, Romney has repeatedly refused to share specifics of his radical plan to simultaneously reduce the debt, get rid of Obamacare (or, as he now says, only part of it), make a voucher program of Medicare, slash taxes and spending, and thereby create millions of new jobs. To claim, as Romney does, that he would offset his tax and spending cuts (except for billions more for the military) by doing away with tax deductions and exemptions, is utterly meaningless without identifying which and how many would get the ax. Absent those specifics, his promise of a balanced budget simply does not pencil out.

If this portrait of a Romney willing to say anything to get elected seems harsh, we need only revisit his branding of 47 percent of Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, yet feel victimized and entitled to government assistance. His job, he told a group of wealthy donors, “is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Where, we ask, is the pragmatic, inclusive Romney, the Massachusetts governor who left the state with a model health care plan in place, the Romney who led Utah to Olympic glory? That Romney skedaddled and is nowhere to be found.

And what of the president Romney would replace? For four years, President Barack Obama has attempted, with varying degrees of success, to pull the nation out of its worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression, a deepening crisis he inherited the day he took office.

In the first months of his presidency, Obama acted decisively to stimulate the economy. His leadership was essential to passage of the badly needed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Though Republicans criticize the stimulus for failing to create jobs, it clearly helped stop the hemorrhaging of public sector jobs. The Utah Legislature used hundreds of millions in stimulus funds to plug holes in the state’s budget.

The president also acted wisely to bail out the auto industry, which has since come roaring back. Romney, in so many words, said the carmakers should sink if they can’t swim.

Obama’s most noteworthy achievement, passage of his signature Affordable Care Act, also proved, in its timing, his greatest blunder. The set of comprehensive health insurance reforms aimed at extending health care coverage to all Americans was signed 14 months into his term after a ferocious fight in Congress that sapped the new president’s political capital and destroyed any chance for bipartisan cooperation on the shredded economy.

Obama’s foreign policy record is perhaps his strongest suit, especially compared to Romney’s bellicose posture toward Russia and China and his inflammatory rhetoric regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Obama’s measured reliance on tough economic embargoes to bring Iran to heel, and his equally measured disengagement from the war in Afghanistan, are examples of a nuanced approach to international affairs. The glaring exception, still unfolding, was the administration’s failure to protect the lives of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans, and to quickly come clean about it.

In considering which candidate to endorse, The Salt Lake Tribune editorial board had hoped that Romney would exhibit the same talents for organization, pragmatic problem-solving and inspired leadership that he displayed here more than a decade ago. Instead, we have watched him morph into a friend of the far right, then tack toward the center with breathtaking aplomb. Through a pair of presidential debates, Romney’s domestic agenda remains bereft of detail and worthy of mistrust.

Therefore, our endorsement must go to the incumbent, a competent leader who, against tough odds, has guided the country through catastrophe and set a course that, while rocky, is pointing toward a brighter day. The president has earned a second term. Romney, in whatever guise, does not deserve a first.

[emoji]169[/emoji] 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune
Am I the only one genuinely interested in what effect Obama can have when not worrying about being re-elected, or another "4 more years", or making the attempt to be bipartisan?
I just want that angry black man.


I know its there.

This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 
^We know he's got it in him. But he does a damn good job suppressing it....that 2nd and final term might allow for it. I know I'm banking on it with my vote :lol:
I just want that angry black man.


I know its there.

This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 

Come on man, Obama isn't that type. His mother and grand-parents in the middle of Hawaii didn't toughen him up enough.

That's always been his problem. You're not going to get the "Angry Obama", it's just not him.

How would a community organizer make you tough? :lol:
I just want that angry black man.


I know its there.

This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 
Come on man, Obama isn't that type. His mother and grand-parents in the middle of Hawaii didn't toughen him up enough.

That's always been his problem. You're not going to get the "Angry Obama", it's just not him.

How would a community organizer make you tough?
Thing is, you're not going to be a popular black politician in black city, especially as a young(er) man, without having a bit of an edge to you. 

I think people really think Obama doesn't have it in him. Ya'll forgot who this dude was before 2008? 

He had to have a HELL of a lot of charisma to get to where he was. Ya'll overlook this when it comes to all politicians. Even Romney is a rather attractive guy personality wise. I can't lie about that. Hell, most politicians are engaging dudes. When they open their mouths its a different story but theres a reason they are where they are. 

Speaking purely off the cuff, based the fact that the dude is mixed and I know how most mixed dudes are, I KNOW Obama has gotten live on dudes before. 
Im still waiting on da pros of a possible romney presidency silly putty/prime

Cuz u sounding like MSnbc on a molly right now.
Am I the only one genuinely interested in what effect Obama can have when not worrying about being re-elected, or another "4 more years", or making the attempt to be bipartisan?

Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.
I just want that angry black man.


I know its there.

This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 

Come on man, Obama isn't that type. His mother and grand-parents in the middle of Hawaii didn't toughen him up enough.
That's always been his problem. You're not going to get the "Angry Obama", it's just not him.
How would a community organizer make you tough? :lol:

Thing is, you're not going to be a popular black politician in black city, especially as a young(er) man, without having a bit of an edge to you. 
I think people really think Obama doesn't have it in him. Ya'll forgot who this dude was before 2008? 
He had to have a HELL of a lot of charisma to get to where he was. Ya'll overlook this when it comes to all politicians. Even Romney is a rather attractive guy personality wise. I can't lie about that. Hell, most politicians are engaging dudes. When they open their mouths its a different story but theres a reason they are where they are. 
Speaking purely off the cuff, based the fact that the dude is mixed and I know how most mixed dudes are, I KNOW Obama has gotten live on dudes before. :rofl:

First time I've heard that , on here and real life :lol:

There are a couple of things I'm disappointed with Obeezy about,

but if these people that truly believe he was TERRIBLE, are misplacing their anger.

The 112th Congress deserves your ire.

Its is THEY who've stalled the recovery.

Don't you let these media outlets dupe you.

Julius F. Wrek
Da congress was a product of voters COSIGNING tea party rhetoric that tsunamied

House Democrats 2010.

Silly putty still apologizing for Obama's first debate when Obama himself cosigned he did a wack

Job with his fund raising poltical jokes last night. U need to concede to that or else imma never take you

Seriously other then a left wing version of pig love.

Obama's foreign policy is actually his strong suite other then lying about da video hiccup that you KNOW he's gonna get grilled on

Next debate since its gonna be primarily based on foreign policy

But i still dont see REAL criticism from silly putty in regards to da obama administration. Son campaigned for da highest

Office in da land and da buck stops with him, no if's and's or butts..da fact that hilliary had to claim responsibility for that embassy gate was wack.

Like i said i aint a partisan, i COMMEND obama on things like expanding medicaid to da entire country in a similar fashion that NY state already enjoys

I COMMEND obama on his defending 99 weeks of unemployment insurance for da working folks who lost their jobs due to da collateral damage from da

Economy, but its easy for me cuz i aint tethered to a ideology. If u wanna impress people in here poltically then i CHALLENGE silly putty on jumping on

Da GOP's shoes for a min and find da PROS of a possible Mitt Romney administration. After all Republicans are only about 1/2 da country afterall.
I don't know what Romney's positives are because... He hasn't taken a stance on anything. 

The guy ACTUALLY said he was going to be to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy on several issues, including gay marriage in the 90s. I just don't know how to take that. 

He's basically what Obama is before he...isn't.

I don't know where he stands on anything.

I think he takes the debt things seriously. Apparently Mormons do NOT like debt and it affects their entire religious view on the world and is the reason why they support each other financially. 

Romney's business experience might be appreciated...but he has to realize that government isn't a business. Its an organization and I don't think he has as successful of a governing history to really show that he knows what hes doing more than Obama does. Plus, Romney wasn't your average businessman. He was a consultant. Lets stop labeling all forms of business as the same thing because they're not and you know it. Dude's entire get-down was to pump and dump. Thats what management consultants do for the most part. They fill a void of a very niche environment. 

The only thing I trust romney to do right is make government a little more efficient...but I can't risk his take on civil liberties and civil rights more than what Obama has already done since it seems like its inevitable that the military industrial complex will continue to impose on us in ways that no politician can resist. Smedley Butler and Eisenhower were right. 

The debt is a real problem...but you're not telling me you're taking that seriously when you're against energy efficiency, against actual reform of the biggest areas of the budget, or against 



Thats a  MAJOR way to increase the crime rate if you ask me. 

I assume you missed Romney's stance on immigration too.

Dude thinks Russia is the biggest threat to current American sovereignty. WUT?! 

I mean even when Romney manages to sound remotely competent on the numbers, he STILL is against raising taxes...which is something that you KNOW can't work.

What do you want me to say?

I'm REALLY disappointed with Obama on many areas, but dammit man. I don't know what i'm supposed to identify with in Romney.

Like I said, I can respect fiscal conservatism...but social conservatism? Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Here. 
I just want that angry black man.


I know its there.

This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 
Come on man, Obama isn't that type. His mother and grand-parents in the middle of Hawaii didn't toughen him up enough.
That's always been his problem. You're not going to get the "Angry Obama", it's just not him.
How would a community organizer make you tough?
Thing is, you're not going to be a popular black politician in black city, especially as a young(er) man, without having a bit of an edge to you. 
I think people really think Obama doesn't have it in him. Ya'll forgot who this dude was before 2008? 
He had to have a HELL of a lot of charisma to get to where he was. Ya'll overlook this when it comes to all politicians. Even Romney is a rather attractive guy personality wise. I can't lie about that. Hell, most politicians are engaging dudes. When they open their mouths its a different story but theres a reason they are where they are. 
Speaking purely off the cuff, based the fact that the dude is mixed and I know how most mixed dudes are, I KNOW Obama has gotten live on dudes before. 
First time I've heard that , on here and real life
I picked up on it during the second debate.

I mean if Romney wanted to go into business together, i'd be right there with him. Hes a smooth *** talker. He could sell you ice cream in hell. 

But as a politician, I don't think he's fit for the job. 

I completely respect his business accumen, but that is not enough when it comes to actually being a representative and statesman. 
Thing is, you're not going to be a popular black politician in black city, especially as a young(er) man, without having a bit of an edge to you. 

I think people really think Obama doesn't have it in him. Ya'll forgot who this dude was before 2008? 

He had to have a HELL of a lot of charisma to get to where he was. Ya'll overlook this when it comes to all politicians. Even Romney is a rather attractive guy personality wise. I can't lie about that. Hell, most politicians are engaging dudes. When they open their mouths its a different story but theres a reason they are where they are. 

Speaking purely off the cuff, based the fact that the dude is mixed and I know how most mixed dudes are, I KNOW Obama has gotten live on dudes before. :rofl:

Oh no, I'm not arguing the fact that he has charisma. He's always been very charismatic, appealing, and at most cheeky. I remember very well who he was before 2008.

However I'm speaking on the terms of being edgy, gritty, and tough.

I'm just saying the dude is nearly 50 years old, it's never really been a part of his personality. It's not something you learn either, either you had it growing up or not.
A Pennsylvania man employed by a company working for the Republican Party of Virginia was arrested by investigators from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s office on Thursday and charged with destroying voter registration forms.

Colin Small, a 31-year-old resident of Phoenixville, Pa., worked for Pinpoint, a company hired to register voters on behalf of the Republican Party of Virginia. Prosecutors charged him with four counts of destruction of voter registration applications, eight counts of failing to disclose voter registration applications and one count of obstruction of justice.
Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.

Truth, but I felt on multiple occasions that Republicans opposed the President's plans/policies simply to do it. Playing politics more so than actually helping the people they represent. I'm hoping a 2nd term would mean a lot less of that. Because what I've seen so far isn't too left or too right, it's the Republicans doing their damnest to make sure NOTHING passes. How many republicans opposed obamacare?
Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.
Truth, but I felt on multiple occasions that Republicans opposed the President's plans/policies simply to do it. Playing politics more so than actually helping the people they represent. I'm hoping a 2nd term would mean a lot less of that. Because what I've seen so far isn't too left or too right, it's the Republicans doing their damnest to make sure NOTHING passes. How many republicans opposed obamacare?
I COMPLETELY agree with both of what you two said.

But even Ninjahood has to acknowledge how much railroading has been done over the past 4 years. 

We can't just overlook that 
Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.

Obama is nowhere near too left... He's barely left if anything...

And much of Europe's problems stem from being so intertwined with our economy...

Umm obama is far left of Clinton.

And europe is going thru it because they owe WILD bread to entitlement programs.

Da only people who are good is Germany & da UK cuz da brits aint in da euro zone.

Obama if anything is a handcuffed left wing because Congress has kept him in check.
Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.

Truth, but I felt on multiple occasions that Republicans opposed the President's plans/policies simply to do it. Playing politics more so than actually helping the people they represent. I'm hoping a 2nd term would mean a lot less of that. Because what I've seen so far isn't too left or too right, it's the Republicans doing their damnest to make sure NOTHING passes. How many republicans opposed obamacare?

Nationalization of a private business is something they loathe...

I was for obamacare until they killed da public option. Guess expanded

Medicaid is a decent consolation prize.
Too left is just as dangerous as too right, Europe has shown us that.
Truth, but I felt on multiple occasions that Republicans opposed the President's plans/policies simply to do it. Playing politics more so than actually helping the people they represent. I'm hoping a 2nd term would mean a lot less of that. Because what I've seen so far isn't too left or too right, it's the Republicans doing their damnest to make sure NOTHING passes. How many republicans opposed obamacare?
Nationalization of a private business is something they loathe...

I was for obamacare until they killed da public option. Guess expanded

Medicaid is a decent consolation prize.
Bruh...We wouldn't have ANY Obamacare if they didn't kill the public option. Thats what we ALL wanted.

The GOP wasn't having it. 

He needed to pass SOMETHING.

Thats the point here. 

You can't just start over. SOME progress had to be made. 
And the truth is that the platform for health care is flawed. Businesses providing health care was originally a need for companies to gain a larger work force. Now, it's no longer needed, but Obamacare has paved the way to reform in general. Obviously it's not perfect...it never was, because again, the platform our health care system resides on is flawed. And in terms of progress being made...this is progress. Tangible progress.
I picked up on it during the second debate.

I mean if Romney wanted to go into business together, i'd be right there with him. Hes a smooth *** talker. He could sell you ice cream in hell. 

can't tell if you're serious with this. don't know if I would trust a stiff, stuttering salesman. when that kid asked him about getting a job out of college he spent 1:50 detailing all the stats about kids not getting jobs and finally said "I'll get you a job". the kid doesn't care why he can't get a job,he just wants a job. a good bull shi**er doesn't explain your problem he explains how to fix it, sells you that dream of how it's going to happen and may or may not deliver
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