***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I understand that, my point is that you can pick apart the record of literally any DA or AG across the country if you look hard enough (although some have worse records than others obviously).

I'm asking a general question to the BLM crowd: in your view, is there a single district attorney or attorney general doing a good job in this country where is every single one of them awful and unqualified to run for president? Would you vote for any AG or former DA?

Most of the DAs i have met are scumbags.
They all want to be judges and could care less who they have to incarcerate as long as they get their conviction points.
I could roll with an AG but I can only think of one DA I would vote for... the DA from SF. He is on the right path.
Why is hard for Bernie folks to admit some of his past stances on criminal justice were not good? And why isn’t he held to the same standard for past stances that all of the other candidates are?

Did the barbershop sit down with Killer Mike erase all of that?
Why is hard for Bernie folks to admit some of his past stances on criminal justice were not good? And why isn’t he held to the same standard for past stances that all of the other candidates are?

Did the barbershop sit down with Killer Mike erase all of that?

Bernie, Biden, Trump, they're all the same. They're all equally bad. It doesn't matter who you vote for. If everyone accepts this indisputable fact, then things will work out fine in November.
Bernie, Biden, Trump, they're all the same. They're all equally bad. It doesn't matter who you vote for. If everyone accepts this indisputable fact, then things will work out fine in November.

they are not all equal. Stop with some incoherent ********.If you don’t have anything of value to add to the discussion then don’t add anything at all.
-I was referring to the fact she actually has been an advocate for criminal justice reform in her time in the Senate. Her criminal justice plan has a ton of great forward thinking ideas and she discussed them even before the whole thing about he record came to light. Maybe it was a poor choice of words but Kamala Harris still tries to slick defend her record, but she at least seemed committed to policy changes.

-Sure, it was a big part of Amy's career so of course it would get scrutiny.

-in 2016 Hillary rightfully had to answer questions about a super predator comments, and BLM ran up on her too. However, she was the only major candidate on the Dem side that made criminal justice reform a major issue for her campaign. Every candidate had dirt on him, Clinton seemingly was the only one that tried to get ahead of things. Sanders and O'Malley seemed to sit on their hands regarding the issue at the beginning of the campaign. Hillary was the least **** out of the bunch by the looks of it.

-Bernie Sanders expressed some racist bull**** in regards to crime in the black community up until his run started in 2015. Even after announcing he ignored the issue of criminal justice reform for months and months. BLM ran up on his *** twice. Hell while Biden was pushing **** in the Senate to undo some of the damage, Sanders ignored the problems in his own state. We can debate about who is worst, because some are clearly worse than others, (Bloomberg and Biden being the worst offenders) but Sanders record is trash. No one takes him to task for it, especially not his supporters in media.

Bernie full throated embrace of criminal justice reforms seems to be somewhat born out of the same political expediency we see from other candidates. Hillary cooked his *** over his gun control votes, now he is supposedly the NRA's worst nightmare on the left. But just like Harris, to his credit he has improved greatly in these areas.
I can dig it.

I would just say that Bernie has articulated the most consistently progressive view on criminal justice of any major politician that I'm aware of, and he's been doing it for over thirty years. That view is that the criminal justice system is used to deal with inequality, and is a terrible and unjust way to deal with an issue that we should be responding to by actually addressing the inequality itself directly via massive public investment in communities, ensuring the right to living wage employment, etc. Technocratic fixes around procedural justice and such are important and can help, but until we recognize the fundamental reality of the situation and deal with it accordingly, our progress will be quite limited at best.

Now, Bernie has said and done some things that contradict that position over the years, and those things are problematic and he can and should be rightfully called to task for them. But his perspective is exactly correct, IMO, and I think he is relatively unique in that regard.
-The same characters you listed. Biden, Bloomberg, Harris, Amy, Sanders, etc. You touch it you own it.

-Bernie supporters in the media. The fact people actually just accept and defend Bernie's BS defense of his Crime Bill vote is ridiculous to me.

-I am not even saying people are not redeemable for their past mistakes because the Tough on Crime views was rampant in this country, including the black community. But I hate when people want to selectively take folk to task. Harris was the only person to really checking Biden, yet Biden skates by for his trash record, and Harris get squeezed out the paint? C'mon ****ing on.
I was a little confused given how the left was invoked to seem to talk about two different groups here. But this makes sense, and I agree with you for sure.
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