***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Smart move dropping out before taking an L in her home state :lol:

Doubt her endorsement's gonna move the needle much though. Pretty clear that a lot of Dems are trying to consolidate around Joe before tomorrow to try to stop Prime and Bloomberg. Gonna be interesting to see if it has any effect or backfires tomorrow...

Also interested in seeing what Liz does since she's the only one without much traction left standing as the others drop out
Got to hand it to the centrist and moderates for negotiating a play like this to beat Bernie...and a day before super tuesday no less.

I think Biden will definitely benefit from Buttigieg and Klobuchar voters. I know some polls have shown some Buttigieg Voters choosing Sanders now but I dont think it is significant. I hope I am wrong.
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He was polling in the single digits there recently so not sure how much the needle will move in 24 hours but who knows
It was a toss up between her and Bernie on who would win the state. That's a lot of votes. I would think Biden would get a good chunk of those votes.
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