***Official Political Discussion Thread***

At this point, the only people voting for Liz are people that would only vote for her regardless of the conditions. With the numbers she's doing I doubt she has any more voters who'd cross over to Neon.

Moderategang forming

Got to hand it to the centrist and moderates for negotiating a play like this to beat Bernie...and a day before super tuesday no less.

I think Biden will definitely benefit from Buttigieg and Klobuchar voters. I know some polls have shown some Buttigieg Voters choosing Sanders now but I dont think it is significant. I hope I am wrong.
Democratic Party definitely wanna get Bernie out the paint for real . In doing so, the party gonna lose a whole generation of voters
Maybe, but not I have not yet seen polling that shows that her voters would behave in this manner. So I find it hard to believe.
That pretty leaves two scenarios there, either she has die hards and nobody's interested enough to poll them or some people for some reason still think she's viable at this point. I'm not even sure those scenarios are distinct enough to begin with :lol:
After weeks of calling her a snake and not a real progressive, it is hilarious to hear some of my Bernie supporting homies being desperate for Warren to drop out because "why can't she think of the progressive movement instead of herself". :lol: :lol:

come on now player
Are these Bernie supporting homies of yours in the deep and anonymous political forum corners of the internet?
I have yet to hear any Bernie supporters on this forum or in person say Warren is a snake.
She has been called a republican and petty for the “you called me a liar” charade but thats about it.
Most of us have her as a second choice.
Snake is a bit much
Elizabeth Warren better drop out now or she's gunna be permanently dis
invited from any future progressive cook outs.

she'll be despised forever. :lol:

Kosh Bosh please, she is despised now. Warren doesn't owe Bernie ****, certainly not folding a day before ST.
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honestly if Bernie doesn't get it i'm still with whoever the dems choose but yeah, warren would be my second choice too.

i'm just not rocking with the establishment unless I absolutely have to. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a Bernie bro tho.
Bloomberg needs to hurry up and get out the paint now.
He'll likely get out the paint after Super Tuesday. I recall a recent episode of the Skullduggery Podcast where Bloomberg's campaign manager said Super Tuesday would be make or break for the campaign. I don't see him outperforming Biden.
come on now player
Are these Bernie supporting homies of yours in the deep and anonymous political forum corners of the internet?
I have yet to hear any Bernie supporters on this forum or in person say Warren is a snake.
She has been called a republican and petty for the “you called me a liar” charade but thats about it.
Most of us have her as a second choice.
Snake is a bit much
No I have tons of Bernie supporting friends in my family, my colleagues from college, by coworkers from teaching, my former students, people I volunteer with, etc.

You know, my real life. If I wanted to call out someone specifically in here I would.

Just because you don't like a criticism I make, don't pretend to know about what motivates said criticism.

But to push back on your point, you should check Red Rose Twitter more Hell even after the debate after her and Bernie's dust up, her Twitter was spammed with snake emojis.
she's been called a Republican but she's our second choice.... :lol:

As an insult.
Fact: She was a republican when she was young.
Fact: She is a progressive now.
Fact: She is the closest politically to Bernie

i love how all Bernie supporters are treated as a monolith but the centrists get to have plurarity and various opinions.
A Biden super delegate supporter called Bernie Hitler as did Chris Matthews yet Biden supporters dont get encapsulated into that opinion.
Bernie supporters on Rusty’s twitter feed call Warren a snake and therefore all Bernie supporters must now think she is a snake.

Kosh Bosh please, she is despised now. Warren doesn't owe Bernie ****, certainly not folding a day before ST.
nah if she bowed out now, people would flip and be nice so fast. especially now that Biden is back from alleged death.

She doesn't owe Bernie anything, the question is what does she owe her own personal politics.

either you help advance the progressive movement or you hurt it.

That's the choice, ignoring that is just pride.
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