***Official Political Discussion Thread***

pretty disgusting how the media has completely ignored the involvement of the Trump family in the kkk. Donald's inability to strongly disavow the party is to be interpreted as an endorsement. his refusal even to try is proof that his heart lies where his father's did on issues of race and immigration. shame. shame. shame. shame.


can't wait till we tar and feather that disgusting old man in November.


What about Hillary Clinton and former Kkk member David duke ?

She praises him!! She called him inspirational. Why don't you talk about Hillary and the Kkk? Why just trump? What about Hillary calling blacks super predators?

Oh that's right it Dosnt fit your narrative..

Come on man atleast be fair and balanced before attacking a canadite.. I don't support either of them. But if your gonna bring up trump and the Kkk. And how he didn't disavow David duke. Why not show Hillary who loves David duke , praises him and called him her mentor..

the bigger point is about how trump throws around unsubstantiated rumors like they're gospel all the time. if we're going to play that game, then there's lots to be said about Trump. where there's smoke there's fire.

and putting aside his father's connection to the kkk and putting aside the fact that many white supremacists are vocal supporters of Trump... if we just look at the words coming out of his mouth, we all know exactly where he stands on race issues. let's not play dumb.

edit: that's like the 5th time that picture has been posted.
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Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?
How come no one ever blames companies for moving jobs or layoffs? It's always the governments fault or robots fault or taxes or etc. How, Sway?
Because it's the government's job to protect the people. As we have seen repeatedly, companies will screw the common man for the sake of maximizing profit.
How come no one ever blames companies for moving jobs or layoffs? It's always the governments fault or robots fault or taxes or etc. How, Sway?

Because it's the government's job to protect the people. As we have seen repeatedly, companies will screw the common man for the sake of maximizing profit.

I can accept that. But it begs two more questions: isn't less government intervention desired by businesses and/or conservatives? And yes companies screwing the common man for profit is the standard and we all know it; why don't we (the public) give these companies more crap for it? Are we just consumer zombie slaves? (Actually I know this answer: yes :\ )
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But I thought capitalism and the free market was all about companies doing what's best for them and making money the best way they know how?

make no mistake about it, plenty of free market folks lamenting da rise on Donald Trump.

remember, putting American interest first sometimes isnt in da interest of Multi-national conglomerates...

this is why being a rigid ideologue over a patriot is shooting urself in da foot.

This dude ninjahood ninjahood sounds like he's desperately begging for a butter biscuit when it comes to him thinking that Trump will brings manufacturing jobs back to America. Insisting on his "white daddy" to come save him. New age Gary Coleman from Different Strokes. Have some self-respect champ.
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Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?

With supply-side economics accomplishes to two things. First it is a huge benefit to corporations and the rich. The official motto of supply side economics should be a rising tide lifts all yachts

Since tax breaks aren't free, and tax rates are already relatively low, these tax cuts will only expand our deficit.

Then the bait and switch begins, the public are told that since we are running deficits we must cut spending. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts, or cutting military spending, welfare programs will be put on the cutting board. Food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, etc. Or a pesky regulator agency, like the EPA or Department of Labor (another sneak way of lowering regulations without having to pass a bill)

So the rich get richer, corporations get less regulated, the government gets less revenue that it otherwise would have has, so in return that leads to less services for the poor and middle class
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Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?

With supply-side economics accomplishes to two things. First it is a huge benefit to corporations and the rich. The official motto of supply side economics should be a rising tide lifts all yachts

Since tax breaks aren't free, and tax rates are already relatively low, these tax cuts will only expand our deficit.

Then the bait and switch begins, the public are told that since we are running deficits we must cut spending. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts, or cutting military spending, welfare programs will be put on the cutting board. Food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, etc. Or a pesky regulator agency, like the EPA or Department of Labor (another sneak way of lowering regulations without having to pass a bill)

So the rich get richer, the government gets less revenue that it otherwise would have has, so in return that leads to less services for the poor and middle class

Thanks for that, I get it (actually I feel dumb that I didn't see the correlation to trickle down economics)
But I thought capitalism and the free market was all about companies doing what's best for them and making money the best way they know how?

make no mistake about it, plenty of free market folks lamenting da rise on Donald Trump.

remember, putting American interest first sometimes isnt in da interest of Multi-national conglomerates...

this is why being a rigid ideologue over a patriot is shooting urself in da foot.

This dude ninjahood ninjahood sounds like he's desperately begging for a butter biscuit when it comes to him thinking that Trump will brings manufacturing jobs back to America. Insisting on his "white daddy" to come save him. New age Gary Coleman from Different Strokes. Have some self-respect champ.

aint no whites around my way b, u gonna have to play that angle wit someone else :lol:
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yup. if anyone else attacked the family of a dead soldier, they'd be done.

i don't understand how someone who never takes the moral high ground, who never shows civility or good judgment, who is so obviously a sociopath, can maintain support from a significant fraction of the population.

20 years from now, this will not be forgotten.
Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?

With supply-side economics accomplishes to two things. First it is a huge benefit to corporations and the rich. The official motto of supply side economics should be a rising tide lifts all yachts

Since tax breaks aren't free, and tax rates are already relatively low, these tax cuts will only expand our deficit.

Then the bait and switch begins, the public are told that since we are running deficits we must cut spending. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts, or cutting military spending, welfare programs will be put on the cutting board. Food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, etc. Or a pesky regulator agency, like the EPA or Department of Labor (another sneak way of lowering regulations without having to pass a bill)

So the rich get richer, corporations get less regulated, the government gets less revenue that it otherwise would have has, so in return that leads to less services for the poor and middle class

This further translates to crumbling infrastructure, rising crime, less well-paying job opportunities, less access to higher education and eventually mass emigration and its corollary, brain drain (something that Americans should be extremely wary of, as it eats at the core of Development and Progress)

That's like an instruction manual on how to turn a prosperous country into a developing one in a couple of generations.
These jobs are never coming back. Both of them need to stop lying about it. Globalization and automation won't stop with better trade deals.
yup. if anyone else attacked the family of a dead soldier, they'd be done.

i don't understand how someone who never takes the moral high ground, who never shows civility or good judgment, who is so obviously a sociopath, can maintain support from a significant fraction of the population.

20 years from now, this will not be forgotten.

The same population that claims to be so christian and loves the military.

It's really funny when you think about all the BS Obama has gotten flack for in the last 8 years but donald gets a pass on everything.

Trump said McCain is no war hero but he is the one who is a draft dodger.

Trump lied about giving money to veterans.

Any other candidate would've lost all support.

But Obama saluted while holding a cup of coffee >: :wow: :stoneface: :smh: :x

They lost their minds over it.

Might have been the most ridiculous thing I've heard a President criticized about
That's like an instruction manual on how to turn a prosperous country into a developing one in a couple of generations.
or how to bankrupt the country, something trump has experienced.

AEA18, i used to think racism was almost dead (or at least limping), but the way people talk about Obama has convinced me otherwise. maybe a generation from now, when kids today who will see how much better of a president Obama was compared to the ones before and after him, we'll see an improvement.
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the bigger point is about how trump throws around unsubstantiated rumors like they're gospel all the time. if we're going to play that game, then there's lots to be said about Trump. where there's smoke there's fire.

and putting aside his father's connection to the kkk and putting aside the fact that many white supremacists are vocal supporters of Trump... if we just look at the words coming out of his mouth, we all know exactly where he stands on race issues. let's not play dumb.

edit: that's like the 5th time that picture has been posted.

The Kkk actually endorses Hillary Clinton.. lol

the bigger point is about how trump throws around unsubstantiated rumors like they're gospel all the time. if we're going to play that game, then there's lots to be said about Trump. where there's smoke there's fire.

and putting aside his father's connection to the kkk and putting aside the fact that many white supremacists are vocal supporters of Trump... if we just look at the words coming out of his mouth, we all know exactly where he stands on race issues. let's not play dumb.

edit: that's like the 5th time that picture has been posted.

The Kkk actually endorses Hillary Clinton.. lol


But did you actually READ the article? He's endorsing her because of her "hidden agenda" that he knows about due to "sources" he cannot reveal?

You're trying way too hard, clown.
But did you actually READ the article? He's endorsing her because of her "hidden agenda" that he knows about due to "sources" he cannot reveal?

You're trying way too hard, clown.

Stil endorses her , clown

So you can say trump has white supremacist supporters but you can't say that Hillary does too? She literally has the Kkk fundraising her money'.

But yeah I'm just a clown
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Because it's different?

Supremacists support Trump for things he has said.

This guy supports Clinton because

We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show. Border policies are going to be put in place. Our second amendment rights that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.

Why is he not support Trump?

He was unwilling to disclose how he learned of Mrs Clinton’s “hidden agenda”.

“I cannot reveal my sources,” he said. “It’s my opinion — if you know what I mean, wink, wink. I don’t want her to come back and say I’m slandering her.”

Mr Quigg warmly endorsed the Republican candidate’s plan to ban Muslims from the US and to expel 11 million illegal immigrants ... Asked why he was not therefore supporting Mr Trump, Mr Quigg replied: “We don’t like his hair. We think it’s a toupee. He won’t do what he says he will do. He says he’s going to build a 20-foot high fence along with border with Mexico and make them pay. How’s he going to do that?”
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Dude might be a real life Manchurian candidate :rofl:

@CBCAlerts: Donald Trump is suggesting US accept Russia's annexation of Crimea to better relations with Moscow & stronger co-operation in fighting ISIS.
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