***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump is already sounding DEFEATED or trying to paint himself as a victim of Hillary’s 'establishment' campaigning.

"I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest,"

This guy has that personality of giving up and I can easily see that happening once those poll numbers slip to the double digit leads.

If Trump quits his campaign.. what happens?
selective outrage again?

where was this during...

Last week?
Let me guess you just read the Fox News article?


Published August 01, 2016
  actually i seen both conventions live, and i seen one of ya comment on it wit a 

face, but since no one else made a fluff outta it i let it slide thinking most of this was covered sans da convention exposure. besides, im da one that actually made da Benghazi thread years ago.

which comes back to my point, if ya going to blurt out ya moral platitudes and pablums..at least do it on both sides.
selective outrage again?

where was this during...

Last week?

:lol: Let me guess you just read the Fox News article?


Published August 01, 2016
  actually i seen both conventions live, and i seen one of ya comment on it wit a :x
face, but since no one else made a fluff outta it i let it slide thinking most of this was covered sans da convention exposure. besides, im da one that actually made da Benghazi thread years ago.

which comes back to my point, if ya going to blurt out ya moral platitudes and pablums..at least do it on both sides.
Oh mah god the irony is painful
Why do Dominicans like ninja dress like the average urban black dude? Do Dominicans have their own culture that is separate from hip hop/ urban culture?
last time i checked latinos side by side with blacks laid brick by brick da house that is da  institution that is hip hop music and culture.

and yes, Dominicans along with Latinos in general have a culture that is completely separate from hip hop music, tuning into LA MEGA 97.9 would've revealed that for you.
Jeb gonna step up and save the day

:lol: I think most Republicans at this point are conceding 2016 to the Democrats cause nobody wants to be in this train wreck!

(CNN)Jeb Bush's top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent, and says if the presidential race in Florida is close, she'll vote for Hillary Clinton.
Trump is already sounding DEFEATED or trying to paint himself as a victim of Hillary’s 'establishment' campaigning.

"I'm afraid the election's gonna be rigged, I have to be honest,"

This guy has that personality of giving up and I can easily see that happening once those poll numbers slip to the double digit leads.

If Trump quits his campaign.. what happens?
For the longest I've been trying to imagine Donald's concession speech.

On one hand, I can see it being even more dark and more end of the world predicting because america didn't choose him :lol: but the part of me sees him being too much of a child that he'd have a temper tantrum and not even giving the speech and when he finally does address the ppl the next day it lasts like 3 minutes and he walks away :lol:

If Trump quits his campaign.. what happens?

Jeb gonna step up and save the day
I can't see him quitting early :lol:

If it did happen you'd see quite the rabid dog fight with Jeb, Marco, and Rafeal.
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We agree to disagree.

We still NT brothers in the USMNT thread though right? :tongue:
the same thread where you went on a spree of anti Mexican posts by calling them Mexispazzos? Your ignorance isn't limited to this thread, and I don't buy that you're "Hispanic" even one bit. Whoever you're on the nuts of in that thread can go @#%@ off too
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There's no precedence for a candidate quitting the campaign before the voting right?

What would happen if that happens?

Rep just appoints a replacement and the voting proceeds like normal?
  actually i seen both conventions live, and i seen one of ya comment on it wit a :x
face, but since no one else made a fluff outta it i let it slide thinking most of this was covered sans da convention exposure. besides, im da one that actually made da Benghazi thread years ago.

which comes back to my point, if ya going to blurt out ya moral platitudes and pablums..at least do it on both sides.

You do NOT see the difference between how Hillary treated Pat Smith in comparison to how Trump handled Khan's criticism? :rolleyes

Here read this article... it will HELP you understand.


In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video. Clinton says she did not.

If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie? It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.

There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.
the same thread where you went on a spree of anti Mexican posts by calling them Mexispazzos? Your ignorance isn't limited to this thread, and I don't buy that you're "Hispanic" even one bit

Anything is possible. We got Ninja whom denies his roots and is voting against everything his demograph, neighborhood stands for.
Seems like a lot of people take issue with that guy in this thread. He adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. He watches some CNN or whatever news source and then comes in and parrots. Not a single unique perspective.
I could say the same about Ninja and his relentless deflection and strawman tactics.

I know my place, and I try to respect that. There's certain topics I refrain from discussing in depth because I feel like I'm not informed enough to do so, such as domestic economic policies. If I'm wrong or uninformed I own up to it, unlike some posters in here. That's how you learn.

As for my views, I may live across the ocean but that doesn't necessarily mean my views and principles are radically different from those in this thread.

I'm not pandering to anyone or anything, nor do I have any reason to as a foreigner. I just happen to agree with many democratic talking points. Hardly anything I can do about that, or am I supposed to lie and argue views I don't really support?

Coincidentally, it seems most of these people who have a strong objection with my views and opinions have strongly opposing views to mine. And the "but you're a foreigner" always seems to come out when I point out flaws or logical fallacies in their arguments or say something they strongly disagree with. Would I be getting the same treatment from those people if I was a Trump supporter? I doubt it.

I'm not here to beef with anyone. I'm here because I like to discuss US politics and wish to learn more about it.

And anyone who objects to that is free to block me. 
People are actually supporting Trump's childish behavior and attack of the family of a war hero?

Some of you really should take a long look in the mirror if you seriously support such behavior from ANYONE let alone the Republican presidential candidate.
selective outrage again?

where was this during...

last week?
My point still stands
too bad your point stands on a piss poor premise, considering Hillary  implied in da Chris Wallace interview yesterday that da parents of that solider who died in Benghazi lied about what da secretary told her, and Trump assumed that da mother of da slain Captain didn't speak for religious reasons.

once again..u gonna cast aspersions on Trump supporters?..do it on both sides.
How poetic is it that the parents of an American Muslim soldier will be the ones to topple Trump?
Anything is possible. We got Ninja whom denies his roots and is voting against everything his demograph, neighborhood stands for.
true. I remember Krispac saying he was half Mexican, yet he makes up idiotic insulting names for Mexicans and is voting for a guy who generalizes Mexicans as rapists and murderers. It's extremely strange
the same thread where you went on a spree of anti Mexican posts by calling them Mexispazzos? Your ignorance isn't limited to this thread, and I don't buy that you're "Hispanic" even one bit. Whoever you're on the nuts of in that thread can go @#%@ off too

DF do you know what A MEXISPAZZO is??? You aint even a real soccer fan. If you were, you would know what I mean with that. Instead you come in here thinking its offensive :rofl:
too bad your point stands on a piss poor premise, considering Hillary  implied in da Chris Wallace interview yesterday that da parents of that solider who died in Benghazi lied about what da secretary told her, and Trump assumed that da mother of da slain Captain didn't speak for religious reasons.

once again..u gonna cast aspersions on Trump supporters?..do it on both sides.

Common sense.. 3 days after an attack, you really expect the Obama administration to know the full details of what happened in Benghazi?

Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, attended the coffin ceremony for her son and the other three Americans killed in Benghazi at the Sept. 14, 2012

In a June 28, 2016 interview on Fox’s Risk & Reward program, host Deidre Bolton asked Patricia Smith, “So you personally spoke with Hillary Clinton. She said she would get back to you, and she never did.”

Smith said, “That’s correct. I spoke to her at the coffin ceremony, and she told me what she told me, within about five feet of my son’s coffin. And she lied to me then.”

Bolton interjected, “And she said ‘We will get you answers,’ and then you have never heard back from her or her team?”

Smith continued, “No. No, actually, she told me it was the fault of the [anti-Muslim] video. And I said, ‘What video?’ I didn’t know anything about a video. And she says it was a video that caused all this, and if it’s any different, she’ll get back to me.”

“I have not heard from her other than to hear -- I called back over there to the State Department asking ‘What’s happening?’” said Smith. “And they tell me, ‘We cannot tell you -- you are not a member of the immediate family.’

“And, to this day, people of America, this is still what your country does to you,” said Smith. “She still has not spoken to me, or anybody in her group telling me what happened.”

^ Now if Hillary still to this day hasn't provided the details on what happened that night, she and Obama need to meet with her to end the anguish. No doubt that would be the right thing to do.

NOW are you mature to post the same thing? We are all waiting to hear from you how Trump's comment to the Khans were disrespectful and Trump should immediately issue an apology. Nike Talk is waiting Ninjahood!

once again..u gonna cast aspersions... do it on both sides.


The reason why Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, never received any information was because she wasn't considered by the State Dept as an "immediate family" member.

The wife of Sean Smith, Heather Smith, received the information and it was up to her if she wanted to share it with her husband's mother. Heather Smith even commented how cooperative the State Department was!


Benghazi victim’s widow praises State Department cooperation

At least one of the family members of the victims of the Sept. 11 attack on Benghazi wants the world to know that she is happy with the treatment she has got from the Obama administration since the tragedy.

Heather Smith is the widow of State Department Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, who died in the first wave of attacks as armed assailants stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Amb. Chris Stevens also died in the initial attack. Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Dougherty were killed later, when an annex building outside the compound was hit by mortars after U.S. personnel retreated there.

Heather Smith, who lives in The Hague, Netherlands, issued a statement Tuesday to The Cable.

"First, let me thank everyone for the outpouring of support and love my family has received in the wake of this tragedy. As the country mourns the death of four great patriots, my family is grieving for a husband and father lost. The amazing tributes to him have given the entire world a glimpse of the man we loved and we are thankful for every kind word," she said.

"During this time, the official and unofficial support and communications I have experienced with the Department of State and FBI have been free flowing, and I have been satisfied with the level of information I have received. I have no doubt that I will also be made aware of any new facts as they are uncovered throughout the investigations."

"Sean was a wonderful man. He supported the mission of diplomacy and served his country with pride and optimism," said Smith. "We miss him every day."

Heather Smith’s statement can be seen as a reaction to the interview Sean’s mother Pat Smith gave to CNN last week complaining that the Obama administration has not been helpful in keeping her in the loop about what happened to her son.

"I begged them to tell me what what happened. I said I want to know all the details, all of the details no matter what it is, and I’ll make up my own mind on it. And everyone of them, all the big shots over there told me that — they promised me, they promised me that they would tell me what happened. As soon as they figure it out. No one, not one person has ever, ever gotten back to me other than media people and the gaming people," she said. (Smith was an avid gamer.)

"I look at TV and I see bloody hand prints on walls, thinking, my God, is that my son’s? I don’t know if he was shot. I don’t know — I don’t know. They haven’t told me anything. They are still studying it. And the things that they are telling me are just outright lies."

Woods’s mother Cheryl Croft Bennett is also unhappy with the investigation. She took to her Facebook page last month to criticize the FBI for not getting to Benghazi until almost three weeks after the attack.

"Apparently they have made it to Tripoli but haven’t been allowed to enter Benghazi. Meanwhile, the diplomatic outpost where Tyrone and Glen died, was not and is not secured. Absolutely unacceptable," she wrote on Sept. 27.

Stevens’s father Jan Stevens told Bloomberg this week that he is more upset with the Romney campaign and that politicizing the tragedy would be "abhorrent." Barbara Doherty, Glen’s mother, also asked the Republican nominee to stop repeating an anecdote about how he met her son once, saying "I don’t trust Mitt Romney."
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Seems like a lot of people take issue with that guy in this thread. He adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. He watches some CNN or whatever news source and then comes in and parrots. Not a single unique perspective.

Sooooo, what's unique about YOUR perspective. :lol:

Seems like you do an awful lot of parroting, too.

Oh, and just because your perspective is the minority here doesn't make it unique.

Do explain, sir.
ninjahood ninjahood

Point still stands. Nothing you're saying justifies Trump's actions in my eyes, and I STILL don't have any better an understanding as to how his supporters rationalize and justify the way he acted out toward the Khans in that manner.

I'm not talking about Hillary Clinton.

I'm not interested in getting into it with you, though. I've tried to have a discussion with you multiple times and every time it goes nowhere. If you're not responding directly to my post, ignore it.
Because you're the one who asked for it. :lol:
You ask me why I spend time discussing US politics and questioned if I am as invested in my own politics. Implying I cared more about the US than my own country.
I brought up my chronic debilitating illness in response because it's the reason I have so much free time, more than enough to follow both national and international politics. Your response came off as insulting and dismissive of my disease. Such comments don't offend or bother me but you can go look back if you want and see that others found it insulting. In context, the way you responded makes it look like you doubt there's any truth to what I said because I play Pokemon Go.
As for playing Pokemon Go, thanks to my carnitine supplements and repairing my granddad's electric bicycle, I can now finally ride a bicycle again and the game provides some more motivation to go outside and hop on the bike. I lost the ability to ride a standard bicycle around a year ago due to the disease and I can't walk that far either so my time spent outside is pretty limited.

If you want to talk about going off-topic, perhaps you should start with yourself and stop whining about me being a foreigner and questioning my dedication to my own country every time I poke holes in your arguments or say something you don't agree with. Ninja keeps accusing da damn liberals of being unable to handle opposing views but him and you are always the ones crying about it.

All we are saying is, The way you come in here, Talking about our politics is like you live in the country and you know what is going, which you DONT. All you know about it is what you see in the Liberal news and what they say in here. If you actually lived here and see the things how they are, I can see where you can come and chime in and make it seem like you know what's up.

News coverage of the United States from foreign stations tends to be way more objective than homegrown journalism because they typically don't have direct vested interests in the stories they tell. I'd rather watch a Euronews/TV5 segment about an American issue than CNN's coverage of the same topic.

You wouldn't know that though, since you apparently take pride in avoiding unpleasant perspectives.
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Man. Living in the US don't mean ****

People be living here all their lives and keep themselves ignorant of politics and current events...and probably can't even name you more than 5 presidents. Some won't even be able to tell you who the last three presidents was. So don't use 'you don't live here' as an argument for why dude can't participate in discussions. Colombia knows his stuff.
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  actually i seen both conventions live, and i seen one of ya comment on it wit a :x
face, but since no one else made a fluff outta it i let it slide thinking most of this was covered sans da convention exposure. besides, im da one that actually made da Benghazi thread years ago.

which comes back to my point, if ya going to blurt out ya moral platitudes and pablums..at least do it on both sides.

You do NOT see the difference between how Hillary treated Pat Smith in comparison to how Trump handled Khan's criticism? :rolleyes

Here read this article... it will HELP you understand.


In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video. Clinton says she did not.

If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie? It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.

There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.

oh yeah? :lol: while she's telling everyone it was a video she told her Daughter it was a terrorist attack...that was laid bare during da Benghazi hearings.

and i aint gonna second guess what da parents of a dead son or daughter was told by their government..guess u wanna do that.
Translation: Since it obvious I can no longer argue my point and claim to be right, let me guilt trip you for having an opposite view

Da deflections never stop
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