***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I really need to get off twitter because I clicked on a few Bernie supporter pages and it looks pretty frickin grim.

Some of these folks really want to see the house Bern down. 🤦‍♂️

It's like they rather take 4 steps back than take 1 forward.

This stance that I’m seeing a lot of today that a Biden nomination secures a Trump victory is pretty damn hilarious coming from Bernie folks.

Let me get this straight: you’re telling me that the guy that COULDN’T secure the nomination (with a delegate head start) is in a better place to beat Trump than the guy that did secure it (handily)? Is this like the Rockets would’ve beaten the Cavs if they got past the Warriors?
A small minority, but petulant minority, sure.

But most of them will vote Biden in the fall.
Trump is who he is. The difference between 2020 and 2016 is that in 2016 people didn't think things would get this bad and that Trump would eventually mellow out. There is no excuse for any left leaning person not to vote for Joe given the stakes. Clowns like the Young Turks love to say dems need to rally the people and protest but that doesn't work unless we vote and get dems control of the senate and the presidency. You can't tell people to fight back when you don't give them the tools to fight. I don't want to hear people panic of RGB can't continue if they didn't vote or joined in with Putin's bots to bash the nominee. There is no both sides to this anymore.

Breaking character I see.
He already has. He already adopted Warren's plan for free college. The only thing he hasn't really gone further left on is M4A and I think its because he doesn't think they can get it passed in the Senate which is a fair critique.

Where did you see that he adopted Warren’s plan for free college? All I have heard is he is allowing people to include college loans under bankruptcy
Where did you see that he adopted Warren’s plan for free college? All I have heard is he is allowing people to include college loans under bankruptcy


It's on his website. Y'all should just browse through some of the policy proposals. Its much, much better than a lot of people are making it out to be.
I really need to get off twitter because I clicked on a few Bernie supporter pages and it looks pretty frickin grim.

Some of these folks really want to see the house Bern down. 🤦‍♂️

It's like they rather take 4 steps back than take 1 forward.
Same, a lot of people are sounding REAL stupid right now claiming Biden is no different from Trump which is insanity. Oh and my favorite, the DNC messed up by picking Biden instead of Bernie as if people didn't go out and vote for Biden.
I really need to get off twitter because I clicked on a few Bernie supporter pages and it looks pretty frickin grim.

Some of these folks really want to see the house Bern down. 🤦‍♂️

It's like they rather take 4 steps back than take 1 forward.

It’s insane to watch when so many of them are anti gun and are willing to let this collapse, but then the fact that they’re overwhelmingly white leads you into realizing they think they’ll be safe if this **** falls down
It’s insane to watch when so many of them are anti gun and are willing to let this collapse, but then the fact that they’re overwhelmingly white leads you into realizing they think they’ll be safe if this **** falls down

Honestly if they can afford 4 more years of this then the issues they claimed to care about must not really have affected them that much anyways. A lot of them don't know a single thing about any candidates policies outside of Bernie though. Most of them think that Biden is this center right republican with policies slightly left of Trump when his policies are basically the same as Bernies with the exception of M4A versus an optional Medicare system.

Joe needs to do a better job of enlightening people on this **** and stop doing 2 hour town halls about the Coronavirus.
The people waiting for the "I told you so" is the Bernie supporting online media, because their theory of politics will be even more damaged if Biden goes onto win.

Can't wait to watch in real time how Bernie supporting media outlets repeatedly attack Biden over the next few months, even when he moves left, mostly because they are salty Bernie lost.
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Same, a lot of people are sounding REAL stupid right now claiming Biden is no different from Trump which is insanity. Oh and my favorite, the DNC messed up by picking Biden instead of Bernie as if people didn't go out and vote for Biden.
Been the debate all day in the group chats. I swear other younger progressives really lack perspective sometimes. Maybe it’ll just come with age for us
Been the debate all day in the group chats. I swear other younger progressives really lack perspective sometimes. Maybe it’ll just come with age for us
I think a major problem in the young progressive movement is an INTEREST in politics without an UNDERSTANDING of politics. And it's not just them. Americans overall, young and old, just have a poor grasp on domestic and international politics. I hear people say all the time that they're interested in the stuff but they dont really get it. It's hard to follow.
The people waiting for the "I told you so" is the Bernie supporting online media

Can't wait to watch in real time how Bernie supporting media outlets repeatedly attack Biden over the next few months, even when he moves left, mostly because they are salty Bernie lost.

All of these left-wing media bros are a tiny *** minority though.
I'm happy dwalk31 dwalk31 finally has a buddy
Amen. This libbie echo chamber was UNBEARABLE. Having to read this circlejerk every day was THE WORST. Now we've got differing opinions to get the readers of this thread on the RIGHT track, and off the left.

Joe Budden needs to put up his dukes and get ready for this Trump MAGA fist fight with an extra helping of washed Bros on the side.
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