***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think a major problem in the young progressive movement is an INTEREST in politics without an UNDERSTANDING of politics. And it's not just them. Americans overall, young and old, just have a poor grasp on domestic and international politics. I hear people say all the time that they're interested in the stuff but they dont really get it. It's hard to follow.
I think you just hit the nail on the head. I’m a young progressive guy but I’m also getting my first degree in political science and have been interested in politics and talking about politics and learning about politics since middle school and luckily I’ve had teachers and parents who encouraged and helped me alone that learning path. I’m knee deep in this **** for a while and my career aspirations gonna keep me knee deep in this :lol: but when I talk to my friends it just gets tiresome at times. I’d still rather have more people politically engaged then less but man young progressives need to learn patience and perspective
people who stayed home in '16 because "Trump had no chance" or because they hate Hillary for reasons they can't articulate will vote for Biden
Lots of folks in the "reliable voter" category actually support Biden. If you're mostly on Twitter you may not realize it, but when you tap into the media those folks get info from (radio, tv), it becomes more obvious.
people who stayed home in '16 because "Trump had no chance" or because they hate Hillary for reasons they can't articulate will vote for Biden
Cautiously optimistic about that.
Been the debate all day in the group chats. I swear other younger progressives really lack perspective sometimes. Maybe it’ll just come with age for us
Yeah a lot of my former students, friends, and family that support Bernie been hitting me up to vent.

My girl's cousin says he is voting Trump, because **** has to get worst before people realize they gotta support people like Bernie. I asked him what he gonna do if Trump gets to make the Supreme court 7-2, and fill the rest of the federal courts with loyalist. What happens when they destroy any hope of progressive change through elections, for at least a couple generations.

His answer was that we should just revolt then, and install a socialist government. :smh: :lol:

I lost my patience and told ole boy that I know that handgun he recently bought at Bass Pro Shop got him feeling himself; but you're frail as hell, got asthma, and right now you are hiding from da Rona in your mom's basement, because we all worried it might take you out. Just keep up the activism, you ain't built for guerrilla warfare my guy.

He hung up on me, which I don't blame him, I was too tough on him. But I am feeling in a petty mood so I kicked him off my YouTube Premium family account. Having to watch an ad every time he wants to watch a Secular Talk clip is gonna humble his ***.
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Yeah a lot of my former students, friends, and family that support Bernie been hitting me up to vent.

My girl's cousin says he is voting Trump, because **** has to get worst before people realize they gotta support people like Bernie. I asked him what he gonna do if Trump gets to make the Supreme court 7-2, and fill the rest of the federal courts with loyalist. What happens when they destroy any hope of progressive change through elections, for at least a couple generations.

His answer was that we should just revolt then, and install a socialist government. :smh: :lol:

I lost my patience and told ole boy that I know that handgun he recently bought at Bass Pro Shop got him feeling himself, but you you frail as hell, got asthma, and right now you are hiding from da Rona in your mom's basement, because we all worried it might take you out. Just keep up the activism, you ain't built for guerrilla warfare my guy.

He hung up on me, which I don't blame him, I was too tough on him. But I am feeling in a petty mood so I kicked him off my YouTube Premium family account. Having to watch an ad every time he wants to watch a Secular Talk clip is gonna humble his ***.

But please let me get back on your YouTube account though.
looking forward to 6 months of the DNC is rigged and Biden and Trump are the same hot takes
Sort of like all the hot takes about Bernie supporters that have taken place over the last four years and now seem to be in full resurgence in this thread within hours of Bernie dropping out? Like those?
This ^. At this point Biden's platform is pretty much the same as Bernie's was. Free college for those making under $125K, not M4A but an enhanced Obamacare plan, $15 minimum wage, $1T climate change investments
So back to the “there’s basically no difference between Bernie and any other Democratic candidate” narrative again, huh?

It's on his website. Y'all should just browse through some of the policy proposals. Its much, much better than a lot of people are making it out to be.

The main problems are Joe is an absolutely HORRIBLE communicator and some of the policies on his website directly contradict things he’s said/done.

If you drop his platform into a candidate with less baggage and that isnt borderline senile, this would be an easy win.
If you are a Bernie supporter, I know the wound is fresh, but he spent hundreds of millions over 5 years, and got his *** kicked twice. Both times because he couldn't get enough votes from the most loyal Democratic block of voters, and made some other mistakes. So it might be time to turn you frustration toward Sanders, sincerely grapple with why he lost (he was not cheated out of it), and hope the next candidate like him learns from his mistake.
Why should we be frustrated at Bernie? Not “turning [our] frustration toward Sanders” and not believing he was cheated are not incompatible positions.

But sure, there are lessons to be learned and strategic considerations to be contemplated, I agree.
Hillary was the most qualified candidate to ever run and she lost. Now Joe is Senile? Bernie would've been a socialist. Pete's Sexual Orientation would be brought up. Kamala is a cop. Booker is a deep discount Obama. Bloomberg is another Billionaire trying to buy an election. Lizzio is a liar.

We could go on and on. There is no perfect candidate but anyone is better than Trump.
I firmly believe that Bernie supporters would rather Biden lose solely so they can say "I told you so", rather than having him win
Get the **** outta here with this ******** man. Seriously. The same way you and others are saying Twitter doesn’t reflect the true scope of political views in this country, a few loudmouthed and misguided Bernie supporters in Twitter don’t reflect the millions of people who support him.
And honestly that's probably what happens. Then in 4 years absolutely none of the issues his campaign addressed get fixed and at age 83 Bernie take one more round at it, gets washed, then we end up with another republican for 8 years.
I see we are in for a long six months of nervous hot takes *****ing about Bernie supporters in here. And then if Biden loses in November another four years of them.

Good to know.
The main problems are Joe is an absolutely HORRIBLE communicator and some of the policies on his website directly contradict things he’s said/done.

Had this discussion earlier in this thread.

People will overlook the fact that Biden helped write, and voted for, the crime bill. And overlook that he is considered by some as the architect of modern mass incarceration simply because something on his website shows a different position now.
Get the **** outta here with this bull**** man. Seriously. The same way you and others are saying Twitter doesn’t reflect the true scope of political views in this country, a few loudmouthed and misguided Bernie supporters in Twitter don’t reflect the millions of people who support him.
"Bernie Bros" get so much clout on social media yet it's obvious from the primary that they don't have much outside Reddit & Twitter :lol:
Had this discussion earlier in this thread.

People will overlook the fact that Biden helped write, and voted for, the crime bill. And overlook that he is considered by some as the architect of modern mass incarceration simply because something on his website shows a different position now.

You overlook the fact that Roy Moore was signing yearbooks for kids . DISGUSTING.
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