***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There are a lot of good faith arguments against Joe Biden. Labeling him borderline senile is not one of them. It is not anywhere close to good faith.

Maybe the wrong choice of words, but cmon man, you just can’t ignore that he obviously has diminished mental capabilities. It ain’t a fun thing to talk about, but it should be blatantly obvious to anybody who’s seen him talk recently without a teleprompter.
Why should we be frustrated at Bernie? Not “turning [our] frustration toward Sanders” and not believing he was cheated are not incompatible positions.

But sure, there are lessons to be learned and strategic considerations to be contemplated, I agree.
-If my preferred candidate thought the best path to victory was a risky plan of winning around 30% of the vote, while the other candidates split the remaining votes (especially the Southern black) in a way that doesn't hurt him, and that plan blew up very quickly then I would be frustrated.

-If my preferred candidate spent years making excuses for white people (especially ones with regressive racial views) then act like these voters would naturally go to him, only to see most of those voters go to someone else, I would be frustrated.

-If my preferred candidate didn't try to win over the support of Democratic figures for endorsements, something that the other guy did to help pull off the win, but instead spent his time talking about taking down the Democratic Establishment, then I would be frustrated

-If my preferred candidate lost because once again he failed expand his coalition in areas that cost him the last time around, I would be frustrated

But hey, people can feel how they want. I just feel some serious reflection about Sander's mistakes might be a good thing to do if people want someone like him to win the nomination of the Democratic Party.
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It's on his website. Y'all should just browse through some of the policy proposals. Its much, much better than a lot of people are making it out to be.

man that was his policy months ago..... and no offense it’s a **** policy. It has the same flaws Obama plan does. It takes just 1 Republican President To be elected in the next 20 years to null and void all of the longer programs. See Trump and his complete refusal to honor the public loan forgiveness program that is in place now.

2 years of free community college is already the norm at a lot of schools. The only thing that does is give freshmen and sophomores an out of they fail out of college with no debt. Plus the same governmental tools he would use to accomplish that could just make public colleges free. That would by default help a lot of lower class people attend and complete and would by default lower the cost of other colleges as they have to compete with the free schools. Only top tier colleges would be able to charge high tuition.

The only thing his plan does well is offer people 50,000 loan forgiveness for public/community service but once again what does that look like? Is there every government employee and non profit employee? is it limited to AmeriCorps/Peace Corps and the armed forces? Can contractors for government/nonprofit organizations participate?

I actually expect him to expand on this because it’s weak. A lot of his policies were weak and it’s time he ramps a few of them up for the GE to help differentiate himself from Trump beyond “I am not as evil and stupid as this guy” because Hillary literally said that and Trump still got elected.
Had this discussion earlier in this thread.

People will overlook the fact that Biden helped write, and voted for, the crime bill. And overlook that he is considered by some as the architect of modern mass incarceration simply because something on his website shows a different position now.

Don’t quote me, b. Everything you say is ******** since you support rapists and bigots. **** outta here.
Maybe the wrong choice of words, but cmon man, you just can’t ignore that he obviously has diminished mental capabilities. It ain’t a fun thing to talk about, but it should be blatantly obvious to anybody who’s seen him talk recently without a teleprompter.
Dude used to be super sharp, now he isn't as much. Biden has slowed down but we should act like he is seemingly not there mentally.

We all saw him debate Sanders one-on-one, and he did fine.
Had this discussion earlier in this thread.

People will overlook the fact that Biden helped write, and voted for, the crime bill. And overlook that he is considered by some as the architect of modern mass incarceration simply because something on his website shows a different position now.
Your *** is going to happily vote for the most dishonest politician in recent history. In 2016 Trump ran on not cutting Social Security and passing a health insurance bill that will expand coverage over the ACA. He did the opposite of both.

Man shut the hell up, your *** is in no position to speak. Damn hypocritical troll.
So for someone who does not follow all this very close It's safe to assume that 4 more years of Trump is pretty much certain at this point?
So for someone who does not follow all this very close It's safe to assume that 4 more years of Trump is pretty much certain at this point?
Certainly not. I wouldn't call it an ideal situation but most polls do have Trump getting trounced in November.
Of course that's in a fair election. Republicans don't believe in fair elections so strap in, might get turbulent.
So for someone who does not follow all this very close It's safe to assume that 4 more years of Trump is pretty much certain at this point?
No. It is a toss up with Trump having a slight advantage

He has a very good chance of winning because of the Electoral College and the fact the GOP at the state level suppress the votes of young people and African Americans.

Biden will get millions more votes than Trump, but the GOP will try their best to suppress the votes for Trump to win. And they have a great chance at succeeding at that plan
So for someone who does not follow all this very close It's safe to assume that 4 more years of Trump is pretty much certain at this point?
No. Itll be a real race. The GOP has been working on voter disenfranchisement, suppression, and discrimination for decades though, so it will take A LOT for Biden and other Democrats to have a fair shot at the election. The best thing anybody can do, is ensure that they're actively registered to vote in their state, and ensure others do the same.
No. Itll be a real race. The GOP has been working on voter disenfranchisement, suppression, and discrimination for decades though, so it will take A LOT for Biden and other Democrats to have a fair shot at the election. The best thing anybody can do, is ensure that they're actively registered to vote in their state, and ensure others do the same.
My gut instinct tells me the GOP actively suppressed voters in WI because they can’t win without that state. Trump will lose Michigan because of his squabble with Whitmer, and he’ll lose PA because of its Biden’s home state. Going off the 2016 election Trump got 306 to Hillary’s 232. If you subtract Michigan and PA that puts Trump at exactly 270 and Biden at 268. If Trump loses any other state, literally any other state, he will not be re-elected.
-If my preferred candidate thought the best path to victory was a risky plan of winning around 30% of the vote, while the other candidates split the remaining votes (especially the Southern black) in a way that doesn't hurt him, and that plan blew up very quickly then I would be frustrated.

-If my preferred candidate spent years making excuses for white people (especially ones with regressive racial views) then act like these voters would naturally go to him, only to see most of those voters go to someone else, I would be frustrated.

-If my preferred candidate didn't try to win over the support of Democratic figures for endorsements, something that the other guy did to help pull off the win, but instead spent his time talking about taking down the Democratic Establishment, then I would be frustrated

-If my preferred candidate lost because once again he failed expand his coalition in areas that cost him the last time around, I would be frustrated

But hey, people can feel how they want. I just feel some seriously reflection about Sander's mistakes might be a good thing to do if people want someone like him to win the nomination of the Democratic Party.
These are all your own personal views on how things played out. That's cool, but these are not the only valid interpretations. So yeah, like you said, everyone—including you—is entitled to their own interpretations.

How frustrated are you with Elizabeth Warren based on her own loss?
These are all your own personal views on how things played out. That's cool, but these are not the only valid interpretations. So yeah, like you said, everyone—including you—is entitled to their own interpretations.

How frustrated are you with Elizabeth Warren based on her own loss?
I am very frustrated with Warren, she did a lot of stupid things that hurt her. I have said so in here.

My personal interpretation are not **** I pull out the air. Bernie's plan was to win with numbers in the 30s, he did make excuses for ****** white people, he didn't work for endorsements from high profile Dems like Biden, him not expanding his base with black Southern voters did a lot of sink him. Of course there are other valid takes on the Sanders campaign besides mine, but any take that ignores these facts doesn't seem very valid to me. If people find those things not frustrating, then that's fine, that's their prerogative.
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man that was his policy months ago..... and no offense it’s a **** policy. It has the same flaws Obama plan does. It takes just 1 Republican President To be elected in the next 20 years to null and void all of the longer programs. See Trump and his complete refusal to honor the public loan forgiveness program that is in place now.

2 years of free community college is already the norm at a lot of schools. The only thing that does is give freshmen and sophomores an out of they fail out of college with no debt. Plus the same governmental tools he would use to accomplish that could just make public colleges free. That would by default help a lot of lower class people attend and complete and would by default lower the cost of other colleges as they have to compete with the free schools. Only top tier colleges would be able to charge high tuition.

The only thing his plan does well is offer people 50,000 loan forgiveness for public/community service but once again what does that look like? Is there every government employee and non profit employee? is it limited to AmeriCorps/Peace Corps and the armed forces? Can contractors for government/nonprofit organizations participate?

I actually expect him to expand on this because it’s weak. A lot of his policies were weak and it’s time he ramps a few of them up for the GE to help differentiate himself from Trump beyond “I am not as evil and stupid as this guy” because Hillary literally said that and Trump still got elected.

Think you missed an important part other than the two years of community college and loan forgiveness

He will also make four-year public colleges and universities tuition-free for all students whose family incomes are below $125,000.

This was the part that he added after talking with Warren (and its a big god damn part)

So if you are against free college for everyone making less than $125K a year, I guess go vote for Trump because he has a much better plan of nothing.
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This is literally the line of logic I outlined in here a while back ... and I still can't believe it's true....

🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

Yeah a lot of my former students, friends, and family that support Bernie been hitting me up to vent.

My girl's cousin says he is voting Trump, because **** has to get worst before people realize they gotta support people like Bernie. I asked him what he gonna do if Trump gets to make the Supreme court 7-2, and fill the rest of the federal courts with loyalist. What happens when they destroy any hope of progressive change through elections, for at least a couple generations.

His answer was that we should just revolt then, and install a socialist government. :smh: :lol:

I lost my patience and told ole boy that I know that handgun he recently bought at Bass Pro Shop got him feeling himself; but you you frail as hell, got asthma, and right now you are hiding from da Rona in your mom's basement, because we all worried it might take you out. Just keep up the activism, you ain't built for guerrilla warfare my guy.

He hung up on me, which I don't blame him, I was too tough on him. But I am feeling in a petty mood so I kicked him off my YouTube Premium family account. Having to watch an ad every time he wants to watch a Secular Talk clip is gonna humble his ***.
Think you missed an important part other than the two years of community college and loan forgiveness

This was the part that he added after talking with Warren (and its a big god damn part)

So if you are against free college for everyone making less than $125K a year, I guess go vote for Trump because he has a much better plan of nothing.

I stand corrected.... let’s go Joe! That’s exactly the stuff he needs to get out there.

Also please don’t say “if you disagree with X vote for Trump”. You got to win people over, not say get down or **** off.

I give joe a lot of credit for his tweet that basically was saying to people “give me a chance”.
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