***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Many people are saying trump supporters are delusional. Are they? I don't know, but many people seem to think so
African-American residents in Baltimore are routinely subjected to unconstitutional stops, arrests and excessive force by the Baltimore Police Department, a scathing federal report released on Tuesday said.

The 163-page U.S. Justice Department report details an investigation launched after the death of black detainee Freddie Gray last year that found the Baltimore Police Department engages in a pattern of conduct that violates the constitution or federal law.

"This pattern or practice is driven by systemic deficiencies in BPD's policies, training, supervision and accountability structures that fail to equip officers with the tools they need to police effectively and within the bounds of the federal law," the report said.
Da justice department engaging in da identity politics again 
How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

She is as corrupt as they come and rusty is drowning in kool aid as usual.

Clinton foundation and Clinton state department had an incestuous relationship. It's likely why she had a private server. Because we have NEVER gotten a real answer on the WHY. You don't install a private server for convenience.

She hasn't given a real press conference in over 200 days.

She "short circuits" and lies all the time. Hillary... humans don't short circuit.

I've posted actual verified shady dealings she had with russia and it was ignored.

Huge donations from wall street. Foundation taking money from countries with bad human rights records. Pay for play allegations.

Dnc in the bsg for her. Lying about benghazi by blaming a video. Calling the victims parents liars. Shady investments.

Nobody has gotten rich off politics like the clintons. Noone.

There is plenty ammo for a normal human to beat her

They even had to return about $48,000 in furniture, and they paid the government about $86,000 for other items back when they left the white house with goods lol

Donald trump being who he is has no bearing on why most of the country thinks you can't trust Hillary.
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Anybody see will Smith's comment about trump? I thought it was interesting..he talked about how it's a good thing because now we can see where people stand and can 'cleanse' them out of our country. I was kinda thinking along the same lines when trying to break down Trump's real purpose. Clearly he's not running for president. There's a tried and true formula for achieving that and he's deliberately going against all common sense. But the impact of his campaign is similar to James Brown using his music to empower the oppressed in the 60s. Except instead of I'm black and I'm proud his jingle is 'I'm white and I'm racist!'

I've been hearing more people suggest that trump is a shill. Now that the shock and awe of how offensive he is has started to wear off, people are starting to think more critically and look at the big picture. I mean even in this thread it's been nothing but trump talk. He's nothing but a huge distraction. Will be nice to see the conversation turn from him and focus on things that matter. He's entertaining as hell tho, fa sho.

How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

She is as corrupt as they come and rusty is drowning in kool aid as usual.

Clinton foundation and Clinton state department had an incestuous relationship. It's likely why she had a private server. Because we have NEVER gotten a real answer on the WHY. You don't install a private server for convenience.

She hasn't given a real press conference in over 200 days.

She "short circuits" and lies all the time. Hillary... humans don't short circuit.

I've posted actual verified shady dealings she had with russia and it was ignored.

Huge donations from wall street. Foundation taking money from countries with bad human rights records. Pay for play allegations.

Dnc in the bsg for her. Lying about benghazi by blaming a video. Calling the victims parents liars. Shady investments.

Nobody has gotten rich off politics like the clintons. Noone.

There is plenty ammo for a normal human to beat her

They even had to return about $48,000 in furniture, and they paid the government about $86,000 for other items back when they left the white house with goods lol

Donald trump being who he is has no bearing on why most of the country thinks you can't trust Hillary.

If I clap back at you, tell me, how many post it will take before you cry victim and throw out red herrings; you know, do your usual petulant clown ****?

Because after the Stromfront bull ****, I have been waiting for an opportunity to cuffi smack you

We ain't boys, b. I don't have to put up with you slick talk

To me, your just Blco 2.0
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How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

She is as corrupt as they come and rusty is drowning in kool aid as usual.

Clinton foundation and Clinton state department had an incestuous relationship. It's likely why she had a private server. Because we have NEVER gotten a real answer on the WHY. You don't install a private server for convenience.

She hasn't given a real press conference in over 200 days.

She "short circuits" and lies all the time. Hillary... humans don't short circuit.

I've posted actual verified shady dealings she had with russia and it was ignored.

Huge donations from wall street. Foundation taking money from countries with bad human rights records. Pay for play allegations.

Dnc in the bsg for her. Lying about benghazi by blaming a video. Calling the victims parents liars. Shady investments.

Nobody has gotten rich off politics like the clintons. Noone.

There is plenty ammo for a normal human to beat her

They even had to return about $48,000 in furniture, and they paid the government about $86,000 for other items back when they left the white house with goods lol

Donald trump being who he is has no bearing on why most of the country thinks you can't trust Hillary.

Fair enough, as you were

How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

its not like none of ya was gonna do it, i aint either bother cuz i alluded to earlier.

The real reason you wont is kuz i didnt ask youn quite frankly i kouldnt give a **** about your opinion...so theres that [emoji]128129[/emoji]
I luv how trump supporters like to talk bout how he speaks his mind n tells it how it is ...but when he gets some criticism or says stupid **** they say he didn't mean what he was saying or he was talking about something else, dummies don't even know what they really supporting :lol :{

I think I read these exact words about 10 times this morning.

I agree tho.

Memes are like a new/effective means of communication and learning...anyone else see it?
Investigative journalist David Cay Johnson revealing some serious evil from Trump's past on NPR right now.

It's insane how as deplorable as Trump is known to be, we really just see the surface. The man is an actual devil. :x
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If I clap back at you, tell me, how many post it will take before you cry victim and throw out red herrings; you know, do your usual petulant clown ****?

Because after the Stromfront bull ****, I have been waiting for an opportunity to cuffi smack you

We ain't boys, b. I don't have to put up with you slick talk

To me, your just Blco 2.0

Is Hillary Clinton a weak candidate. Yes or no.
If I clap back at you, tell me, how many post it will take before you cry victim and throw out red herrings; you know, do your usual petulant clown ****?

Because after the Stromfront bull ****, I have been waiting for an opportunity to cuffi smack you

We ain't boys, b. I don't have to put up with you slick talk

To me, your just Blco 2.0

Is Hillary Clinton a weak candidate. Yes or no.

You are a childish troll that smears people names when you can't form a cogent argument. Yes or No?
How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

She is as corrupt as they come and rusty is drowning in kool aid as usual.

Clinton foundation and Clinton state department had an incestuous relationship. It's likely why she had a private server. Because we have NEVER gotten a real answer on the WHY. You don't install a private server for convenience.

She hasn't given a real press conference in over 200 days.

She "short circuits" and lies all the time. Hillary... humans don't short circuit.

I've posted actual verified shady dealings she had with russia and it was ignored.

Huge donations from wall street. Foundation taking money from countries with bad human rights records. Pay for play allegations.

Dnc in the bsg for her. Lying about benghazi by blaming a video. Calling the victims parents liars. Shady investments.

Nobody has gotten rich off politics like the clintons. Noone.

There is plenty ammo for a normal human to beat her

They even had to return about $48,000 in furniture, and they paid the government about $86,000 for other items back when they left the white house with goods lol

Donald trump being who he is has no bearing on why most of the country thinks you can't trust Hillary.

Fair enough, as you were

How is that? Im kurious to kno your reasons as to why you believe that, kuz posting that link doesnt give me any reason to believe you.

wubalubadubdub wubalubadubdub

its not like none of ya was gonna do it, i aint either bother cuz i alluded to earlier.

The real reason you wont is kuz i didnt ask youn quite frankly i kouldnt give a **** about your opinion...so theres that [emoji]128129[/emoji]

i dont even know who u are b, u think i care about what u think about my opinion?

:lol silly wabbit..


Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state raise questions about the nature of the department's relationship with the Clinton Foundation.

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released 296 pages of emails from the Democratic presidential nominee, including 44 that Judicial Watch says were not previously handed over to the State Department by Clinton. The emails, many of which are heavily redacted, raise questions about the Clinton Foundation's influence on the State Department and its relations during her tenure.

She is as corrupt as they come and rusty is drowning in kool aid as usual.

Clinton foundation and Clinton state department had an incestuous relationship. It's likely why she had a private server. Because we have NEVER gotten a real answer on the WHY. You don't install a private server for convenience.

She hasn't given a real press conference in over 200 days.

She "short circuits" and lies all the time. Hillary... humans don't short circuit.

I've posted actual verified shady dealings she had with russia and it was ignored.

Huge donations from wall street. Foundation taking money from countries with bad human rights records. Pay for play allegations.

Dnc in the bsg for her. Lying about benghazi by blaming a video. Calling the victims parents liars. Shady investments.

Nobody has gotten rich off politics like the clintons. Noone.

There is plenty ammo for a normal human to beat her

They even had to return about $48,000 in furniture, and they paid the government about $86,000 for other items back when they left the white house with goods lol

Donald trump being who he is has no bearing on why most of the country thinks you can't trust Hillary.


You're still on this? :lol Bernie already brought all this UP in how many debates, and Clinton still received over 15 million votes in the primary. Repeating the same boring crap over and over again still doesn't change a thing... Clinton is by far the better candidate in 2016... why? Because the Republicans nominated one of the dumbest people in America.. Trump
You are a childish troll that smears people names when you can't form a cogent argument. Yes or No?

Oh ok i'm a troll now. Ok.understood.

That's exactly what you are. You don't think lying about my post, saying it is just like ones on Stromfront is trolling?

What makes this especially funny is that you used to complain that you hated how people would label you bigoted over things you said. Yet you felt entitled to pull that nonsense on me.

You stay saying slick ****, talk about about PC culture and space spaces, butt when I answer you wanna play victim. Last time you got so desperate that you overplayed your hand.

You are no where to be found when we talk economics, no where to be found when we talk social justice for minorities, you maybe pop your head if to shade her about foreign policy, and are rustled we don't shade her on some conjecture about the Clinton Administration.

Mix that in with you blood thirst to bomb brown people overseas, you anger when Obama doesn't vilify an entire religion, and your constant sympathizing with Trump supporters.

You're not entitled to have the thread talk about the nonsense you wanna talk about.

When the serious issues are being talked about, you're ghost.
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Bernie never went hard on her emails and never brought up the foundation. In fact he gave her a complete pass on any email related activity.

I also don't consider him a "normal" candidate since he wasn't even a democrat and called himself socialist democrat.
:eek the wealthy calling "favors" from Govt officials!?

No way stuff like this happens.

NRA lobbying Republicans to vote No to Gun Control bills... that never happens right? It's not like those Congressmen receive campaign contributions or exclusive gifts for voting a certain way right?

Wealthy Americans paying top dollar to attorneys whom convince judges to lower sentencing on their kids... never happens either right?

I must have been living in a bubble.. here I thought public servants don't care to get rich or work for Wall St. and high paying executive jobs after their tenure with the Govt.

OH wait.. the Federal Govt of America and it's elected officials are corrupt? :lol NO @#@!$ SHERLOCK! Clinton, Bush, Kennedys, hell I expect a good majority of our elected officials are corrupt in one sense or another. Hillary has just been in the game for way to long and yeah obviously she has baggage.

BUT AGAIN.. it doesn't matter in 2016.. .why? Cause we have this guy..

I don't think that she's a weak candidate. It's just that she's been more scrutinized than any other candidate.
Dan Rather has been a journalist for as long as I can remember, and well respected. When this guy whose 84 years old rants about Trump... people need to pay attention.

No trying-to-be objective and fair journalist, no citizen who cares about the country and its future can ignore what Donald Trump said today. When he suggested that "The Second Amendment People" can stop Hillary Clinton he crossed a line with dangerous potential. By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics. This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law. If any other citizen had said this about a Presidential candidate, would the Secret Service be investigating?

Candidate Trump will undoubtably issue an explanation; some of his surrogates are already engaged in trying to gloss it over, but once the words are out there they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means.

To anyone who still pretends this is a normal election of Republican against Democrat, history is watching. And I suspect its verdict will be harsh. Many have tried to do a side-shuffle and issue statements saying they strongly disagree with his rhetoric but still support the candidate. That is becoming woefully insufficient. The rhetoric is the candidate.

This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign. We will see whether major newscasts explain how grave and unprecedented this is and whether the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers do it justice. We will soon know whether anyone who has publicly supported Trump explains how they can continue to do.

We are a democratic republic governed by the rule of law. We are an honest, fair and decent people. In trying to come to terms with today's discouraging development the best I can do is to summon our greatest political poet Abraham Lincoln for perspective:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."
Lincoln used these stirring words to end his First Inaugural Address. It was the eve of the Civil War and sadly his call for sanity, cohesion and peace was met with horrific violence that almost left our precious Union asunder. We cannot let that happen again.
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