***Official Political Discussion Thread***

umm...last time i checked it was da DNC that was planting fake protests & colluding wit da media...so says da hacked email dumps.

So the fake "bloodied" Trump supporter was the liberal media too? Conspiracies can work both ways...
da father of a serial killer attended a political rally no damns given.

Why in the world do I care if a father of a killer attends a political rally with over 3,000 people? This isn't a free country? At least he was allowed to come in, participate, and left a Democrat party event without any signs of violence!

Can you say the same if Mateen attended a Trump rally? Dude would probably be beaten up and not because of his son but because he was a Muslim. I see you now have the same dislike of Muslims like Trump and his supporters.
yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

u picking one example.

pretty big example...
Da size of da example doesn't make it more important. All that does is get ppl to make bad decisions like invading da wrong country.
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i love how we always get dragged into talking about inconsequential details while ignoring the elephant orangutan in the room.

that said, I'm still annoyed the libbies were so quick last year to jump out in defense of that attention-whoring Texas kid who brought a dismantled clock to school.

but that's nothing compared to what comes out out Trump's mouth on a daily basis.

perspective is key.
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pretty big example...da father of a serial killer attended a political rally no damns given. had this been Trump there would be a countdown clock to when he would "disavow" any potential endorsement and endless questions about "what are you doing in your rhetoric that attracts these people? :lol :{

and lets not get started on that video about how opposite campaigns treat people with opposing views...last time i checked there was a whole lot more of Trump supporters gettin their ish split cuz of rabid rioters..

so this who premise of "da candidates is liable for da wackos who support em" is asinine.

they're not liable I'm not saying that.

what I'm saying is that the difference in supporters is clearly obvious.

how is that arguable.

the evidence is there.

have you been/ would you go to a donald trump rally?

just admit it. its not a knock on your boy. its just what it is.
yeah...about that extrapolating candidates based on who supports em...imagine had da shoe been on da other foot and some gun nut's family went

to a Trump event.

u picking one example.

pretty big example...da father of a serial killer attended a political rally no damns given. had this been Trump there would be a countdown clock to when he would "disavow" any potential endorsement and endless questions about "what are you doing in your rhetoric that attracts these people? :lol :{

and lets not get started on that video about how opposite campaigns treat people with opposing views...last time i checked there was a whole lot more of Trump supporters gettin their ish split cuz of rabid rioters..

so this who premise of "da candidates is liable for da wackos who support em" is asinine.

Who did the shooter target? Gay people.

Which party tends to support LGBT interests? Democrats.

The father of the shooter being at a Republican rally would've raised more questions as it would've looked like he cosigned his son's actions.

It's like you don't even want to use your brain.

yeah.. :lol

like i said...no one interested in another 4 years of failed keynesian economics...8 years of crappy Obamanomics is enough [emoji]128564[/emoji]

Keynesian economic policy works quite well, even Republicans tacitly acknowledge it through policy decisions (unless there is a black man in the white house). If the GOP majority in Congress had spent the last five years spending at the rate that they did under Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush, we would probably have broken 3% GDP by now and unemployment would be lower.

Don't forget, also, that the Stimulus was mostly made up of temporary tax cuts. It is fine to give low income people money but temporary tax cuts do little to change people's consumption patterns so there was no stimulus there. Most of the rest of the money went to help States plug their budget gaps. It is good to help a State avoid laying off teachers but that is not a net Stimulus to the economy, that is treading water.

If the stimulus had been 1.2 trillion, there would have been money for new infrastructure projects. When you can hire all of those laid off construction workers, who had previously been building houses, and have them working and spending, you would have seen a much faster and robust recovery. Sadly, Republicans and a number of "moderate" Democrats got cheap at exactly the wrong time, as a Depression was rolling across the Country.
There's no question that there's videos of Hilary lying or straight contradicting herself, she's been the politics for decades. However these Trump videos are for his supporters that believe all the crap he's been spewing since he decided to run, and swear the guy doesn't flip flop or lie.
Why did this video make me like Trump more than I did before?

Either way, there's no chance in hell that I'm voting for him.  This election cycle is a bust.  There's no point in voting for Hillary in NY, and Jill Stein is way too much of a kook for me to give her my support.  I'm fairly progressive, but I'm either voting Gary Johnson or staying home come November.  

yeah.. :lol

like i said...no one interested in another 4 years of failed keynesian economics...8 years of crappy Obamanomics is enough [emoji]128564[/emoji]

Keynesian economic policy works quite well, even Republicans tacitly acknowledge it through policy decisions (unless there is a black man in the white house). If the GOP majority in Congress had spent the last five years spending at the rate that they did under Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush, we would probably have broken 3% GDP by now and unemployment would be lower.

Don't forget, also, that the Stimulus was mostly made up of temporary tax cuts. It is fine to give low income people money but temporary tax cuts do little to change people's consumption patterns so there was no stimulus there. Most of the rest of the money went to help States plug their budget gaps. It is good to help a State avoid laying off teachers but that is not a net Stimulus to the economy, that is treading water.

If the stimulus had been 1.2 trillion, there would have been money for new infrastructure projects. When you can hire all of those laid off construction workers, who had previously been building houses, and have them working and spending, you would have seen a much faster and robust recovery. Sadly, Republicans and a number of "moderate" Democrats got cheap at exactly the wrong time, as a Depression was rolling across the Country.

And Ninja acknowledges it as well......

Ninja, what three major policy differences would you enact in order to push GDP growth over that crucial three percent mark?

*cracks fingers*

-Energy independence Give out TONS of federal leases to companies for exploratory reasons for energy... Sure da markets are down now, thats cuz opec is purposely drowning American companies, and green light keystone, and END da war on coal.

-da decriminalization & legalization of marijuana & hemp... Complete no brainer..da Colorado tax coffers are booming

-infrastructure spending...i live on NYC streets, nuff said.

-lower corporate taxes and incentivize on shore manufacturer jobs.

-Immigration also boosts GDP...too bad it became a political football :{

-Repealing Obamacare and other oppressive regulations...alot of people i know dont even get 40 hours a week anymore :{

Let capitalism capitalize....

If u wanna go on a libertarian bender:

Legalize everything & anything & tax/regulate it.
Just saw this gem on FB from a Bernie Bro:

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