***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It’s hard for me to see how people who support prison reform and fair sentencing vote for the man that wrote the crime bill and is considered by some an architect of modern mass incarceration.

But lo, there’s more than what you or I find difficult to see.
Wait, but we're talking about you. You claim to be against voter suppression and somehow that topic never comes up when you suggest Biden will lose the election. Voter suppression seems pretty detrimental to a presidential campaign. That topic is so important that you just pretend it doesn't exist?

I can see how it's difficult for you to understand people voting for Biden when you don't compare pros and cons. To understand you might need to factor in the negatives of a Trump presidency and the positives of a Biden presidency.
Never claimed to know.

Hopefully no one thought that I knew who Biden was going to pick for VP. To clear any ambiguity, I don't.
Your posts that it will be Warren, and then it will be Whitmer, when pretty much all of the reporting on this suggests that it won't be either must just be trolling then, or intentionally seeking to stir the pot within the thread.
I didn’t mention anything about either being more tolerable.

All your post shows is how unprincipled you are and your different standards for Republicans and Democrats.

Perhaps you agree with Biden’s assertion that there isn’t much diversity of thought as it relates to politics in the black community.
It is like ******** pumps through your veins
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It’s hard for me to see how people who support prison reform and fair sentencing vote for the man that wrote the crime bill and is considered by some an architect of modern mass incarceration.

But lo, there’s more than what you or I find difficult to see.
Unlike Donald Trump, who still wants to "liberate" the suburbs from Democrat thugs, Biden is not running on 30 year old ideas.
Your posts that it will be Warren, and then it will be Whitmer, when pretty much all of the reporting on this suggests that it won't be either must just be trolling then, or intentionally seeking to stir the pot within the thread.

Have you been following the news on this? The recent reporting is that he met with Whitmer, that is why I said it is likely. I think that was this Saturday.

Someone on CNN mentioned that there have been problems between him and Warren and him and Harris in the past because of things said during the campaign.

That is where the information is from. I have no idea if it is true or not (as I imagine most people in here form opinions and posts based on reporting).

I think he should pick a black woman, period. I've even gone as far as to say that it is one of the things that would move me to vote for him.

It would be sad for my friends to come and talk to me about supporting Biden if he decides to pick a white woman as his running mate. It would be the ultimate "I know y'all will vote for me either way."

Angela Rye said it was non-negotiable. And I agree with her on the point.
Wait, but we're talking about you. You claim to be against voter suppression and somehow that topic never comes up when you suggest Biden will lose the election. Voter suppression seems pretty detrimental to a presidential campaign. That topic is so important that you just pretend it doesn't exist?

I can see how it's difficult for you to understand people voting for Biden when you don't compare pros and cons. To understand you might need to factor in the negatives of a Trump presidency and the positives of a Biden presidency.

Voter suppression comes up with me all the time. We are literally talking about it right now. I am against it, period. No matter who is doing it.

I don't support any effort to suppress votes. I understand the disparate impact that has on black voters.

There is no pretending it doesn't exist here.
Voter suppression comes up with me all the time. We are literally talking about it right now. I am against it, period. No matter who is doing it.

I don't support any effort to suppress votes. I understand the disparate impact that has on black voters.

There is no pretending it doesn't exist here.
Yet you will vote for the only group that uses it as a major part of their campaign strategy

Like I said, your words say you care about black people, but your actions say you hate them
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Voter suppression comes up with me all the time. We are literally talking about it right now. I am against it, period. No matter who is doing it.

I don't support any effort to suppress votes. I understand the disparate impact that has on black voters.

There is no pretending it doesn't exist here.
Yes, it came up because I brought it up. You made no mention. I've even asked a few times now how much more impact will there be if Biden doesn't pick a black VP versus the impact of voter suppression. I haven't seen a response.

You conveniently ignore the GOP's voter suppression tactics that will undoubtedly affect minority votes and negatively impact Biden.
It’s a sports kinda day for Trump :lol:

I wonder what's the over/under on Trump ever watching an NBA game in his life. 😂
Also, what's even funnier is the completely out of touch culture war (in an election year!) the GOP is attempting to wage to "rile up their base". Folks are unemployed on an unprecedented scale, facing evictions, and COVID cases and deaths are piling up....but let's go after the NBA and WNBA for kneeling instead of focusing on the problems we created. I never want to hear another discussion on who can govern and who can't, because it's quite obvious where one party's priorities lie.
I absolutely hate tomatoes...one of the most detestable foods on the planet and I don't like them AT ALL

But every time I eat, I make sure there's some tomato in there with extra on the side

Yes, it came up because I brought it up. You made no mention. I've even asked a few times now how much more impact will there be if Biden doesn't pick a black VP versus the impact of voter suppression. I haven't seen a response.

You conveniently ignore the GOP's voter suppression tactics that will undoubtedly affect minority votes and negatively impact Biden.

I think that Biden choosing a white running mate will have a larger impact on him losing the election than any voter suppression by the GOP.

I am not ignoring it at all. As I have said, I am against voter suppression. No matter who is doing it. That includes any suppression efforts by the GOP.
I think that Biden choosing a white running mate will have a larger impact on him losing the election than any voter suppression by the GOP.

I am not ignoring it at all. As I have said, I am against voter suppression. No matter who is doing it. That includes any suppression efforts by the GOP.
And this is based on what? Thoughts and feelings?
White people.

Because Trump doesn’t enjoy 90% plus of the black vote, unlike Biden.

I guess I'm not understanding why if 90% of black voters are inclined to vote for Biden, they'd shift their vote (if Biden doesn't nominate a black woman as VP) to other candidates who actively suppress black voters and obstruct efforts that promote social justice and racial equality.

Mickey ain't a jackass like Ye, he ain't as pathetic as Delk, they forged his signature. Da Mouse voting for Biden, B. He gonna pull up at the County Election office demanding they remove his name like....
I think he should pick a black woman, period. I've even gone as far as to say that it is one of the things that would move me to vote for him.

It would be sad for my friends to come and talk to me about supporting Biden if he decides to pick a white woman as his running mate. It would be the ultimate "I know y'all will vote for me either way."

"if he doesn't nominate a black woman as his VP, I won't vote for him! I'll vote instead for the party suppressing black votes! I'll vote for the party opposing racial equality! I'll vote for the guy who said white supremacists were very fine people!"
I guess I'm not understanding why if 90% of black voters are inclined to vote for Biden, they'd shift their vote (if Biden doesn't nominate a black woman as VP) to other candidates who actively suppress black voters and obstruct efforts that promote social justice and racial equality.

Make no mistake, I don't think these voters will vote for Trump instead.

I just think they won't vote for Biden any longer. And that could make the difference.
"if he doesn't nominate a black woman as his VP, I won't vote for him! I'll vote instead for the party suppressing black votes! I'll vote for the party opposing racial equality! I'll vote for the guy who said white supremacists were very fine people!"

Addressed above
Make no mistake, I don't think these voters will vote for Trump instead.

I just think they won't vote for Biden any longer. And that could make the difference.

right. forgot about the folks voting for Kanye. I wonder who that benefits.
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