***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Biden and Harris are probably avoiding the court packing question because of down ticket races.

Tons of centrist are running in purple House districts. You have close Senate races in purple and red states.

Biden and Harris could say they will consider it and it won't make much of a difference for their race. But it give the GOP an opening to use the sound bite to attacking down ticket Dems.

So vague no answers might be for the best.
They need to get people off that topic with the logical rebuttal that Covid and the economy are in shambles and the court packing won’t be a main topic until people are safe. An easy response.
It would help a lot if the rest of your cohort didn't expose their anti-Blackness within their first ten posts in the thread, which usually results in them getting banned.

I can’t disagree. Especially considering the last two who sounded more like the “satirical” posts making fun of conservatives, than actual conservatives.
Oh, ok!

So terrorism for poor white folks is ok, but bootstrap philosophy is for poor minorities.

Are you ok with that, dwalk31 dwalk31 ? How do you like how quickly the double standard is used and exploited?

No, I’m not okay with that.

I understand intersection of poverty and violent crime. And it’s ridiculous to use poverty as a shield in one instance and a sword in another.
The problem with CNN is that it's explicitly entertainment. It's adjacent to ESPN.

The information is always genuine and factual, they're not pedaling overt white supremacy, but they're so contrived and I don't doubt that their position on issues of equality, social justice and general morality are about eyeballs first and not any sense of real conviction.

Their television is hardly a news network, they're an entertainment network, but again they do tell the truth, and when the primary like-for-like alternative is an open white supremacist propaganda network in Fox News, they can carry being truthful and morally decent all the way to the bank.

My biggest complaint about CNN is that they bring the lowest common denominator Republican/White supremacist shill on as a counter point, and just let them talk bull**** (see Kayleigh Mcenany circa 2016, Jason Miller, etc), instead of actual coherent opposing views that can then be countered and dismantled in constructive manner, by their generally solid political commentators.

I'd be more likely to tune in and watch caricatures like Don Lemon or Chris Cuomo as a form of entertainment/background noise at the end of the day if the network took itself more or less seriously, I'm not even ****ing sure which.

You're not gonna see any political news on CNN that you didn't see a link to here in this thread first, earlier in the day, and also connected to better written sources, commentary, and probably analysis .

But this all minutiae that's pretty irrelevant in a conversation with a Trump supporter.

There's zero equivalency between CNN and fake news, or an overtly racist propaganda network like Fox News.

Pretty much this freeze freeze

Also, the concept of “fake news” is ******** projection from Trump. Go back and re-read how that even began.

Trump and his campaign/Fox News/Breitbart and affiliates were literally, pedaling “FAKE NEWS”. IE: this FAKE graphic


Sane people in real time, were obviously calling out how FAKE these graphics were. Like, he was legit spreading doctored photos, images, graphics, videos etc.

Once he was getting called out for spreading “Fake news” him and his defenders co-opted it and called any valid criticism of him “fake news” and jumped on any news that came out that may have mistakenly said something as an example of if. The concept has been so warped from its inception, that its become hard to recognize. He’s discredited media and made truth meaningless.

So I trust you guys opinions of topics such as politics and whatnot.

When I talk to people that support trump...and trust..I keep it to a minimum....I mention I watch cnn and they go off about how it fake news.

Do you guys view cnn as fake news? Seems legit to me. They come with fact checkers and proven numbers. Don and cuomo and AC and the numerous strong female leads all seem legit.

Am I washed because I trust cnn now? Did I get old? I also follow threads like this and some solids twitter pages to get all the angles.

Hating main stream media just seems so tin foil hat and conspiracy trailer hick type steeze to me.

The problem with American news is they feel obligated to both sides this shhh

For example look at all the coverage Hillary’s emails BS got vs the stuff trump and co got going on a daily/weekly basis

literally just image how the media would cover Obama, Hillary, AOC, warren, Bernie or Ilhan if they did anything trump did last week

or for example, people are ignoring that pence a participant in the debate asked the question and not the moderator but you got stories like this while trump has been promising “2 weeks” for years and months on health care

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The problem with American news is they feel obligated to both sides this shhh

For example look at all the coverage Hillary’s emails BS got vs the stuff trump and co got going on a daily/weekly basis

literally just image how the media would cover Obama, Hillary, AOC, warren, Bernie or Ilhan if they did anything trump did last week

or for example, people are ignoring that pence a participant in the debate asked the question and not the moderator but you got stories like this while trump has been promising “2 weeks” for years and months on health care

CNN is factual Fox News. They say correct things but overkill it with theatrics.

agreed with bringing idiots on for the sake of being “fair”. Shut these people up. Free speech is outdated and misquoted. Idiots like Kanye and the like don’t need to be heard outside their homes
There was a report that Christie was in the ICU. Haven’t heard anything since so I’m guessing it’s bad and they’re trying to keep it quiet. Same thing they’re doing with Pence.
CNN is factual Fox News. They say correct things but overkill it with theatrics.

agreed with bringing idiots on for the sake of being “fair”. Shut these people up. Free speech is outdated and misquoted. Idiots like Kanye and the like don’t need to be heard outside their homes

if someone is a known liar, you don’t have to continue to give that person a platform

look at Jason Miller, for example

you can have deferring political viewpoints on to actually discuss the issues without all the BS.. the job of the hosts should be to remove those individuals who clearly have no intent of actually bringing factual information to the public
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