***Official Political Discussion Thread***

this, we are aren't left wing drones or right wingnuts..i like to hear both sides of da arguments objectively.

obama's been da president 4 years, he's supposed to be running touting his record, not running away from it and making it a

"well romney is a boogyman" debate.
 That's the thing though. He's done all he could and imo a great job given the circumstances. People just look at the numbers and take it as that, just numbers. Data is useless unless you take it into context. And people are starting to forget that a BIG reason the deficit is so large is a result of Bush policies. And a BIG reason the country is in the crapper is because Bush left it in far worst condition that when he inherited it from Clinton.

And that is another reason I'm not voting for Romney. In this day and age, you're voting for a party and not a candidate. And I don't trust the Republican ticket one bit after what happened from 2000-2008.

Someone on Facebook posted, "Seal team six's operation to destroy osama bin laden was brought about during bush's presidency. I will not believe that obama is repsonsible for killing bin laden even if Morgan Freeman insists, and neither should you."

Well that is true, I am not denying the fact that we killed Osama with a great amount of intelligence gained from the Bush Administration.

I posted on his status saying "The economy that we currently live in was brought about during Bush's presidency. I refuse to believe Obama is fully responsible for this debacle even if Clint Eastwood insists, and neither should you"

Bush does NOT get enough credit for the state our country is currently in. We are still, with great magnitude, feeling the effects of his administration.

Bush does NOT get enough credit for the state our country is currently in. We are still, with great magnitude, feeling the effects of his administration.

If we're still feeling the effects of Bush, then why does it continue under Obama? How can you deny the facts?

Govt massive spending continues
Defense spending has increased.
Drone attacks increased.
Renditions continue.
Guantanamo continues
Expanded Special Operation forces and clandestine operations (Started with Rumsfeld)
Patriot Act resigned
Bush Tax cuts continue
Stimulus bills continue
Marijuana shops continue to be raided
Congress continues to be divided
etc.. etc..
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Bush does NOT get enough credit for the state our country is currently in. We are still, with great magnitude, feeling the effects of his administration.
If we're still feeling the effects of Bush, then why does it continue under Obama? How can you deny the facts?

Govt massive spending continues
Defense spending has increased.
Drone attacks increased.
Renditions continue.
Guantanamo continues
Expanded Special Operation forces and clandestine operations (Started with Rumsfeld)
Patriot Act resigned
Bush Tax cuts continue
Stimulus bills continue
Marijuana shops continue to be raided
Congress continues to be divided
etc.. etc..
TO ME, it sounds like this would have happened anyways when it comes to everything except the weed raids.

Honestly, the military will do WHATEVER they want and use the president as the civilian leader to get their message across. 

People underestimate how powerful that military industrial complex is. 

And FYI, Drone strikes aren't going away. They need to be more accurate, but using robots won't end. 

Bush does NOT get enough credit for the state our country is currently in. We are still, with great magnitude, feeling the effects of his administration.

If we're still feeling the effects of Bush, then why does it continue under Obama? How can you deny the facts?

Govt massive spending continues
Defense spending has increased.
Drone attacks increased.
Renditions continue.
Guantanamo continues
Expanded Special Operation forces and clandestine operations (Started with Rumsfeld)
Patriot Act resigned
Bush Tax cuts continue
Stimulus bills continue
Marijuana shops continue to be raided
Congress continues to be divided
etc.. etc..

But everything you listed with the exception of probably marijuana raids would have taken place whether McCain or the next clown was in office. So really what are you saying? You're blaming President for a divided congress comprised of one side that pretty much hates him? Cmon fam.
But everything you listed with the exception of probably marijuana raids would have taken place whether McCain or the next clown was in office. So really what are you saying? You're blaming President for a divided congress comprised of one side that pretty much hates him? Cmon fam.

Exactly. If McCain was President, would our country today be that much different? Who really knows but for the most part I think we would still probably end up where we are today regardless. I guess what I am saying is no matter whose the President, nothing truly changes. Sure certain sectors may benefit while others suffer but for the most part, I don't see any radical change in our domestic, economic and/or foreign policy.

Also I am not blaming Obama for a divided Congress. Democrats and Republicans have maliciously hated each other since the dawn of time but how can one say it hasn't gotten nastier the past 5-10 years? Look at that fool Joe Wilson yelling "You Lie" to Obama in front of Congress. However, you can't deny if Romney wins, the Democrats will do everything in their power to make him a 1 term President just like how the Republicans are doing everything they can to ruin Obama now. It's an endless cycle, and unfortunately the American people are the ones that bear the burden of this defunct US Govt.
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Repubs and democrats didn't always hate each other do this degree. They used to be in closer proximity during the work week. Now they barely even see each ther so there is even less working together on issues.

Even little things like eat lunch together. It's easier to negotiate with someone you have some type of relationship with.
:lol: Quit your crying. Extremely Liberal message board? :rofl:
You're accusing others of not being objective but clearly you're jaded by your political association.
The facts are being posted in this thread and there's plenty who are calling a spade a spade. I'm not sure which thread you're reading or if it's your predisposition to reject "liberal" ideas as extreme. I do agree that both sides tell lies, and in this thread they've been called out whether they were republican or democrat. Just because you don't like the ideas doesn't mean others aren't being objective.
I hate this party politics **** but if anything it's the right that's in here spewing the bs making statements like since he accomplished his goal as a venture capitalist he'll make a good president :x FOH

Yes CJ, the Niketalk community is a liberal and mostly democratic message board, did I get that wrong CJ?

Facts are being posted in this thread? Yea, okay, some posters have been choosing and picking stats to support the Obama agenda, but a hell of a lot more opinions are being posted.

The thread I'm reading Junior, the thread I've been reading and the thread I've been involved in since page 1, is extremely liberal, CJ. There is absolutely no split, so many more Obama supporters. You can't argue that - you may see it differently, you may really enjoy this thread - you may think this thread is politically fair - but it isn't. Stop fighting it. The very limited Romney supporters in this thread have been attacked. - Now, what thread you been reading?

It could just be that this thread is simply, everything you want to hear. That's the spade you see, the spade you want to call. But I'm not complaining, I really don't care about you bruh. Do you, but homie, you don't know my politics, so stop speculating.

This is how the country is now, can't do much about it. It's a gangwar. I just wish it wasn't.
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To Aero I`m not trying to come at you brah, I just think our Generation should be trying to change the system/ start the rise of the 3rd parties. Like I always say Democrats will hug you and smile in your face but steal all your money when you blink (reckless spending) their intents are good and I align with them in most topics but majority just dont excute because their puppet strings are so tight.

And Like I said the Republicans are so screwed up on the social side I just dont see how ANYONE in our generation can take them serious. The RNC was a JOKE, like Mitt Romney was the only somewhat intelligent person in the room, and after Romney got the nomination he turned into the Pokemon Ditto and pretty much shapeshifted to anything the people wanted to see. As these older crazy conservatives begin to die off I would want to see a rise in the Libertarian party and heck Green PArty too.

I totally under stand the fiscal conservative thing, but I cant back someone that social stands against what I believe in or is worried about Social things that have no business in dictating the public. How can you want smaller gov but want to ban Gay marriage and Abortion? This is America as long as cats are murking each other or molesting kids WHO CARES!

Our economy is screwed until people realize Its Education and Innovation that will bring us back just like how the Technology boom that happened to the 90s. Those companies got so comfortable they stopped innovating and outsourced everything. Heck the only thing Microsoft is good for nowadays is Microsoft Office. It makes me sick that you ask the best and the brightest kids what they want to do in life and alot of em say "go to wall street" Thats cool if thats your passion, but there is zero push in getting kids in the science and technology field, you only see foreigners in these areas majority of the time. Mitt Romney is not going to create jobs, NO PRESIDENT can "CREATE" jobs. We need more creative minds to innovate new things, heck our Telecom/Internet is a joke compared to other countries. All we do in America now is consume consume consume, no producing.

Idk, what do I know, I`m just ranting.
What does caring about me have anything to do with the NT Presidential Election thread? That statement alone let's me know that you're too entrenched in your emotions to make an accurate judgement of what's being said. The only Romney supporter that I recall being attacked is Ninjahood and if you ask me for good reason because the guy is just ******ed. Crying about others beliefs in this thread isn't going to get you anywhere, or you can continue to discuss this election in an objective manner as I and a number of other members on this board have been doing. You don't get a pacifier because you're crying, you're a grown *** man.

And if you really wanna talk that **** this isn't a gang war. This is a class war. GOP, DEMS both just labels to distract from what's really going on and judging by your statements they're doing a damn good job at it.
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How you could look past Mitt Romney's record as a businessman and come to the conclusion that he'll do better for America is entirely beyond me :x

He had a 78% rate for profits at Bain, and I doubt you have any idea what PE is, but that is a pretty good success to failure ratio.... Couldn't you say the same for Obama's business record? Oh wait I forgot he has no experience at all in the economic area. I mean I guess those green energy companies that were funded by our taxpayer money that went bankrupt doesn't mean anything..
He had a 78% rate for profits at Bain, and I doubt you have any idea what PE is, but that is a pretty good success to failure ratio.... Couldn't you say the same for Obama's business record? Oh wait I forgot he has no experience at all in the economic area. I mean I guess those green energy companies that were funded by our taxpayer money that went bankrupt doesn't mean anything..

Mitt Romney 47 out of 50 for states as a Governor.

And let's not forget how they gained these profits..
He had a 78% rate for profits at Bain, and I doubt you have any idea what PE is, but that is a pretty good success to failure ratio.... Couldn't you say the same for Obama's business record? Oh wait I forgot he has no experience at all in the economic area. I mean I guess those green energy companies that were funded by our taxpayer money that went bankrupt doesn't mean anything..

Y'all cats have to stop letting your emotions flow throw in these posts :lol: By your logic Joe Schmo on Wall Street can jump in the white house strapped up and cure the economy overnight. But y'all want an objective discussion right? :rofl:
I can be patient

Jesse Ventura 2016

Yes, I'm serious, it's already in the works. I just hope we live to see it.
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How you could look past Mitt Romney's record as a businessman and come to the conclusion that he'll do better for America is entirely beyond me
He had a 78% rate for profits at Bain, and I doubt you have any idea what PE is, but that is a pretty good success to failure ratio.... Couldn't you say the same for Obama's business record? Oh wait I forgot he has no experience at all in the economic area. I mean I guess those green energy companies that were funded by our taxpayer money that went bankrupt doesn't mean anything..

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 8% of green companies that received stimulus money went bankrupt, 22% of companies Bain invested in while Romney was in charge went bankrupt:


Try again fam. 
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He had a 78% rate for profits at Bain, and I doubt you have any idea what PE is, but that is a pretty good success to failure ratio.... Couldn't you say the same for Obama's business record? Oh wait I forgot he has no experience at all in the economic area. I mean I guess those green energy companies that were funded by our taxpayer money that went bankrupt doesn't mean anything..

Here is the thing, I don't hold Mitt success as a business man against him, but I don't view it as a plus either. He wasn't a self made man to say he struggled from the bottom to top, he wasn't a inventor or innovator, and he ruined a lot of people's lives making that money.

Being the president of the United States is very very very different than running a business. I would let Mitt run my company over Obama, but indefinably not my country
^ On a somewhat related note, I'm disappointed that Sarah Palin has fallen so far out of the spotlight that she has to put out racist comments to get attention. :smh:
What does caring about me have anything to do with the NT Presidential Election thread? That statement alone let's me know that you're too entrenched in your emotions to make an accurate judgement of what's being said. The only Romney supporter that I recall being attacked is Ninjahood and if you ask me for good reason because the guy is just ******ed. Crying about others beliefs in this thread isn't going to get you anywhere, or you can continue to discuss this election in an objective manner as I and a number of other members on this board have been doing. You don't get a pacifier because you're crying, you're a grown *** man.

And if you really wanna talk that **** this isn't a gang war. This is a class war. GOP, DEMS both just labels to distract from what's really going on and judging by your statements they're doing a damn good job at it.
apparently ninjahood melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

are purposely trying to get a rise outta me or something b?
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^ On a somewhat related note, I'm disappointed that Sarah Palin has fallen so far out of the spotlight that she has to put out racist comments to get attention.
On the real...tell me you wouldn't take Sarah Palin down if she let you. 
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