***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People are wild man, I gotta share this anecdote. A few minute ago I just had a conversation with this old Latina lady about why she supports Trump. :lol:

Mind you this is East Oakland CA along International Blvd, the San Antonio district, huge Mexican immigrant community.

I'm at a taco truck and this woman starts a conversation with me after she hears me order in Spanish.

At one point she brings up the election and ask me who I support etc. I ask her the same in return, and she says she supports Trump.

Of course I ask her why. Now my Spanish isn't great and I don't refer to myself as fluent, but my best interpretation of her explanation was that to her, Trump is a strong man. Her specific words referenced strength in the kind of way a father instills discipline in his children, and that's what she feels the US needs in a president.

Really nice little old lady, but that just blows my mind. I just have no idea how Trump commonly instills that kind of perception in some people. Greatest grifter of our lifetime. :lol:

Anyway FDT , I love and appreciate this thread, one of the finest bastions of political humor AND knowledge on the internet.

Hope everyone is safe and celebrates however they see fit this weekend. :pimp:

A man who can't stand straight and who wears depends because of his drug addiction is a strong man. Goddamn.
Biden addressing the nation tonight

Sounds like he's about to have his '.....I am Iron Man' moment. :smokin
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