***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Famb, nah, you are mistaken. When it comes to the GOP, it is worse, it can still get worse.

I think dudes are talking about how our political system functions and the norms that support them, and not society in general. Yes, today is better than the Jim Crow Era, but the thing point is trying to drive home is the GOP is more committed to authoritarianism more to today than any time during the modern era. And that is dangerous too for the country.

Things are getting worse, and can still get worse.

The GOP has been slowly becoming more and more **** over the decades. Every decade the sink lower and lower. But now:

-No real ideological diversity
-They are gerrymandering more
-Engaging in voter suppression more blatantly
-The Senate has a bigger white rural tilt
-Conservative judges are more reactionary
-The Electoral College Advantage for the GOP is growing
-They are becoming more hostile to liberal democracy

From Nixon to Reagan, to Gingrich, o Bush, to McConnell, to Trump. At every step the GOP has chosen to become more reactionary, more liberal, more oppression, more partisan, more hostile to democratic norms. They are only one iteration away from becoming a full-blown authoritarian.

Someone that pops a perc every night to calm their nerves is an opioid addict. Someone that pops multiple Oxy pills a day is an opioid addict.

But one is worse than the other.

Welp, we are saying that shooting heroin in a back ally is coming next.

The real difference is that in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, the electorate could punish Republican bad behavior if they wanted to, soon they might not be able to. The Democratic Party was incentivized to become a party of civil rights and diversity. Soon they might be incentivized to move away from these positions.

Soon every marginalized group in America will be living under a government completely unresponsive to their needs. Coalition building will not work as a political tool. The gains people fought for in order to destroy Jim Crow America, will be slowly rolled back. So yes **** has been horrific in the past, **** is bad now, but it can get even worse.
Ok, AGAIN, I’m not saying it cannot get worse. I’m not saying what they’re doing isn’t wrong. I’m not saying it cannot get worse...... the ONLY thing I’m saying is that none of this is new :lol:
Ok, AGAIN, I’m not saying it cannot get worse. I’m not saying what they’re doing isn’t wrong. I’m not saying it cannot get worse...... the ONLY thing I’m saying is that none of this is new :lol:
But people are laying out the aspects of this that are new and you’re just ignoring them :lol:.
Ok, AGAIN, I’m not saying it cannot get worse. I’m not saying what they’re doing isn’t wrong. I’m not saying it cannot get worse...... the ONLY thing I’m saying is that none of this is new :lol:

Sure. But I guess the question is: what’s your investment in insisting that “none of this is new”? History may rhyme, but it does not repeat, the old saying goes.

There are some enduring ideological threads running through the Jim Crow period to the present, but the kinds of political pressure points and efforts at solidarity have changed over time. The key is to have a historical perspective in order to discern differences, no matter how subtle, to affect change in the present.
I get the threat of the future. Again, I’m saying they’ve laid the groundwork for generations now. Bush jr is arguably just as a useful idiot as trump. He was just a more likable idiot. AGAIN, nothing new here.

my point about people hanging people is that these idiots have been who’ve they’ve been for hundreds of years. You can blame any number things for these people to believe the BS. They’re just not smart people. AGIAN idiots are nothing new

You said minority rule is becoming the norm. again, nothing new. Republicans have disproportionately represented less people yet held more power since the inception of the EC.

I’m surprised the sheer number of people who voted for Trump AFTER sitting through 4 years of him doesn’t concern you more.

To put it into perspective, Trump literally had the 2nd most votes of any American in a single US election ever. This should be frightening to all of us. This also essentially means we have an entire population of 70 million+ people who are trying to destroy the country and are, at the very least, OKAY with racism and sexism coming from our leader. I’m not even sure how we deal with these people and contend with this problem tbh.
Sure. But I guess the question is: what’s your investment in insisting that “none of this is new”? History may rhyme, but it does not repeat, the old saying goes.

There are some enduring ideological threads running through the Jim Crow period to the present, but the kinds of political pressure points and efforts at solidarity have changed over time. The key is to have a historical perspective in order to discern differences, no matter how subtle, to affect change in the present.
Republicans have been doing anything and everything to stay in power since recent history. The act of that is not new. I’m not saying I’m fine with it which is what you guys are implying. I want the dems to change that but history always leans towards them doing nothing but halting their progress until the next election
But people are laying out the aspects of this that are new and you’re just ignoring them :lol:.
I’m not informing anything. What’s so hard to understand that the republicans have been strong arming themselves into power since the beginning? I’ve never went into details of what that consisted of. Y’all are trying to over dissect my simple statement for whatever reason.
Republicans have been doing anything and everything to stay in power since recent history. The act of that is not new. I’m not saying I’m fine with it which is what you guys are implying. I want the dems to change that but history always leans towards them doing nothing but halting their progress until the next election

Ok. I’m just trying to stress that claims that “such and such is not new” is often ahistoric and can be a lazy way of actually doing the work of identifying subtle changes that can help us get free.

And I’m also saying that doomsday scenarios without an actionable plan creates dangerous levels of anxiety that we cannot hold.
I think it's driven by evangelicals just as much.

at least american Jews have a decent reason to support israel (and most probably stop short of supporting the far right stuff like settlements). american evangelicals who support israel are just straight up psychopaths. they think jews will burn in hell (they also don't like Catholics and middle eastern christians), but they'll push for continual war in the middle east and genocide as long as it means bringing about the apocalypse.
I’m not informing anything. What’s so hard to understand that the republicans have been strong arming themselves into power since the beginning? I’ve never went into details of what that consisted of. Y’all are trying to over dissect my simple statement for whatever reason.
The “simple statement” oversimplifies how this has taken place in various forms as times change. You suggest that Dems should do something while they have the Presidency, but dismiss the reality of the situation. What can Biden do without the Senate and House except Executive Orders? And guess what? The judiciary is now stacked with life time appointments of reaction right judges ans a 6-3 Supreme Court. Good luck seeing anything stick with the EOs. The Republicans literally have no incentive to compromise. There’s no threat of them losing power in the same way because of the slant of Senate, gerrymandering of the House districts and the Electoral College. You’re ignoring the stark reality and just telling the Dems to do something/figure it out. It’s not going to work like that.
I think we all can agree that R's have been in this business of consolidating power and trampling on democracy as we know it for awhile and also understand for every "this is nothing new" R's put a stamp on something puts us at a new dire trajectory in each instance it's implemented
I think it's driven by evangelicals just as much.

at least american Jews have a decent reason to support israel (and most probably stop short of supporting the far right stuff like settlements). american evangelicals who support israel are just straight up psychopaths. they think jews will burn in hell (they also don't like Catholics and middle eastern christians), but they'll push for continual war in the middle east and genocide as long as it means bringing about the apocalypse.
I should have elaborated b/c from what you wrote, we agree. By "Jews" I meant ppl's obsession w/ Jews. Especially the evangelic, they think supporting Israel ("Holy Land"/"Chosen People") is gonna trigger the 2nd Coming of Christ. It's weird.

Damn near if not all the roots to every evil conspiracy involving the deep state, nwo, or whatever ******** like that, some Jew is always to blame for it according to them. That's another reason those wackjobs are obsessed w/ Israel/Jews.
To give you a small idea of how different the modern day republican party is, Nixon supported both a UBI (temporarily, there's a whole interesting story to that) and the end of the EC (another interesting story). That guy would get death threats today.

Instead republicans are busy electing people who literally believe a secret war is taking place in the US between the grand savior trump and a deep state cabal that traffics children in the basements of pizza parlors.
America and Israel both hate Muslims

did You know Jews are killed by law in many Muslim majority countries? Aren’t even allowed into Mecca? Did you know Muslims are members of parliament and judges in Israel? Can you find a single Jewish member of parliament or judge in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan or Egypt?

did you know Muslims are protected by law to practice their religion in America and are protected from discrimination or hate crimes by law? The stupid travel ban by one stupid man doesn’t mean America hates Muslims. Muslims line up to this day to get into this country. If it’s such a bad place for them why do they want to come here so bad?
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