***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I love all people. I love Muslims.
I proudly hate all religions including Islam. They are all bad man made ideas memorialized in text. All religions are terrible. That’s my view and I’m proud of it.
You can hate yoga and not hate people who do yoga. That’s how I feel when it comes to religion
That's all good and great but how do you explain your support of the Lakers?

:lol: j/k about the Lakers. And although you said other stuff, I would agree on the point that a lot of Muslim-majority countries have down no favors for their people, not just Sunni and Shia Muslims but Christians, Jews, Baha'i, Kurds, atheists, and so on. But that doesn't excuse a lot of the **** America has done or supported over the years.
****ing spare me

Someone made a comment about America's treatment of Muslims.

Who the **** in this thread, in the Democrat Party, on the left, excuses the actions of those governments? How the **** does the treatment of Muslims in America have anything to do with the actions of those governments? Please, explain that, because that is what I have an issue with. That somehow you think the appropriate response to someone calling our the failings of America against a minority group is to peddle a whataboutism about something irrelevant.

Someone made comment about the ill-treatment of Muslims in American, and you jumped out the window with a whataboustims bringing up how Muslims in other countries treat Jews.

Then you add to the buffoonery of your post by saying that there are anti-discrimination laws to protect Muslims, and then imply that the only act against them was a travel ban. As a black man, I find it utterly ridiculous that some can suggest that having an anti-discrimination law means that discrimination doesn't take place. Even if you want to move the goal post and say you are talking about governments not people then you would still have to ignore the fact that someone like Trump is ignoring enforcement of civil right laws throughout government. And how the FBI for decades have harassed people within the Muslim American community. Or if you want to talk about foreign countries, the fact that from Bush, to Obama, to Trump, each one of them viciously and disgustingly droned the **** out of Muslim communities abroad.

But sure, let us act like the Muslim ban is the only thing.

Then you top it off with this "if we were so bad, why would they want to come here" ****ery. As an immigrant, I especially hate this nonsense. For many reasons, America is a better choice for many immigrants and refugees, that is true. However, that doesn't excuse the xenophobia and racism these people face when they come to the country. It is especially hilarious when America has made it a national priority to meddle in the Middle East for generations. If you have an issue with all the damage the Saudi have done in the Middle East, then maybe you should have an issue with its damn arms supplier too.

Your argument is no better than the nonsense deflections Trump peddles whenever someone questions him about America garbage treatment of minority groups.

So again, ****ing spare me
Post of the year.

Methodical Management Methodical Management how do I make this ad stop? I’ve been getting this **** for like two days and it’s gross as hell
Stop googling tree worms.

No really...google tree worms. 😏
The same people in here that have been asking “How stupid is the “what about Obama?” Argument” by the GOP and their followers...are the same that are in here generalizing a religion of billions and moving the convo of Muslims in America to “Ya but what about those (insert third world country run by crooks and goons using religion as an excuse) who treat others non-Muslims poorly”

People wonder “how trump supporters could support such non-sense??” -please ask yourselves the same question about your own beliefs.
“But what about North Africa and their treatment of Jews, Christians etc”

is basically like saying

“Ya but what about Chicago” in response to how the US has abused blacks for too long.

i see your point. My point was that saying “Israel hates Muslims” tells only half the story. One can reasonably argue Muslims have FAR more opportunities and rights in Israel than Jews do in Muslim majority countries
i see your point. My point was that saying “Israel hates Muslims” tells only half the story. One can reasonably argue Muslims have FAR more opportunities and rights in Israel than Jews do in Muslim majority countries
No, one cannot. You’re entitled to your opinion though

truth is, “two wrongs don’t make aright” Will be my rebuttal to most of these arguments

“you have way more rights here then you do in country X so shut up and put up with it”

reminds me of that time trump said “black people...in other countries they’d treat you much worse!” Or something like that.
go lakers
did You know Jews are killed by law in many Muslim majority countries? Aren’t even allowed into Mecca? Did you know Muslims are members of parliament and judges in Israel? Can you find a single Jewish member of parliament or judge in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan or Egypt?

did you know Muslims are protected by law to practice their religion in America and are protected from discrimination or hate crimes by law? The stupid travel ban by one stupid man doesn’t mean America hates Muslims. Muslims line up to this day to get into this country. If it’s such a bad place for them why do they want to come here so bad?

there's Black people in government in USA and nobody thinks America loves Black people. so none of that matters.
****ing spare me

Someone made a comment about America's treatment of Muslims.

Who the **** in this thread, in the Democrat Party, on the left, excuses the actions of those governments? How the **** does the treatment of Muslims in America have anything to do with the actions of those governments? Please, explain that, because that is what I have an issue with. That somehow you think the appropriate response to someone calling our the failings of America against a minority group is to peddle a whataboutism about something irrelevant.

Someone made comment about the ill-treatment of Muslims in American, and you jumped out the window with a whataboustims bringing up how Muslims in other countries treat Jews.

Then you add to the buffoonery of your post by saying that there are anti-discrimination laws to protect Muslims, and then imply that the only act against them was a travel ban. As a black man, I find it utterly ridiculous that some can suggest that having an anti-discrimination law means that discrimination doesn't take place. Even if you want to move the goal post and say you are talking about governments not people then you would still have to ignore the fact that someone like Trump is ignoring enforcement of civil right laws throughout government. And how the FBI for decades have harassed people within the Muslim American community. Or if you want to talk about foreign countries, the fact that from Bush, to Obama, to Trump, each one of them viciously and disgustingly droned the **** out of Muslim communities abroad.

But sure, let us act like the Muslim ban is the only thing.

Then you top it off with this "if we were so bad, why would they want to come here" ****ery. As an immigrant, I especially hate this nonsense. For many reasons, America is a better choice for many immigrants and refugees, that is true. However, that doesn't excuse the xenophobia and racism these people face when they come to the country. It is especially hilarious when America has made it a national priority to meddle in the Middle East for generations. If you have an issue with all the damage the Saudi have done in the Middle East, then maybe you should have an issue with its damn arms supplier too.

Your argument is no better than the nonsense deflections Trump peddles whenever someone questions him about America garbage treatment of minority groups.

So again, ****ing spare me

you’re turning this into a US imperialism discussion. I don’t want to go there.

my parents immigrated to this country from a Muslim majority country. I look Muslim and I have a Muslim sounding name. My parents made themselves successful as have I through hard work and education....without EVER experiencing discrimination or any barriers. Maybe we were lucky. Maybe we are an outlier. But I know so many successful Muslim lawyers doctors dentists. How can you tell them America hates you when they achieved their dreams by living in this land of opportunity?

What you call whataboutism is more about me calling out hypocrisy. ****ting on America is the cool thing to do when in reality how we treat Muslims isn’t even 5% as bad as how Pakistan, Iran, Saudi, Egypt, Afghanistan treats non Muslims. So spare me with your USA hate. If you really had balls and cared about HUMANITY you would first call out the biggest violators of human rights - those countries who kill you for being gay, apostates, atheists, Jews, Coptic, bahais, ahmadis, sufis, Christians etc.

Hating the USA is the low hanging fruit. That’s easy and takes no courage.
Lizakers Lizakers We live in America though (most of us) and are Americans (most of us). So we worry first about America. We have no illusions that many countries have awful governments.

And that's great you didn't face discrimination but where do you live? Are you in a county that voted for Trump?
Lizakers Lizakers We live in America though (most of us) and are Americans (most of us). So we worry first about America. We have no illusions that many countries have awful governments.

And that's great you didn't face discrimination but where do you live? Are you in a county that voted for Trump?

you make a valid point that we care about America. Are you “America First” like Trump? Lol
you make a valid point that we care about America. Are you “America First” like Trump? Lol
This is where we live, pay taxes, and vote, so yes, of course, I can about America first because a) it's where we are and b) it's where we have some say in what is done.

The whole "America first" thing was a pointless term, just like everything else in Trump's campaign. Every president has been "America first." Trump selling out to (and/or being owned by) Russia, KSA, Israel, and China is the closest we've had to a president who is not "America first" (and not too far away from being a traitor).
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