***Official Political Discussion Thread***

you’re turning this into a US imperialism discussion. I don’t want to go there.

my parents immigrated to this country from a Muslim majority country. I look Muslim and I have a Muslim sounding name. My parents made themselves successful as have I through hard work and education....without EVER experiencing discrimination or any barriers. Maybe we were lucky. Maybe we are an outlier. But I know so many successful Muslim lawyers doctors dentists. How can you tell them America hates you when they achieved their dreams by living in this land of opportunity?

What you call whataboutism is more about me calling out hypocrisy. ****ting on America is the cool thing to do when in reality how we treat Muslims isn’t even 5% as bad as how Pakistan, Iran, Saudi, Egypt, Afghanistan treats non Muslims. So spare me with your USA hate. If you really had balls and cared about HUMANITY you would first call out the biggest violators of human rights - those countries who kill you for being gay, apostates, atheists, Jews, Coptic, bahais, ahmadis, sufis, Christians etc.

Hating the USA is the low hanging fruit. That’s easy and takes no courage.
Man miss me with all this nonsense, you sound no better than Trump and the merry ban of bigots that support him.

Sounding no better than the bigots that say how can America be hostile to black Americans because look at all these successful black people they are, look we had a back president. Examples of successful people of a certain minority group is not evidence that discrimination doesn't exist against said groups. That is asinine logic.

You are not calling out any hypocrisy because no one is here excuses or dismisses any form of intolerance from Muslim people or governments. There is no inconsistency to call out. So at best you are arguing against a massive strawman.

Calling out America's failing is not hating America, it is nothing close to that. It about being honest about the country's shortcomings so they can be corrected and the country can improve. So it can be a more perfect union.

So the only person that lacks courage is you. Lacking the courage to give an honest assessment about what Muslims in America face, lacking the courage to discuss this in good faith, lacking the courage to no use lazy right-wing dog whistles to deflect.

It takes a special brand of cowardice to stick your head in the sand about how America routinely fails minority groups in this country.

And you are displaying tons of it.
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I don't know if he is a bigot or not, but he sounds like one with those talking points.

Sounding just like Ninja when he said black people should be thankful for the oppression they face in America because it could be worse.
His logic:

blacks have tons of oppotunities. Just look at LeBron James! How about Ben Carson!

And What about Chicago!!!?
Can we just get Biden in office first and through these Georgia runoffs before all the doom and gloom? Heck after reading the last few pages you’d think that the end of the world was coming. People can speculate all they want but when it comes to politics its literally up in the air how things sway.
Not too mad at Lizlakers. He grew up how he grew up. Life gives you experience and allows you to develop (hopefully) a sense of seeing things from many angles. His parents were probably outcasts in Iran and got ran out bc of their religion. So his parents probably had a very traumatic experience which affected their perception of Muslims...and he probably grew up around others that thought like this (Cousins uncles etc). This is VERY common among Persians, especially in the LA area. Extremely common thought process. Hopefully people can think beyond the lazy way out of blaming an entire race or religion and look at things holistically... But overall super nice people. Like most people when they actually get to know you etc
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Man miss me with all this nonsense, you sound no better than Trump and the merry ban of bigots that support him.

Sounding no better than the bigots that say how can America be hostile to black Americans because look at all these successful black people they are, look we had a back president. Examples of successful people of a certain minority group is not evidence that discrimination doesn't exist.

You are not calling out any hypocrisy because no one is her excuse or dismisses any form of intolerance from Muslim people. There is no inconsistency to call out. So at best you are arguing against a massive strawman.

Calling out America's failing is not hating America, it is nothing close to that. It about being honest about the country's shortcomings so they can be corrected and the country can improve. So it can be a more perfect union.

So the only person that lacks courage is you. Lacking the courage to give an honest assessment about what Muslims in America face, lacking the courage to discuss this in good faith, lacking the courage to no use lazy right-wing dog whistles to deflect.

It takes a special brand of cowardice to stick your head in the sand about how America routinely fails minority groups in this country.

And you are displaying tons of it.

we routinely fail minorities who routinely want to immigrate here so they can routinely be failed and hated and discriminated against. Makes sense.

If it helps you sleep at night that you are sticking up for us poor minority Muslim looking people, standing up to the big bad USA, then do you.

all people are discriminated against in every country in the world. It’s a function of man made constructs like race and religion that have created global tribalism. I don’t think America holistically hates Muslims. I disagree with that sentiment
we routinely fail minorities who routinely want to immigrate here so they can routinely be failed and hated and discriminated against. Makes sense.

If it helps you sleep at night that you are sticking up for us poor minority Muslim looking people, standing up to the big bad USA, then do you.

all people are discriminated against in every country in the world. It’s a function of man made constructs like race and religion that have created global tribalism. I don’t think America holistically hates Muslims. I disagree with that sentiment
Yep, you are a bigot

At best, you are borrowing their bars because you can't discuss this topic in good faith

Which is vile and pathetic in its own way.
Calling out America's failing is not hating America, it is nothing close to that. It about being honest about the country's shortcomings so they can be corrected and the country can improve. So it can be a more perfect union.

I agree with the spirit of this statement
Can we just get Biden in office first and through these Georgia runoffs before all the doom and gloom? Heck after reading the last few pages you’d think that the end of the world was coming. People can speculate all they want but when it comes to politics its literally up in the air how things sway.
:lol: You’re in the politics thread... complaining about people discussing the future of... politics.
I don't know if he is a bigot or not, but he sounds like one with those talking points.

Sounding just like Ninja when he said black people should be thankful for the oppression they face in America because it could be worse.

I don't know, fam. No doubt, it's hard giving someone like him the benefit of the doubt (his opening remarks were not well articulated). I also don't know his post history.

But what's most notable, and troubling, is this. There's something about the immigration experience that can sometimes create a confusing, myopic love for America. Across ethnicities, countries of origin, and religion, there is sometimes a grand narrative about the United States that flies in the face of social, economic, and political realities. The grand narrative sees oppression as paradoxically universal (as a global phenomenon) but less prominent in the United States. Oppression is an exception to an otherwise noble story of becoming and belonging.

This is a different sort of love than that expressed by many black Americans. I see oppression not as an anomaly, but as foundational to this country. At the same time, I love this country because of the work of my ancestors, the fact that they persevered in the face of oppression, and because it has been black people who have pushed this country to realize its ideals.

So I don't think we can just dismiss Lizakers as a bigot. I think there's something more to his post that explains something much deeper. It points to the problems we face toward building a multi-racial democracy in which imperialism and white supremacy are the main analytics.
Finally got those magic words after a week

I just don’t believe Muslims are discriminated against to the level you think they are. I base that on their socio economic success in this country as a minority group
You sound ridiculous

Like apply your logic to black Americans, does the existence of successful Black Americans evidence that American society doesn't discriminate against them as a group?

Is the existence of successful Jewish American evidence that antisemitism doesn't exist?
we routinely fail minorities who routinely want to immigrate here so they can routinely be failed and hated and discriminated against. Makes sense.

If it helps you sleep at night that you are sticking up for us poor minority Muslim looking people, standing up to the big bad USA, then do you.

all people are discriminated against in every country in the world. It’s a function of man made constructs like race and religion that have created global tribalism. I don’t think America holistically hates Muslims. I disagree with that sentiment
I won’t comment any more after this but dawg, it is literally a political talking point to try and call your political opposition “ a Muslim”

remember: Obama is a Muslim!!!!! Ahhhh!!! Run!!!!

I rest my case.
you’re turning this into a US imperialism discussion. I don’t want to go there.

my parents immigrated to this country from a Muslim majority country. I look Muslim and I have a Muslim sounding name. My parents made themselves successful as have I through hard work and education....without EVER experiencing discrimination or any barriers. Maybe we were lucky. Maybe we are an outlier. But I know so many successful Muslim lawyers doctors dentists. How can you tell them America hates you when they achieved their dreams by living in this land of opportunity?

What you call whataboutism is more about me calling out hypocrisy. ****ting on America is the cool thing to do when in reality how we treat Muslims isn’t even 5% as bad as how Pakistan, Iran, Saudi, Egypt, Afghanistan treats non Muslims. So spare me with your USA hate. If you really had balls and cared about HUMANITY you would first call out the biggest violators of human rights - those countries who kill you for being gay, apostates, atheists, Jews, Coptic, bahais, ahmadis, sufis, Christians etc.

Hating the USA is the low hanging fruit. That’s easy and takes no courage.
I don't know, fam. No doubt, it's hard giving someone like him the benefit of the doubt (his opening remarks were not well articulated). I also don't know his post history.

But what's most notable, and troubling, is this. There's something about the immigration experience that can sometimes create a confusing, myopic love for America. Across ethnicities, countries of origin, and religion, there is sometimes a grand narrative about the United States that flies in the face of social, economic, and political realities. The grand narrative sees oppression as paradoxically universal (as a global phenomenon) but less prominent in the United States. Oppression is an exception to an otherwise noble story of becoming and belonging.

This is a different sort of love than that expressed by many black Americans. I see oppression not as an anomaly, but as foundational to this country. At the same time, I love this country because of the work of my ancestors, the fact that they persevered in the face of oppression, and because it has been black people who have pushed this country to realize its ideals.

So I don't think we can just dismiss Lizakers as a bigot. I think there's something more to his post that explains something much deeper. It points to the problems we face toward building a multi-racial democracy in which imperialism and white supremacy are the main analytics.

I was born and raised here and have heard horror stories my whole life about how my parents escaped the mullah regime in Iran. I have political prisoner family members there as we speak. I love this country and all its people. We are not perfect by any means but it’s the greatest country in the world for human rights and freedom of speech and religion.
I was born and raised here and have heard horror stories my whole life about how my parents escaped the mullah regime in Iran. I have political prisoner family members there as we speak. I love this country and all its people. We are not perfect by any means but it’s the greatest country in the world for human rights and freedom of speech and religion.
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