***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But for real. This is the equivalent of throwing a match on gasoline and then saying "i had no idea that would happen". I am really sorry.
Like nah fam...we allllll saw this coming. We knew this was the end game from the beginning. Saying you didn't know it would lead to this is complete BS.

You don't just get to walk away and say well this is too far. No you have to talk about how blind and dumb you were to not see this coming and take actual blame
I can honestly say I have never had a Facebook. Maybe I’m old school but I don’t give a **** what someone is eating or how their vacation went. I especially didn’t want anyone to know who I was or my locations. College helped instill that idea since I didn’t want randos to know my real name LOL

mark Zuck needs to be in jail for what he allowed. The world is worse thanks to Facebook.
But for real. This is the equivalent of throwing a match on gasoline and then saying "i had no idea that would happen". I am really sorry.
Like nah fam...we allllll saw this coming. We knew this was the end game from the beginning. Saying you didn't know it would lead to this is complete BS.

You don't just get to walk away and say well this is too far. No you have to talk about how blind and dumb you were to not see this coming and take actual blame

we literally got a running joke about how that fool got a tweet for EVERYTHING he does

the man literally ran to this same playbook against one of his biggest current and over the last 4 years defenders right now:


I hope there’s a website for all his old tweets.

Can he still tweet or did they take that away?
First thing Biden administration should do is form a commission to investigate what happened yesterday and to bring all responsible to justice. Don't let this be something that is patched up and forgotten. Instead make it a launching pad into crushing the MAGA and Qanon movement.

Given this was a direct attack on Congress, there should be some bipartisan support for such a move.

yo why shorty trending rn off of tweets like this

A good portion of this country is too far gone.

Bro this that house cat that was talking all that rah rah about being ready for war and going to the democrats rally to raise hell and getting pulled up on by Tyler herro right?
With the VP in the same building..
And the third in the line of succession for the presidency.

We were this close to a Designated Survivor scenario, all thanks to Trump's Department of Defense refusal to send the National Guard in DC ahead of the protests.

I don't know who needs a clearer example that Trump AND his enablers in Congress would rather govern over the ashes of American democracy. They need to get the boot and the handcuffs [T.I.]expeditiously[/T.I.]
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