***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I didn’t think this could get funnier



He is just as complicit as anyone else when it comes to what happened yesterday

YUP.. modern day murdoch to me

until murdoch AND this dude are heavily regulated and actually face consequences, countries will continued to be F'd

Murdoch-owned press
In Australia – where news outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch have been decried for driving confrontational politics and elevating populist sentiment – “right direction” polls were often negative too.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

In Britain, a majority had felt the country was headed in the wrong direction before 2016’s Brexit vote, in which 52% voted to leave the European Union, Farrar said.

Such sentiment allowed populist movements to gain momentum, Farrar said, something that contented New Zealanders had mostly avoided. It did not hurt that marginal views are often given short shrift in a country that views dramatic public displays as faintly embarrassing.

Advance NZ, a new party in the 2020 election that made its name by campaigning against Ardern’s Covid-19 restrictions, vaccinations, the United Nations, and 5G technology, won just 0.9% of the vote, attracting 21,000 ballots from the 2.4 million New Zealanders who cast them.

The result means the party will not enter parliament. Two days before the election, Facebook removed Advance NZ’s page from its platform for spreading Covid-19 misinformation.

“They are cynical, opportunistic narcissists and this is absolutely what they deserved,” said Emma Wehipeihana, a political commentator for 1 News, in election night remarks that were widely applauded on social media.
YUP.. modern day murdoch to me

until murdoch AND this dude are heavily regulated and actually face consequences, countries will continued to be F'd

Murdoch-owned press
In Australia – where news outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch have been decried for driving confrontational politics and elevating populist sentiment – “right direction” polls were often negative too.

“A huge reason that our politics is not so extremely polarised and so far out there is because we no longer have Murdoch-owned press in New Zealand, and it’s never taken a foothold,” said David Cormack, the co-founder of a public relations firm and a former head of policy and communications for the left-leaning Green party.

In Britain, a majority had felt the country was headed in the wrong direction before 2016’s Brexit vote, in which 52% voted to leave the European Union, Farrar said.

Such sentiment allowed populist movements to gain momentum, Farrar said, something that contented New Zealanders had mostly avoided. It did not hurt that marginal views are often given short shrift in a country that views dramatic public displays as faintly embarrassing.

Advance NZ, a new party in the 2020 election that made its name by campaigning against Ardern’s Covid-19 restrictions, vaccinations, the United Nations, and 5G technology, won just 0.9% of the vote, attracting 21,000 ballots from the 2.4 million New Zealanders who cast them.

The result means the party will not enter parliament. Two days before the election, Facebook removed Advance NZ’s page from its platform for spreading Covid-19 misinformation.

“They are cynical, opportunistic narcissists and this is absolutely what they deserved,” said Emma Wehipeihana, a political commentator for 1 News, in election night remarks that were widely applauded on social media.
Let it be known he stirs up "conservative values" worldwide.
They can't rewrite the last four years with hollow statements like this.

They condoned, encouraged, and amplified his behavior. There isn't a single thing they can do to wash the stench of betrayal off their bodies now that he has tried to abuse the power they've given him.
Everyone should read Adam Sewer's essay "The Nationalist Delusion", he points out how over history white nationalists have always tried to reframe their actions as innocuous when a plan fails.

All this insurrection has done is given all these ghouls a chance to distance themselves from a beast they help create, protect, and grow over the past 4 years.
Throwing out trump isn’t even in question. The question is, what crimes do you charge him with first and how many family members can fit in the squad car?
Just let him travel outside the country. I won't be surprised if the Iranians don't come after him personally. He bit a little too much, thinking that he would be president for life. He got personal grudges with governments now.
First thing Biden administration should do is form a commission to investigate what happened yesterday and to bring all responsible to justice. Don't let this be something that is patched up and forgotten. Instead make it a launching pad into crushing the MAGA and Qanon movement.

Given this was a direct attack on Congress, there should be some bipartisan support for such a move.


" The next US attorney general, under Joe Biden, should not “pursue a criminal investigation of Donald Trump”, Comey writes, “no matter how compelling the roadmap left” by the special counsel Robert Mueller, or “how powerful the evidence strewn across his history of porn stars and financial fraud”."
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They're in full effect defense mode today at work.

Their included talking points:

Not as bad as what BLM did to the country.

Only one building and not that much damage was done.

Not many issues were caused compared to the riots.

No where near the harm or serious bodily injuries as the BLM riots.
The mental gymnastics. These narcissist will never admit to being wrong.
They're in full effect defense mode today at work.

Their included talking points:

Not as bad as what BLM did to the country.

Only one building and not that much damage was done.

Not many issues were caused compared to the riots.

No where near the harm or serious bodily injuries as the BLM riots.
These folks are either incredibly dumb, incredibly disingenuous, or legit dont understand how close this is to being a call for (civil) war.
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