***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My gawd, why did I read that as,

"If you zoom in, you'll also notice that her boobs don't have titles."

I really was zooming in :rolleyes :smh:

Dude it says BOOKS and TITLES

please dear lord baby jesus don’t let this be real..

Assuming this is real and even if it ain't these sentiments surely exist elsewhere:

Oh so now it's time to come together and heal. Where the hell was this the 4 years Trump and Magatards were terrorizing America? It's no coincidence to see stuff like this now that Trump is on his way out and white rednecks are losing power.

People should have been speaking up and showing concern ever since "there's good people on both sides" were uttered.


Don't wanna be hearing about any 'unity' stuff until folks have actually been held accountable and prosecuted for their roles in the last 4 years of unprecedented overreach and normalized brazen corruption and lawlessness.

Can't just let these pieces of **** retire to private life and continue raking in money off their grift or else the next Trump will be even worse
There's no way Pence will have a chance, dude literally has no charisma when The Donald picked him for VP, it was obvious he was just a yes man. Donald Jr is the one that creeps me out. I think he might try and run in 2024 especially if the Donald can't/doesn't run All the MAGAS will flock to him, and he's just as nuts as his dad maybe even nuttier.

let's hope they insist on drug testing candidates......
Hillary got 3 million more votes.. Biden got over 7 million more

it's the adult version of conservatives' response to school shootings....



It may be time to CANCEL Mr. Van Jones.
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What happened to “we don’t negotiate with terrorists?” Now we’re supposed to forgive them and unify with them? Eff no. 10+ years for anyone that stepped foot in our capitol building, 15+ for any that vandalized it since we care about property so much, and 25+ for anyone who had a weapon or zip ties.

If we want any chance of curbing the treasonous insanity that is plaguing our country, we need swift and strong justice. In a dream world, those leaders who helped incite this insurrection would be thrown in jail for life, too.

Edit: And delk should be banned, at least for 3 months, so he can really reflect on all the disgusting crap he supported.
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it's funny when jail time and legal punishment is ok for minor drug offenses but when it comes to high crimes by elected officials it's suddenly "time for unity".

**** that. these people need to learn and history needs to remember. their lives need to be destroyed as the law sees fit.
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