***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Future I agree with you 10000%, but the typical, less informed American thinks the president is an economic god. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that demand drives the economy. If every company had product demand like Apple we would be the best economy in the world. 
Before the debate.. It was a near landslide for Obama..

After the debate.. Romney has pulled back into contention, but still has a long way to go to beat Obama. He'd have to win the next 2 debates, and Obama would need to run a Romney September-esque campaign.

Romney won the debate. But it wasn't a large margin. Out of 100% maybe 56-44. Obama made the better case, but Romney made the better presentation.. Obama's problem is he won't go for the jugular because he doesn't want to look like that guy. He could have easily won this debate.. No mention of 47%. 1 mention of the Ryan Budget. Never corrected Romney's attacks on Medicare. So many areas even on the economy, which Obama polled better than Romney on who can better handle the economy (at least before tonight) that he could just wipe Romney off the map. But his refusal to look like that kind of guy definitely hurt him.
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Obeezy doing the rope-a-dope, but in the final round he's gonna drop the hammer down. Watch
i just wish obama went at romney more instead of dropping the subtle "there are no specifics to his plan" comments.

he should have capitalized on those moments
Honestly, I'm not sure I even care enough to watch the next 2 debates, that's how insignificant they are to my decision. I made up my mind long ago just based on their stances on the various issues.
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Anyone whose Independent or wants to read non-Partisan* and Unbiased news visit http://www.politico.com/. Not that Foxnews, New York Post, or MSNBC crap but legitimate news and analyses from both parties.

I just read a great article about Obama's sub-par performance tonight and how he needs to step it up. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/81999.html?hp=t1_3
Clearly the American people decided Mitt Romney won the debate (not the election, get it right). Even far left liberals like Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, and Michael Moore said so.

Obama needs to prepare and come ready next debate, this is not John McCain, Hopefully this motivates him. Romney poll numbers will increase and this is going to be a tighter and more ugly race. Have to love politics.

*NikeJordan thanks for the correction.
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People thought Walter Mondale looked better than Reagan in their first debate.

Guess how well Mondale did in the election? :lol:
Not a good comparison in my opinion.

Mondale lost every state besides his home state, complete blowout. Something like 500-20 electoral points.

But this campaign is nothing like that race. Reagan in 1984 has literally done everything he promised and the economy was at an all-time high. Reagan had that election in the bag, poll numbers were never as close as Romney vs Obama.

This race however is much closer and if you were to compare it to any race it'd be Jimmy Carter vs Ronald Reagan in 1980 or Bush vs Kerry 2004.

What scares me is that Obama can possibly become the the Jimmy Carter of this new generation. Polls for electing the POTUS have mostly been accurate going into October, before the debates. However in 1980 Jimmy Carter was leading Reagan literally by the same amount of points Obama is leading Romney now. Then came the debates and Reagan absolutely made him look like a worthless president. Everything changed in 1980 due to the Presidential debates.

These debates aren't always the biggest indicator but every now and then they are extremely important. Especially in Obama's case where his unemployment numbers and national debt are at an all-time high. These debates are very important to Obama. Barry needs to get on his A-game, Asap. The poll numbers next week should be enlightening.
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Carter and Reagan only had one debate and that was a week before the election.
Alright but was Jimmy Carter not winning with the polls up until the debate? Did that election not do a complete 180 once Reagan beat him in the debate?

It very well did, it can happen in this election as well.
^ Scary. I'm not voting this election, but I sure as hell do not want to see R-Money as president.
Debates can do a lot. But they also have limitations... Romney was down big. It wasn't even a remotely close race, 24 hours ago. Anyone who said it was, is lying.

We'll see what it does. Probably a few point bump in National and State Polls. Maybe switches Florida or Virgina. But he's still down big.

Are these really enough to win him the elections? Probably not.

He has to run a perfect month, and Obama has to run a really bad month.. This means Mitt can't go out and say the opposite from the debates either..
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Good stuff.

I guess it wasn't as big of a lead before the debate but you'd agree it was fairly close? Within a few percentage points?

Obama is only up within a few percentage points in the key states so this debate or the future debates can very well be important. It's nothing to diminish.

I do like the comparison the article gave with the 2004 election tho, that race was extremely tight, Kerry gained ground with the debates but not enough to win.
obama was looking flabby n sick

I did not agree with Romney's points but Obama just was not making a strong case with his own :smh:
I read through 13 pages of this thread and most say Romney won but no one posted about what his actual plans are.
I read through 13 pages of this thread and most say Romney won but no one posted about what his actual plans are.

That's not where he won.. If you're a policy wonk, Obama wiped the floor with him..

If you're going based on what a debate is.. Romney won.
I understand that but still not one person posted about anything he plans on doing, they just stated that he interrupted a lot and was aggressive.
I understand that but still not one person posted about anything he plans on doing, they just stated that he interrupted a lot and was aggressive.

Precisely :lol:

No one is endorsing what Mitt is saying (except a few)... But you have to be objective, and you can say all the facts you want, if you don't do a job of reaching the audience you can get beat by someone saying nothing.. Presentation > Detail.. Obama on details >>>>>>>>>>>>... But Romney was better at presentation and that outweighs facts which can become boring if you just cite fact after fact which Obama did.

I've been on a debate team. You'd be surprised at how often just knowing how people perceive things and exploiting it wins over details.

You have to play on emotions, and Obama rarely did it. That's why people were begging to address the 47% quote
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that vice president debate is gonna be full of gold...both of those guys are the friend your mom forced you to bring along since noone would invite them..
Obama's debate tactics were the same in 2008 that so many of you care complaining about now when deployed by Romney. So many of you would be so much happier if your hate and bias didn't run so deep.
This **** is a joke. Now I remember.

ya'll would rather concede "defeat/victory" based on what pundits say instead of your own damn opinions.

I like Matthews. I like Maher. I like Maddow. I like Blitzer. I like Shep Smith. I like some. I dislike others.

BUT THEIR OPINION MEANS NOTHING TO ME. They're not telling me a story. They're sharing their opinions. 

As such, Romney lost the debate to me because of his lack of substantive issues and ability to formulate actual thorough stances on any issues. 

This is Genius by Romney. By having had every position under the sun and being vague for months he can basically say anything he wants to say. Obama has to stand on record.

This is a counterpoint to the empty chair/Clint Eastwood. Romney has become the empty chair. You can't debate an empty chair and win.
Okay. Obama won in your opinion. We know why, you've stated so numerous times.

But the percentages in America show, Romney won the debate. That's what matters most bro. That's what you have to accept. No need to spin that, it is what it is.

This is what threw me. Mitt came out talking like a moderate on issues pretending to care about the middle class. I was like wait what? by middle class you mean us poor 47%? didn't you just crap on us two weeks ago? I just don't know where he really stand on anything....seems like he is just saying what people want to hear.
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