***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Oh please God **** no.

I'm so over his entitled ***
He would probably lose the primary either way simply because of his age. Same with Biden. I doubt people feel comfortable voting for a 78-79 year old candidate. Regardless of their popularity.
Bernie and Biden might be full of energy right now but a lot can happen in 4 years and to then run for president almost pushing 80? That's just asking for rapid degradation of your body and mind.

Minus whale take the chance. Trump is 70 and is in poorer health than the two.
Minus whale take the chance. Trump is 70 and is in poorer health than the two.
70 is a big difference from 79 though; I don't think any candidates this election were too old. I would have deep concerns about having a 79 year old do the world's most stressful job. However youthful or energetic they might be at the time of running for president. At that age there's significantly more risk of medical problems and the amount of stress from the presidency would be dangerously unhealthy for an elderly person of that age. At least in my opinion.

My granddad was youthful, energetic, ... at 75 and didn't even require any medication besides iron supplements and he died in his sleep 2 years later. As a nursing student I worked with the elderly most of the time and it was a pretty common occurence to see a sudden and severe mental or physical deterioration in their medical files. Dementia, parkinson's, ...
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just gonna leave this here.

Oh please God **** no.

I'm so over his entitled ***
He would probably lose the primary either way simply because of his age. Same with Biden. I doubt people feel comfortable voting for a 78-79 year old candidate. Regardless of their popularity.
Bernie and Biden might be full of energy right now but a lot can happen in 4 years and to then run for president almost pushing 80? That's just asking for rapid degradation of your body and mind.

Minus whale take the chance. Trump is 70 and is in poorer health than the two.

What? All of his tests came back positive. He's the healthiest president there is, the healthiest president there was, and the healthiest president there ever will be
What? All of his tests came back positive. He's the healthiest president there is, the healthiest president there was, and the healthiest president there ever will be

Why? It's true. I didn't know about all of that stuff until this thread (I'm not around much anymore). It's unacceptable. If I am banned for calling someone out on mocking the disabled, so be it.
Such comments don't really bother me. Feel free to take it down if you don't want to get banned. Appreciate the support btw. 

Either way I did have a great laugh about that gif 
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Trump is clearly the healthiest president ever, has there ever been a president that excercised less?  The guys got tons of energy stores still remaining.
Just came across the strongest condemnation of the manbaby by a Republican yet :wow: :wow:

@KatieBoWill: Amash tells reporters that if Comey memo allegations are true, it's grounds for impeachment. Says he trusts Comey more than Trump.

Dude has more backbone than the maverick,he has broken ranks on der pumpkinfuhrer a few times already. He's one of 2 members of the GOP to have signed their names on the Dem bill to have an independent commission

In other news,Cheslea Manning was released from prison today
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Fox News host Bret Baier shared Tuesday there weren't "any Republicans willing to go on camera" in the wake of a New York Times story that reported President Trump had asked former FBI Director James Comey to end an investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

According to the Times report, Comey wrote in a memo that Trump said, "I hope you can let this go,” and “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

The bombshell resulted in a guest booking challenge for Fox on the Republican side of the aisle. 

“We’ve tried tonight to get Republicans to come out and talk to us, and there are not Republicans willing to go on camera tonight as of yet, and we'll see if that changes" said Baier, host of "Special Report." 
Regular panelist Charles Krauthammer found it "stunning" Republicans wouldn't defend the president. 
"What I think is really stunning is that nobody, not even from the White House, has come out under their own name in defense of the president here," Krauthammer said. 

“We don’t see any Republicans on camera,” he continued. “And that is totally understandable. They’ve just watched over the last ten days, people who went out on a limb on the Comey firing, and said it was the result of the memo from the deputy Attorney General, and had they’re limb sawed off by Donald Trump  himself without a flinch." 

“So who is going to step out now and defend the president in these denials?” Krauthammer asked.

The panel portion of "Special Report" usually runs during the final 25 minutes of the program, but was featured for the full hour to discuss the breaking news around the Comey memo. 
Man, I could be wrong, but you got to think that the only reason why Republicans aren't moving for impeachment is cuz they're scared it ruins their own chance for reelection.
^If he said it, he ain't the only Republican thinking it.

Most probably but they won't get vocal about it until **** has broken the fan :lol:

'High possibility' of conflict amid missile crisis, says newly elected South Korean president http://www.cbc.ca/1.4119150

Good thing there's a cool,calculated and level-headed statesman in the WH to try to contain and deescalate what would 100% be a nightmare of a confli...oh
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Most probably but they won't get vocal about it until **** has broken the fan

Good thing there's a cool,level-headed statesman in the WH to contain what would 100% be a nightmare of a confli...oh
I would hope that if a conflict were to happen, sec. Mattis would put the buffoon in his place if necessary.

He's the one person in this administration I have full confidence in, as do our world leaders. 
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What's the plan here? Getting republicans on record? Unless he really thinks congress is gonna go for it at this point in time. 

I think it's still too early to really call for impeachment. 

Rep. Al Green  (D-Texas) says he plans to call for President Trump to be impeached on the House floor on Wednesday morning.

“Today on the floor of the Congress of the United States of America, I will call for the Impeachment of the President,” Green tweeted.

During a news conference Monday afternoon, Green accused the president of obstructing the ongoing investigation into possible ties between his campaign and Russia, saying “the mantra should be ITN: Impeach Trump now."
Green initially said Monday he would wait a few weeks before starting the impeachment process, KHOU Houston  reported.
It’s not the political expedient thing to do, this is what we must do to maintain our democracy," Green said.

“A good many people assume that impeachment means that the President will be found guilty. It does not. Impeachment is the genesis of the process. The revelation are likely to be revealed in the Senate and that’s where the trial actually takes place." 
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soapbox time...

I'm tired of liberals, with their tails between their legs, going Debbie Downer saying that the Republicans will never turn on trump. That there is no chance for impeachment since the GOP controls the House and Senate so this is all a waste of time. And I've heard it over and over and over from friends and commentators. Over and over.

Sure, Republicans are going to be stubborn about this, but they're not attached to trump. Most of them privately wanted him gone throughout the entire primary season. They know he doesn't represent them. From early on, reports were saying that the GOP was to ride along with trump initially so that they could pass some of their legislation, and then they would turn on him and impeach him. I don't know if this is their strategy on paper, but it's how it's going to play out.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not giving the GOP any slack here. They are going to take longer on this than they should and they are responsible for the damage being done in the first 4 months of trump's term. But they are going to be the bellwether. When public opinion and evidence mounts, they have no reason to stick with trump because it will hurt them too. They've probably already hurt themselves by sticking with him for this long.

And when they turn on him, they will be lined up like the senators at the assassination of Julius Caesar. Democrats won't even have to lift a finger.

But if liberals don't show up to vote in 2018, then we may as well keep trump in office for 8 years. It's what we deserve.


edit: don't get me wrong. I'm not lumping together the fair criticism of the GOP and that they choose party over country with the GOP turning on trump. Two slightly different issues. I'm just arguing that we shouldn't immediately dismiss the possibility that a GOP-led Congress would turn on trump.

Also, while some GOP members have thrown their lot in with trump and probably can't recover from it (Ryan, Priebus, etc), many have not (they're all guilty but some have done just enough to save face). It'll be interesting to see if the party basically blackballs people like Paul Ryan in the aftermath of all this.

edit2: I'm probably being way too optimistic about all this. But my angst with this is that some have used this as an excuse just to throw up their hands and give up. Like, "None of this matters anyway, GOP is in control. This is all a waste of time so let's just collectively bend over and let trump get this over with."
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Erdogans goons were beating up Kurdish protesters today...IN DC :smh:

If they're so brazen to do that on foreign soil,could you imagine how things are in Turkey? :x

Damn at the .10 to .15 you can see that dude in the brown jacket getting hit by the cop with the baton and dude had a gun on his waist. Trained Turkish security squad with immunity given by this Federal Govt beating down American protesters. I am surprise this doesn't get more news coverage out here.

I have thought about drawing a webcomic series starring the Trump sons as they "run" their dad's empire. I would do it if I had more time. It could be great. You have Donnie Jr. who is always searching for his dad's approval and Eric the dumb one. It'd almost be like Pinky and the Brain.

Donnie Jr.: "Dad, the press is saying some really mean things about you and how you should be impeached. It's not true, is it, dad?"
Donald: "Of course not, son."
Donnie Jr.: "That's what I tried to tell them!"
Eric: "I like impeaches."

Donnie Jr.: "You're still going to make America great again, right dad?"
Donald: "Of course, son!"
Donnie Jr: "I tried to tell them that."
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Damn at the .10 to .15 you can see that dude in the brown jacket getting hit by the cop with the baton and dude had a gun on his waist. Trained Turkish security squad with immunity given by this Federal Govt beating down American protesters. I am surprise this doesn't get more news coverage out here.
Turkey and Erdogan are frequently in the news here because of our large Turkish population and Turkey's close ties to Europe.

Our news report that many of the protesters were of Armenian descent and protested to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. There were also Kurds, who are basically pariahs to the Turkish government and their supporters.

The Kurds have it a lot worse than this in Turkey. Erdogan blames them for just about every bad incident in Turkey. Most of the time it's either the Kurds or Gülen who get the blame. Or both.

Though it should be said that some extremist Kurds have been behind numerous terrorist attacks in Turkey. But the rest of the Kurds always get lumped in with the terrorists.
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