***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Investigators into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential elections are now also probing whether White House officials have engaged in a cover-up, according to members of Congress who were briefed Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

That avenue of investigation was added in recent weeks after assertions by former FBI Director James Comey that President Donald Trump had tried to dissuade him from pressing an investigation into the actions of Trump’s first national security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, members of Congress said, though it was not clear whom that part of the probe might target.

Delicious :smokin
Rico main man Paul Krugman let the yoppa get its Whitney Houston on today....


On Wednesday, Paul Ryan held a press conference just after the revelation that Donald Trump had pushed James Comey to kill the investigation into Michael Flynn — you know, the guy Trump appointed as national security adviser even though his team knew that Flynn’s highly suspicious foreign ties were under investigation.

Faced with questions about the Flynn scandal and the Comey firing, Ryan waved them away: “I don’t worry about things that are outside my control.”

This might sound like a reasonable philosophy — unless you realize that Ryan is speaker of the House of Representatives, a legislative body with the power to issue subpoenas, compel testimony and, yes, impeach the president. In fact, under the Constitution, Ryan and his congressional colleagues are effectively the only check on a rogue chief executive.

It has become painfully clear, however, that Republicans have no intention of exercising any real oversight over a president who is obviously emotionally unstable, seems to have cognitive issues and is doing a very good imitation of being an agent of a hostile foreign power.

They may make a few gestures toward accountability in the face of bad poll numbers, but there is not a hint that any important figures in the party care enough about the Constitution or the national interest to take a stand.

And the big question we should be asking is how that happened. At this point we know who and what Trump is, and have a pretty good idea of what he has been doing. If we had two patriotic parties in the country, impeachment proceedings would already be underway. But we don’t. What’s the matter with Republicans?

Obviously I can’t offer a full theory here, but there’s a lot we do know about the larger picture.

First, Republicans are professional politicians. Yes, so are most Democrats. But the parties are not the same.

The Democratic Party is a coalition of interest groups, with some shared views but also a lot of conflicts, and politicians get ahead through their success in striking compromises and finding acceptable solutions.

The G.O.P., by contrast, is one branch of a monolithic structure, movement conservatism, with a rigid ideology — tax cuts for the rich above all else. Other branches of the structure include a captive media that parrots the party line every step of the way. Compare the coverage of recent political developments on Fox News with almost everywhere else; we’re talking North Korea levels of alternative reality.

And this monolithic structure — lavishly supported by a small number of very, very wealthy families — rewards, indeed insists on, absolute fealty. Furthermore, the structure has been in place for a long time: It has been 36 years since Reagan was elected, 22 years since the Gingrich takeover of Congress. What this means is that nearly all Republicans in today’s Congress are apparatchiks, political creatures with no higher principle beyond party loyalty.

The fact that the G.O.P. is a party of apparatchiks was one crucial factor in last year’s election. Why did Marine Le Pen, often portrayed as the French equivalent of Trump, lose by a huge margin? Because France’s conservatives were only willing to go so far; they simply would not support a candidate whose motives and qualifications they distrusted. Republicans, however, went all in behind Trump, knowing full well that he was totally unqualified, strongly suspecting that he was corrupt and even speculating that he might be in Russian pay, simply because there was an “R” after his name on the ballot.

And even now, with the Trump/Flynn/Comey story getting worse by the hour, there has been no significant breaking of ranks. If you’re waiting to find the modern version of Howard Baker, the Republican senator who asked “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” you’re wasting your time. Men like that left the G.O.P. a long time ago.

Does this mean that Trump will be able to hold on despite his multiple scandals and abuses of power? Actually, yes, he might. The answer probably hinges on the next few special elections: Republicans won’t turn on Trump unless he has become such a political liability that he must be dumped.

And even if Trump goes, one way or another, the threat to the Republic will be far from over.

In a perverse way, we should count ourselves lucky that Trump is as terrible as he is. Think of what it has taken to get us to this point — his Twitter addiction, his bizarre loyalty to Flynn and affection for Putin, the raw exploitation of his office to enrich his family, the business dealings, whatever they were, he’s evidently trying to cover up by refusing to release his taxes.

The point is that given the character of the Republican Party, we’d be well on the way to autocracy if the man in the White House had even slightly more self-control. Trump may have done himself in; but it can still happen here.
The cynist in me thinks that he doesn't want the job any longer but the realist in me knows that he's too dumb to be calculated and thinking ahead like that :lol:

From the right leaning Examiner,the GOP is apparently starting to become cognizant of the sinking ship they're on...
This **** is so much like TDK it's crazy. A group of men looking to seek personal gains at the public's expense appoint a man with no morals whatsoever to take down the hero only to find out he just wants to watch the world burn.


To read such words when speaking about the US :smh:

The fact that the G.O.P. is a party of apparatchiks was one crucial factor in last year’s election. Why did Marine Le Pen, often portrayed as the French equivalent of Trump, lose by a huge margin? Because France’s conservatives were only willing to go so far; they simply would not support a candidate whose motives and qualifications they distrusted. Republicans, however, went all in behind Trump, knowing full well that he was totally unqualified, strongly suspecting that he was corrupt and even speculating that he might be in Russian pay, simply because there was an “R” after his name on the ballot.

Sing Krugman, sing. Maybe the sane right-leaning people will hear you and realize that we rise together and we sink together. Time for them to put some water in their wine.
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Even if Pence becomes president, I still think the ousting of Trump will be a major hit to the morale of his die-hard supporters

He is the second coming of Christ to them...a symbol of everything they hold dear
If he gets impeached I hope it hurts the GOP for backing they mans and covering it up as nothing and we win some seats back next year and Wash them in 2020
I dont think Pence is clean on this at all.


According to this the Trump team knew about how dirty Flynn was and he was under investigation

Pence said


So he straight up lied about not knowing about the stuff Flynn was into. His hands are dirty too he just doing a good job staying quiet unlike the idiot

Some of us called Pence out for being the worst kind of Devil when he was picked. 

It's the competent, accepted ones I tend to really worry about. 
DA DON still flourishin B. Comet Da Communist ain't going to tell anyone anything B. Da goons on Da Committee aka Lil Marco, Cotton Ball and Cronie Cronyn going to let Da YAPPA Sing on LIBBIE Scumbag Comet B. Da Don going to get Da popcorn ready B.
DA DON still flourishin B. Comet Da Communist ain't going to tell anyone anything B. Da goons on Da Committee aka Lil Marco, Cotton Ball and Cronie Cronyn going to let Da YAPPA Sing on LIBBIE Scumbag Comet B. Da Don going to get Da popcorn ready B.
Speak dem fax b
I figured out the perfect campaign ad for 2018. NO music is played. A women in blue is sitting up at the head of a canopied bed. A women in red is lying on the bed with her legs up. A fully clothed Mike Pence look a like is methodically humping the women in red through his open fly.

The camera alternates its close shots of all three participants faces, all three are very uncomfortable. Mike pence look a like, in his faux military garb methodically humps and humps.

Linger on that for 30 second. Near the end of the ad, have an over head shot of the young women in the red dress and the caption "Elections November 6th"
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Pre-scandal, FNC comfortably won the prime demo (age 25-54, the group that interests advertisers) in both prime time and all day. In prime time, FNC's 646,000 prime demo viewers were more than double either CNN (234%) or MSNBC (217.5%) totals on a November 2016 Thursday. The ratios were even better for Fox in the all-day traffic for the prime demo: 274% of MSNBC and 218% of CNN's prime demo viewers.

By last Thursday, MSNBC won the prime prime time demo with 635,000 viewers, 126% of FNC's prime time demo. Poor CNN was still beaten by Fox, but the ratio was painfully close to 100% – 109.3%, to be exact. The all-day traffic also shows decline for FNC, but it still managed to win the top spot, bringing in 104% of MSNBC's traffic and 106% of CNN's viewership.
I figured out the perfect campaign ad for 2018. NO music is played. A women in blue is sitting up at the head of a canopied bead. A women in red is lying on the bed with her legs up. A fully clothed Mike Pence, look a like is methodically humping the women in red through his open fly.

The camera alternates its close shots of all three participants faces, all three very one is uncomfortable. Mike pence look a like, in his faux military garb methodically humps and humps.

Linger on that for 30 second. Near the end of the ad, have an over head shot of the young women in the red dress and the caption "Elections November 6th"

AMAZING COMMERCIAL . DA only change I'd make is I'd have a camera pan from left to right on a blurry picture. When Da camera focuses we see a large Wild West Train with a hundred cars filled with COAL. DA CAMERA zooms in on Da Conductor and its none other than DA Don Looking DAPPER as usual. Da Don would be holding a Barson 2020 sign and Da Don's voice will say "I'M DONALD JJJJJJJJ TRUMP AND I APPROVE DA MESSAGE".
Anyone have an idea of what exactly Michael Flynn is doing now on an everyday basis?Like is he just chillin at his house while all this stuff is going on. I would imagine he's under surveillance but I find it interesting there hasn't been any word on his where abouts since the Russia probe has ramped up.

I'm also surprised Comey is testifying publicly while the investigation is going on. Seems like from a legal perspective he would be privy to information that FBI lawyers would not want to be public about the investigation.

I expect things to become really interesting once Trump hires outside counsel. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump ends up resigning before the impeachment precedings begin
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