***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I dont know why I always get baited by the same Bernie haters in here.
Their anti Bernie buffonery though is just so outlandish.

-We live in a two party system so like it or not everyone if they want to win has to run in one of the two parties
- Once you run with a party you dont owe them your soul. They are providing you a platform and adding you to a ticket. You do not have to agree with everything the party wants. Have any of you ever been on a campaign or worked for an elected official? A democrat congressman in Arkansas does not have to vote the same way as a democrat congressman in our People's Republic of California.
-With that said Bernie can vote however he wants. That is why people like him. He votes for what he thinks is right not what DC democrats say.
-Howard Dean? That dude is an establishment Dem. The establishment does not want to change. They want to keep power and not rustle any feathers. I would be pissed too if the super delegates had already committed to Hillary even before votes were cast. I understand the rules allow it but given the popularity of Sanders you would think they would have waited to see how the delegates were voting. Anyway, I would take anything Dean or debbie wasserman shultz say with a grain of salt. They too should ride into the sunset.
-Regardless of party, race, religion or ethnicity it is evident that people are tired of do nothing Democrats and Republicans. Republicans given their lack of education are fine burning the place down but Democrats have hope for change...but it needs to be clearly defined and radical (by centrist dems standards). I am not saying I personally feel that way but am merely trying to explain why there is so much hate for the Clintons and even some for the Bush dynasty in both parties.
-Dont believe me though...believe the young democrats who are in the party and having to fight it to create change and reforms. The party would rather have 30 year term members who are out of touch but vote party line than 20 year olds who ask questions and offer new and bold policies.

Straw man. No one said Bernie must agree with everything the DNC wants. I said if he takes issue with how the DNC operates, he should have stayed in the party to help affect the changes he wants to see.

When has change EVER been easy in this country? Building a political organization beyond a candidate focused one is hard work and Bernie's never been willing to put that work in.

Progressivism within the Dem Party is a GOOD thing. Within the party. The trick is to keep the Dem-Socialist crowd thinking about working within the party. That is what will bring about change.

If someone only listened to the Bernie faction they'd think Dean was Vermont’s very own right-winger.
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Soldiers just driving til they run out of gas. This **** is crazy. The lack of self respect at this level is mind blowing. Every elected republican continuing to support trump should be charged and convicted. They know all the allegations are true; they know the **** is illegal.
In the absence of Dwalk, I have prepared a defense for the Coal Gang to push back against lib conjecture.

As the evidence below establishes, the president told Sondland that he was not asking for a quid pro quo.
Again, when the president then explicitly insisted that Zelensky should publicly announce that he is opening an investigation of Biden and 2016 election interference, at no point did the president use the words 'I am asking for a quid pro quo.'

Well done comrade. Even if he did say quid pro quo, we don't know if that's what he meant in his heart.
Politicians lie about things all the time. Politicians spin things their own way all the time. I don't agree with her on these things obviously, but it is what it is. These things don't make her an anomaly.
We have had effectively bipartisan consensus on hawkish, barbaric, and mind-numbingly hypocritical foreign policy for decades. I posted a lengthy article in here about that last month or so that only really scratches the surface. We flout international law as a matter of course on a daily basis. So I don't find her positions any more appalling than most of our foreign policy. Within that context, her actions are mundane, if appalling nonetheless.

I'm not in here defending Gabbard. I could give a **** about her. I'm in here taking issue with the ridiculousness, flimsiness, and arbitrariness of the narrative that has recently formed around her. And my original point was that if leftists (just so we're clear, Tulsi's not in this camp, I'm just saying) were lobbing these kinds of accusations at liberals in the midst of a ****ing presidential primary all hell would be breaking loose in here.


nothing but fax

We could give af about international law. USA commits war crimes everyday.

half of these places we’re not even supposed to be in because we didn’t get congress approval.

you can’t say you’re fighting for human rights while propping you’re dictators that commit human rights violations daily.
On a lighter note

Bernie is Back
I am glad he didn't let a couple of NIkeTalker comments get him down lol

Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a slim 2-point lead over his closest competitor in the Democratic primary field, according to a poll released Tuesday.
An Emerson poll conducted Oct. 18–21 found Biden in the lead with the support of 27 percent of Democratic primary voters, while Sen. Bernie Sanders followed closely at 25 percent.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren(D-Mass.), who previously led Sanders in the poll, slid 2 percentage points from the September poll and now sits in third place with 21 percent.

As with other recent polls, no other candidate besides the top three registered support in the double digits. South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg came in fourth place in October's poll with the support of just 6 percent of Democratic primary voters.

Sanders is strongest among younger voters, with 45 percent of the 18–29 age group supporting him, by far the largest of any Democratic candidate. Warren placed second among this group with 17 percent.
Biden had a similar level of support, 44 percent, among voters age 50 and over.

****** don’t want hear it. Bugatti Bern gets love across the country from everybody

Biden opens his mouth a few more times and Bern will be in the catbird seat

:pimp: :pimp:
Trump could walk in a bank with a gun and tell the teller, "give me all your money", and Republicans would say "it's a witch hunt, he never said it was a robbery".
“As he, Sondland and Volker prepare to dial up Zelensky, Sondland says he wants to make sure no other Americans on the line, no one in position to take notes on the call.
It’s called consciousness of guilt.
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