OFFICIAL Post your 2010 Tax Refund

federal- 1950

state- 60
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

yall need to hit up your employer and ask for reduced withholdings.

smh at all that money going to the government interest free.
QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

yall need to hit up your employer and ask for reduced withholdings.

smh at all that money going to the government interest free.
QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.
The only reason I didn't owe is because I paid a ton of interest on student loans. I'd rather be in this tax bracket though than be hood rich 2-3 months a year lol.
The only reason I didn't owe is because I paid a ton of interest on student loans. I'd rather be in this tax bracket though than be hood rich 2-3 months a year lol.
Originally Posted by Regal Black

damn how yall getting thousand dollar refunds?
I own a home, so I write off interest on my loan and property tax. Also got tuition expenses and work-related expenses.

ITS BEAUTIFUL! I prefer to take the lump sum because it's damn near like a savings plan. It would be difficult for me to save that extra money each check because there is alays something coming up. To each his own though.

Originally Posted by Regal Black

damn how yall getting thousand dollar refunds?
I own a home, so I write off interest on my loan and property tax. Also got tuition expenses and work-related expenses.

ITS BEAUTIFUL! I prefer to take the lump sum because it's damn near like a savings plan. It would be difficult for me to save that extra money each check because there is alays something coming up. To each his own though.

QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple
QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple
Originally Posted by Kingtre

QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple

well said. my original statement was generalizing but i agree with your thought process.

the only thing is if people don't have the discipline to save up as the year progresses, chances are they're not going to have the discipline to save their lump sum refund anyway
Originally Posted by Kingtre

QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple

well said. my original statement was generalizing but i agree with your thought process.

the only thing is if people don't have the discipline to save up as the year progresses, chances are they're not going to have the discipline to save their lump sum refund anyway
i agree with that also....there's def the type that see it as "free money" and blow it - then its all gone the weekend after they got it....but then others who maybe use it to pay off bills or get a car or something else where they might have had to have discipline to save up over a year for...

trust i know people from both ends of the spectrum and this time of the year i see it all from the people happy to give HR block ridiculous fees so they can get the money now to people who are dreading april 15th cause they have a tax BILL
i agree with that also....there's def the type that see it as "free money" and blow it - then its all gone the weekend after they got it....but then others who maybe use it to pay off bills or get a car or something else where they might have had to have discipline to save up over a year for...

trust i know people from both ends of the spectrum and this time of the year i see it all from the people happy to give HR block ridiculous fees so they can get the money now to people who are dreading april 15th cause they have a tax BILL
Originally Posted by Regal Black

damn how yall getting thousand dollar refunds?
it means too much was withheld during the year.

it's not like you're getting a bonus... you're basically just getting back money that was yours to begin with.
Originally Posted by Regal Black

damn how yall getting thousand dollar refunds?
it means too much was withheld during the year.

it's not like you're getting a bonus... you're basically just getting back money that was yours to begin with.
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