Official Premier League 07-08 Post

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at tevez
I'm no Dr. but I dont think we'll see Eduardo until this time next season. How long did Alan Smith take to recover?

Without RvP, who's going to fill in as our 2nd striker? Hopefully Walcott and not Bendtner

Hopefully Wenger buys atleast 2 more strikers for next season. RvP isn't reliable and Eduardo's career might be in jeopardy.
walcott did play extremely well today. hopefully with more playing time he could fill in the void...

transfer market we go!
walcott could be good someday, he just needs more experience. he doesnt always make good decisions with the ball....but that'll come with more time.apparently he did great today
Dude Eduardo's career might be over... He completely snapped off his ankle...
Hope he makes a full recovery.
did anyone see the play live? did it look intentional or what? arsene was pissed, so i read
Alan Smith recovered in like 6-7 months, 12 months was the initial diagnosis.

I just hope Arsenal have enough gas in the tank to win the Premiership, I dont even care about the Champions League that much. I dont think we canrealistically win it this season.
we could go deep in the CL but im not giving up hope yet. its just now the injuries are really piling on us and the atriction(sp) of the season is taking itstoll. i do agree i want the prem title right now more than our cl run at the moment....

Look at that damn tackle! That's a disgrace of a tackle!

Fabregas was horrified and for good reason...
BTW Ronaldo is tearing the barcodes a new one...
There are like 15 videos up on youtube but most of them got taken down. This is the only one I found that's working...

Sloppy tackle, probably worthy of a yellow card.
Eduardo getting A.Smith treatment, ouch.

The players and the trainer looked completely horrified.

Although i think if i looked down at my leg, and saw my shin was snapped in half i would be a little unhappy.

Not intentional though, IMO Wenger over reacted when speaking to the BBC. I guess i have to wait for MOTD to see it again.

As expected Arsenal are starting to run of of gas, still cant see them going all the way.
Arsene needs to shut up about teams kicking his players, freakin hypocrite... He's right about what Tyler did though.
Originally Posted by Rukawa sj

Arsene needs to shut up about teams kicking his players, freakin hypocrite... He's right about what Tyler did though.
Only thing I cant stand about Wenger is that he's a cry baby

I think it's great though, he HATES to lose.

Newcastle have always been terrible. Very similar to Tottenham, they waste their transfer money on the wrong players and cant play a lick of defence.
Wow those pictures and videos are horrifying. Hope he can heal up quick. That looks like hes going to need some major surgery though. Heres some still framesof the ankle.. You can see the bone come through the sock.. **Graphic**
My friend just called me and told me about this.. I don't think I have it in me to watch this injury..
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