
For our customers who could not make the visit, do not fret, we have set aside a limited run of product from the entire collection plus a “special” addition which will launch this coming Tuesday – September 8th – at 12pm noon EDT online exclusively online at PackerShoes.com.
Looks like they had a lot less than I thought 
 wonder what the special addition thing is.

For our customers who could not make the visit, do not fret, we have set aside a limited run of product from the entire collection plus a “special” addition which will launch this coming Tuesday – September 8th – at 12pm noon EDT online exclusively online at PackerShoes.com.
Damn I hope people sleep on this lol luckily ill be off work. Any pro tips for copping online from the seasoned vets out there? lol I always seem to be one step behind when it comes to buying off sites. One good/bad thing is my size, 13. Less demand but also less supply. 

For our customers who could not make the visit, do not fret, we have set aside a limited run of product from the entire collection plus a “special” addition which will launch this coming Tuesday – September 8th – at 12pm noon EDT online exclusively online at PackerShoes.com.
Could be the Great Whites or Black Beasts but who knows!
I took this to mean that they are putting up product from the "entire" collection, meaning shoes plus all the clothing they sold at the pop up. The special edition is most likely just an article of clothing or other mechanize that was not sold in NYC. The way it is worded you could make the assumption that they were talking about a different shoe but lets be honest here, if something like that was going to be released it would be at the shop and not online. I'm just happy that they are at least giving us a shot at the whole collection and looking back on it I am thankful that this news wasn't released until after the hype of the NYC shop closed. With no news about online release people were dying to get or have one scooped up for them by people attending the shop which means less demand for online release with most already securing a pair that had the most interest in the product. If they were to come out and say hey we got this limited release but we are also going to put it all online later on a lot of people would have just waited for that instead. Smart. 
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