***Official Real World Brooklyn post***

^^well you got the army dude who got a girl, a virgin, and a #!!% dude. I thought the brolic white dude would be but it seems he cant even get sum NYpunani
mtvs casting director is gonna get fired after this season. is this the first season ever where no one is getting laid in the house? these people dont even getsmashed every night like the other seasons
DiPlOmAt TDOt wrote:
Cause the broads stay blocking that's why.

cuz all the dudes are corny...Scott was bringing girls home at one point...that's his fault he didn't come through...

the whole cast is sensitive/salty...all they do is complain about each other...might as well be RW: Battle of the Sexes...
^^co-sign, this season blows. At least the challenges are gonna start early next month
This season blows, they atleast could have done brooklyn justice
I hate that ****** dude

How you gonna be in brooklyn without one black man on the show

The new RR/RW challenge looks promising though
ain't nobody got no action in that house "lame" it isn't enough drama I need MOARRRRRR
I think Boston and vegas is the best season BOSTONHAD THE BEST ARGUEMENTS( black theo going in on tanya) and VEGAS had all the SEX
they get to pursue their own jobs this season instead of a group thing...that's how the first few seasons were...
^^ nope, my guess is hes gona get right at the end of the episode and there gonna do that "to be continued" crap
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Scott and Chet salty much??
you want them to happy? their republicans at a democratic party

relax...i just think its funny they were complaining so much and Scott's talking bout " either way your still american congrats"
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