Official Real World Cancun Post

This dumb @#+ Bronne.....

After what 5 episodes which is like how many weeks over there Jasmine finally moves on?
Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
jasmine like took up all of the time.

and that one i really hope he doesn't go home next episode.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
how does that work?
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

LOL another dude going home?

LMAO he got to be the stupidest Mfer ever, why would you throw a fire extinguisher over a balcony? he just as much of a Spazz as Jazz haha
LOL @ Jasmine takin a huge L....just keep it movin...your in Cancun with a PIMPerish house... people need to run it like Tek-Money used to run it in Hawaii
Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
how does that work?

Exactly, ain't that like the whole point for you to be in the house while they film?
Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
how does that work?
It happened to someone else once. I can't remember exactly who but they still hung around the house and worked/stayed on the show but had tostay at a hotel for a little while.
really whats wrong with jasmine spazzing for not gettin and D' shame on her word to Greg he needs to show her a thing or two
I don't think he's goin home. They never show the person going home in the previews. He might get put out for the day/night or something.
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Lol they probably wont kick him off. He probably just gets kicked out of the house but not the show.
how does that work?
It happened to someone else once. I can't remember exactly who but they still hung around the house and worked/stayed on the show but had to stay at a hotel for a little while.
they do that for people who have like got in a fight with another roommate and such.
I think the funniest part of all this is how big a loser that Pat guy is. These chicks are just into wack dudes, simple as that. I mean look at the simp (Inever use that word but it's appropriate for this example) Jonna is dating.

PS who was the chick running around in the panties when they were late for the shift. She had a fatty.
I mean, how much can one girl possibly embarrass herself?

...I'd fill her up, though.

Edit: What, exactly, are they going to show for 43 minutes a week if Joey AND Bronne are gone? Nobody wants to see the five girls that would be left.
^cosign with all of that. never seen someone take so many l's in a row. broad is just stupid. she's 23!? could have fooled me.
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

LOL @ Jasmine takin a huge L....just keep it movin...your in Cancun with a PIMPerish house... people need to run it like Tek-Money used to run it in Hawaii

Tek was that dude
. That's probably one of the last real worlds Iwas really feelin. Tell me why my homegirl look exactly like Ruthie though.
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