Official Real World Cancun Post

That's the thing. It's only two shifts. They're out there to make a TV reality show, make good drama, and have fun. MTV should cut the jobbullcrap. The Real World stopped being about the "real world" a long time ago.
Word, why even have a job to begin with. Less work, more being out and about for hookups and potential fights.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

That's the thing. It's only two shifts. They're out there to make a TV reality show, make good drama, and have fun. MTV should cut the job bullcrap. The Real World stopped being about the "real world" a long time ago.

How is it not being the Real World if someone gets fired? It's showing real life situations. You don't take your job seriously in real life and !@@% upSHORTLY after you were warned, you get fired. Simple as that.
We all know MTV cares more for the drama (for higher ratings), rather than portraying real life in a reality show. If you're watching MTV and want to seereal life being portrayed with real situations and consequences, just watch True Life.
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

the cast from the new Real World DC looks

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

whats good with kissin strangers in the club tho?
you never lived.....

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by c0neV3rgE

why does that girl hate joey? is it because of her ugly gap

To be completely fair, she didn't really deserve half of what he did. She's just annoying.

But it's back to boring TV now I guess...
nah - she deserves it all. that's exactly how i treat girls who act that way, too. lucky for them, they aren't forced to live with me and have the option of avoiding me at all costs, which is a win-win for me.

I really cannot stand girls like her at all - and i know a ton that have so many of the same personality traits. I'd probably force her to kill herself if I lived in that house, though Joey was pushing it hard and couldn't get her to do it.

MTV messed up when they made every season have to have these stupid jobs... nobody cares about these jobs, Joey was there actually having fun and being wild and he gets kicked off for it.. the rest of these lames are acting like they're putting this %%!# on their resume, taking it all serious and crap and it's boring.

There is something wrong with you.

i'm not saying i hope that she'd do it, just that the things i'd do to her, given the nature of her personality, would make her suicidal.

chicks like her live in denial of what they really are.. i would make sure she understood, and she would really hate herself.

im gonna go ahead and co-sign with Craftsy....I would do similar stuff, on top of that chick personality is horrible! Joey shouldve stayed!! My favorite behindGreg, whom also was sent home.
This season is either about to get really good or really lame. Joey and Ayiiia are both lames, imo. I hope the new replacemant is a bigger douch than Joey.
Finally saw the 1st 10 mins I missed from last weeks episode.

@ Joey just gripping and pulling that broad into the bed.
- Jasmine getting owned with that Pillow.

- All Bronne got was top?
Originally Posted by franchise3

Word, why even have a job to begin with. Less work, more being out and about for hookups and potential fights.

exactly - it's just a way to kill time that could be spent getting drunk and fighting with each other, which is 10x more entertaining than watching thempretend to do work.

it was cool when they gave them occasional trips to different places, but now like half the show is about their jobs.. just stupid.
the other thing i love is how high and mighty they all get when somebody else freaks out... and then they freak out themselves 2 episodes later.

for instance - they all freaked at the gap tooth girl breaking %%%#... than the black girl a few eps later is throwing %%%# and punching %%%# all the time
they go from being like "you're out of control!" to throwing glasses at the wall in 2 days.
Even though Joey was entertaining, he was an idiot to think that a watch alarm would wake him up after a night of partying and drinking.

There's plenty of people in Cancun that would smash her but she's trippin over some weak @#@ frail boy.
Yerp Jasmine swallows...

This dude Pat is getting mad extra TV time when it's clear the man aint +!+#%*+ with the broad.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

again going at other because your not up on time


it is their problem, but why would she not at least wake one other person up seeing that they were going to be late.

she ends up being late herself, so what the hell was she thinking?
are they seriously upset because THEY didnt wake up?? What a bunch of *@$!@#@
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