Official Real World New Orleans Thread - Premieres June 30th (First trailer out)

Jemmeye & Ashlee
Anything I miss in the first 15 min?

I just got tired of watching the same repeated commentary on ESPN News.


Wow @ Preston. Wish he had her lips.
^Jemmye sucking the meat out of a crawfish. Im sure the gifs will be floating around here soon
Which of these casting directors ok'd picking Knight? Hes a cornball with no personality.
fresh - i looked up and was like ROZAY!!!! lol

man how sensitive is ryan when the gay dude calls him ultra-sensitive
Ryan being Cuffy Combs and then feeling violated.

This dude looking like a fool right now
Mad insecure. It's like MTV aimed at getting the most shallow, stereotypical and superficial looking cast they could.
Despite this being my thread I'm not even watching right now

For some reason I don't get MTV HD, but it comes up On Demand in HD, so I'll just wait for it to come on there
Ryan is one of those females that will get gassed up about little comments, say unnecessary %%%! , cry, then convince you to forgive them for taking it too far

 @ the whack selection of females this year. I will not be watching this season now. The only cool thing about this season is Ryan's skateboard.

-The Juice
Can't believe I am rooting for some midwestern lame to slap some overly sensitive straight dude with female tendencies. Casting for this show was officially horrible 7 or 8 seasons back but this could be a new low.
These people already seem way too sensitive....Hollywood was the last good one, for half a season, and Cancun was cool too.
looks like knight gets kicked out from the season preview. #$$++ +## ryan pressing charges. he's so frail and soft he'll get in your face but not hit you.

i'd smash the chick from mississippi only with her aviators on tho. all of these chicks could get it.

nvm read that the pressing charges incident doesnt involve knight getting kicked out. but still ryan overreacting like a little *%@!# tho.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Jemmye is nasty, tha hell y'all tokin'
Her face is busted, but her body was looking on point when they showed her in the bed.

Originally Posted by Kobe4MVP12

That girl Ashlee went to my high school. From the trailer it looks like she doesnt have a big role in the show though she was shown like once lol.
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