Official: Revised Lebron IX Thread. MVP's revealed! MV's WILL have toddler sizes! 6/2

Broke out the Big Bangs today. I should've hired a surgeon to tag along with me. These things demand your full attention. The chicks dig em too. My fiancée is a little perturbed.
Originally Posted by ArmorRig

Originally Posted by fsunole19

Anyone know where I can get Cannons 10.5 for about $230 (or less)?

did you receive the cannons you ordered yet from that site in the thread you asked about?
Yeah I got em. Somehow, they sent me 2 right shoes so I gotta send them back. They aren't sure if they have the left shoe, or another pair to send me. They seem legit though, I compared them pretty thoroughly to my other 2 pairs of IX's
Originally Posted by fsunole19

Originally Posted by ArmorRig

Originally Posted by fsunole19

Anyone know where I can get Cannons 10.5 for about $230 (or less)?

did you receive the cannons you ordered yet from that site in the thread you asked about?
Yeah I got em. Somehow, they sent me 2 right shoes so I gotta send them back. They aren't sure if they have the left shoe, or another pair to send me. They seem legit though, I compared them pretty thoroughly to my other 2 pairs of IX's

wow what a bummer. sorry to hear that man. I read someone even received cool greys or some other colorway inside the box of their swingman order, and that was through one of the online retailers here in the US.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by UnchartedDrake


reminds me of....


and this


All cool %!$@

   nothing wrong with that the white ranger? either way, I love those concords and the LJ elite homes do remind me of that dmp xi...

LJ elite homes, KB Elite Aways for me....
As of now, if I was to get Elites, those would be the ones. I don't care if the White Ranger would rock them or not, they are sweet.
Why does it seem like every picture of SLH has a bent pull tab? Is that how the slh are made? or is it just every shoe I've seen?

Am I trippin or? lmao
Swoosh discount should apply. This release should be a true gr even more so then the 3/2 releases which were available on swoosh.
^ I actually like that lace switch on those Hornets above. I still think they shouldve put a tad more white on the shoe.
Originally Posted by UHaveNoSole

The elites are very dope but can anyone justify the 250 price tag?

It is what it is, my friend. Nike could price em at $300 and they would still be bought.
Originally Posted by bence23

I broke down and got semi raped for the big bangs. I was obsessing and prices kept rising. Now I just need chinas to go along with my bangs, cannons and MN and im done with 9s unless the SB *$* colorway reels me back in.

You and I both. I ended up ordering my size 12s off Ebay from an international seller for $359 shipped. 
Originally Posted by slysniperwolf

i don't want the hornets, i want the hornets, i don't want the hornets, now i want the hornets

Lol. Definitely feel you on that. I was sure I wasn't going to cop because it seemed like too much purple but every picture I see of them is making me reconsider.
Originally Posted by LeoUnot

Originally Posted by UHaveNoSole

The elites are very dope but can anyone justify the 250 price tag?

It is what it is, my friend. Nike could price em at $300 and they would still be bought.

Top notch quality and considering all that carbon fiber to make an actual mold for each size cost in the range of maybe over $700,000 per size.
Originally Posted by Simba King

Originally Posted by AME416

Just ordered my OSUs from the outlet
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]WHERE????  [/color]
I was wondering the same thing but I think I'm going to just do some leg work on my end. I'm on Vacation this week so I'll prob take the baby out the house and hit Marina Square outlet and maybe great mall. Really want to find the Blacks at the outlet. 
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