Official Revised LeBron X Thread: Pressures Launch 11/2 Details pg. 1

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Fo reals. Nike gna jack that price up as high as possible....Even though the jades are $200 I might have to save some cash up if they look like that pic DJ Skee has on since I missed out on the grinches.
The inside lining is supposed to be black correct? Not like it is in these videos?

Dem joints dumb fake noticed the first second I played the vid.
congrats to those the copped the GMs I took an L at my HOH and NDC if anyone knows that has size 13 for a reasonable price pm me
Dope shirt with the X logo. :smokin Gonna grab one of these shirts later.
congrats to those the copped the GMs I took an L at my HOH and NDC if anyone knows that has size 13 for a reasonable price pm me

I'm curious to know what people think is a "reasonable" after market price. I personally was pissed at myself for spending $295 after tax on these until I turned them into my trades. Even the one pair I have left makes me wonder if I'm a damn idiot :lol: for keeping them. Its like having Kobe and DWade on one team, just got more than what you need and can use a boost elsewhere ya know. Had I struck out on these there was absolutely no way in hell I would've bought these for over retail, maybe that right there tells me I didn't want them all that bad I guess... :rolleyes
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yea those are definitely shill bids. seems like 450-500 is the current ebay price ..depending on the size. dudes are also asking for 450 on NY CL as well.
Ahh that makes sense. I was thinking $600 is just absurd.

Anyways, currently debating if I should pick up the Jades. Having mixed feelings about them atm...I kind of feel that it'll be a shoe that'll grow on me as time goes on. But at the same time I should save for stuff that really are must haves :frown:
how do these fit compared to the 9s or 8s?

I need to see the Jades in person

I like the mint green look but in some pics they look highlighter green :x
im pretty sure there is going to be different price points for the ID lebron X
im guessing they will have it like the hyperdunk, by giving you the option of getting the + or not

and i can almost guarantee that the color combinations between the lebron X+ id and the lebron X id will be different with the lebron X+ id colors being more desirable
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