Official Revised LeBron X Thread: Pressures Launch 11/2 Details pg. 1

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Final warning. 

I hope we have tons of colors, some unique themed, and super limited designs this year

Does anyone have a shoe with the plus feature currently?

How often would u actually use it? How many times can you check your stats?

Above quote, just start ur own fourm or blog plz 3 pages of what?
I hope we have tons of colors, some unique themed, and super limited designs this year
Does anyone have a shoe with the plus feature currently?
How often would u actually use it? How many times can you check your stats?
Above quote, just start ur own fourm or blog plz 3 pages of what?
You see, here is the problem with what you are asking.

People actually like to talk about the surrounding circumstances of this shoe, even while on this thread. You may only want to see pics and then read comments that exhibit people sweatin' this shoe, but there are others who are as equally appalled at not only at the price, but also at the social significance and then messages that a three hundred dollar basketball shoe will send. You may not like that balance, but as I am sure that you know, Nike does pay attention to this site. If they continue to exploit those communities as they've been doing for years, what will hurt them most, is if the community that they hold dear, begins to stand up and say that this sort of exploitation, is wrong. Nike is in the business of making money, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, when a company makes its revenue through exploiting the ignorance of those from a certain socio_economic standing, even those who dig their product and can afford them, should give pause, then questioning their intent. Why aren't Air Jordan's sold in Greenwich? Why aren't the LeBron X's going to be sold in an area like that of Greenwich, where everyone can afford them? This is my issue, as apparently, the issue for others that were partaking in the discussion that you've objected to. When you do that, It seems as if you are simply nothing but a Nike operative, and they are indeed present here on Nike Talk, trying to stifle any anti Nike discussion. Now, I am not trying to steer anyone toward Adidas, but my position is pretty clear, that in my opinion, Adidas's shoes are just as good, if not better, than those of Nike. Nike has to EARN my respect, but exploiting the divide that already exists within certain communities, really isn't cool.

Nike has never commented on the violence that occurs within that community, but they have no problem with the press they'll receive, and the money they will collect.

Nobody is telling you to NOT like this shoe, but those of us who do not like it, should not be shunned, then forced to be silent due to those who share your opinion.
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I hope we have tons of colors, some unique themed, and super limited designs this year
Does anyone have a shoe with the plus feature currently?
How often would u actually use it? How many times can you check your stats?
Above quote, just start ur own fourm or blog plz 3 pages of what?

I have the 2012 Hyperdunk+ USA...but before I get past that, let me just state that as much as I loved the overall look, feel, and and CW of this shoe, the ONLY reason I copped was because the Champs employee working at that moment in the store let me use 5 different VIP rewards cards totaling $80. So ya'll do the math. Had I only been able to use 1 card like FTL says then I would have easily passed.

Now that being said I have actually used the + sensors and I think they are great. I don't ball as much as I used to, for no real reason other than time and travel distance to a nice indoor court where these won't get trashed beyond belief. But you can check your stats at anytime you wish, and if you post them "live" you can go up against anyone else with + tech at anytime.

Apparently you can also download other Nike+ training apps to use with whatever shoe you have. For instance I could use the Nike Training or Running aps and they would both work with my Hyperdunks. Granted the apps are free but nice that the tech is somewhat interchangeable. Especially since I do workout/lift weights in my basketball kicks.

I am also a personal trainer, and have some younger high school/college athletes and even a parent or 2 who has seen me with these shoes and asked about them for their kids. For those clients I have that are really serious about improving their athleticism or games I think these are great tools. The only caveat to this is of course the cost, but not so much the cost but the fact that at some point whichever shoe you chose will "bottom out" or just wear down with enough use and then what? Spend another $250 for the next pair? This is where Nike needs to fix this issue and visit some of this "Nike+ ready" stuff that some of us on this board have been discussing., you that have the footbed sensors ready to go and all you need to do is intall your chips and sync your iPhone. Because for anyone that does like this tech and will use it, and will want to continue to use it, nobody will need or want to buy the whole shebang over and over again.

I definitely see the potential of this direction that Nike wants to take their shoes but I think they really need to sit down and consider the long term game plan, or else consumer and media backlash will eventually backfire and the + tech will die a slow painful death. That's just my $.02... :D
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You see, here is the problem with what you are asking.

People actually like to talk about the surrounding circumstances of this shoe, even while on this thread. You may only want to see pics and then read comments that exhibit people sweatin' this shoe, but there are others who are as equally appalled at not only at the price, but also at the social significance and then messages that a three hundred dollar basketball shoe will send. You may not like that balance, but as I am sure that you know, Nike does pay attention to this site. If they continue to exploit those communities as they've been doing for years, what will hurt them most, is if the community that they hold dear, begins to stand up and say that this sort of exploitation, is wrong. Nike is in the business of making money, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, when a company makes its revenue through exploiting the ignorance of those from a certain socio_economic standing, even those who dig their product and can afford them, should give pause, then questioning their intent. Why aren't Air Jordan's sold in Greenwich? Why aren't the LeBron X's going to be sold in an area like that of Greenwich, where everyone can afford them? This is my issue, as apparently, the issue for others that were partaking in the discussion that you've objected to. When you do that, It seems as if you are simply nothing but a Nike operative, and they are indeed present here on Nike Talk, trying to stifle any anti Nike discussion. Now, I am not trying to steer anyone toward Adidas, but my position is pretty clear, that in my opinion, Adidas's shoes are just as good, if not better, than those of Nike. Nike has to EARN my respect, but exploiting the divide that already exists within certain communities, really isn't cool.

Nike has never commented on the violence that occurs within that community, but they have no problem with the press they'll receive, and the money they will collect.

Nobody is telling you to NOT like this shoe, but those of us who do not like it, should not be shunned, then forced to be silent due to those who share your opinion.

I have zero problem with any of the discussions that Longstroke, Peruwhite, Rawdawg, or anyone for that matter has started or engaged in.

Granted there are a bunch of readers who undoubtedly would like to keep the threads "light, easy reading" lush with pictures and "tidbits" of information. But if this is truly a "culture" that we hope to preserve, and there are those of us who truly try to help one another out in any way possible, these heavier discussions are necessary. They sometimes give us all perspective on how the outside world and those on the periphery of this sneakerhead culture view this hobby. There is a world and sneakerhead mentality outside of NT and I think LOTS of us forget that...these stories and discussions bring that to light, the culture is BIGGER than NT.

Will I agree with every post or opinion on here? No, not at all, just as nobody will agree with everything I have to say, but all I ask, especially on a message board of my "peers" and other sneakerheads who share the same passion, is for RESPECT. You might not like what I say or anyone else for that matter, but respect it and understand where it's coming from. And we can all move along quite amicably. And there is always the option of scrolling straight over the text barrage and head straight for the shiny pictures. There's no shame in that, but at the same time, just keep it moving and let those who want to discuss...discuss.

The Lebron X+ has stirred up many feeling among many people, and while I'm just as interested in the shoe and grabbing the pairs I want on release day, it's not bad to know what's going on around you, no matter how big or small the circumstance might be. Not a big fan of ignorance.

I shall get off my soapbox now and let this thread get back to it's regularly scheduled programming, but with that being said, if this culture is truly changing or going forward...this board and it's members are the BEST ones to help shape it and steer it in the proper direction and communication is the only way we can make sure we're all steering together. :D
I think it was said best when someone on here wrote that if you don't like it, don't feed into the hype, and if you do like the products, then buy what you want.
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Naw I'm hearing what you're saying and in no way am I agreeing with Nike that ANY basketball shoe should be $300+ after tax BUT the shoe is supposed to be packed with technologically advanced elements that create this kind of basketball wearable device as opposed to a basketball shoe. So yeah the material of the upper is a strong durable plastic and the air bag is nice air max/zoom mix which makes the shoe about $180 in casual value BUT then you throw on this $110 computer chip they decided to incorporate into the footwear/athletic device and thats where you get the $290 price point. Once again I don't necessarily agree with it but I don't think its going to be as big of a deal come release day as we are making it out to be.

come on bro, none of these shoes are technologically advanced. :lol: they are all gimmicks and back stories used to get us excited about what is basically plastic and glue, seriously. and u know this.
You wrote more than one sentence he ain't gon' read all that my dude. :rolleyes

Nice review, i enjoy reading all that and some of stuff here while there is not much going on with new info or pics yet.
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come on bro, none of these shoes are technologically advanced. :lol: they are all gimmicks and back stories used to get us excited about what is basically plastic and glue, seriously. and u know this.

It's like basketball or any sports video games. They add all these worthless features but it's the same game every year. We buy it though because rosters are updated and so we could play other people online because older games nobody plays anymore.
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It's like basketball or any sports video games. They add all these worthless features but it's the same game every year. We buy it though because rosters are updated and so we could play other people online because older games nobody plays anymore.

SANS Madden 13' this year. That physics engine they put in the game gives it an ENTIRELY different feel than any other Madden released in recent memory. I didn't buy it tho because they removed the one game mode that I enjoyed most, FRANCHISE! I was shocked and appalled, made me not look at the game twice despite the actual gameplay being insanely realistic with a few minor glitches.

While on the topic of video games, has anybody seen any gameplay footage of 2k13, I know Rose has his new sneaker colorway but is Lebron wearing the X and if so what colorway cuz I doubt its the USA colorway, maybe that would give us a peak at the BRED colorway...just a thought.
There's a feature in 2K13 that allows you to customize shoes and then can be sync'd with a Nike iD feature to have the shoes you customize actually come to life thru the game and they will ship you your customization when all hooked up. Pretty cool feature, apparently there's like 45 different layers to the customizing so I'm wondering if there will be more options coming to iD or some options are o ly available thru the new 2K13 game...
the gameplay vid i saw, I didn't see the backwards swoosh, looks like it was a generic shoe with a swoosh towards the back like the 8s. If the X is on nikeid then you can customize it in the game and order it at the same time. that's not worthless feature ha.

i was impressed with the Madden demo and i haven't played/bought a football game since Madden09.
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It's 37+ post since the last time I checked this thread, was thinking maybe there's a new colorway leaked or at least new pictures of cutting jades, etc. Thought there's something new and oh well...

I have zero problem with any of the discussions that Longstroke, Peruwhite, Rawdawg, or anyone for that matter has started or engaged in

I like the discussions

Some people on the board just want everyone to oooh and ahhh over sneakers and like everything. That's not what NT should be about. Message boards are for discussion.
I like the discussions
Some people on the board just want everyone to oooh and ahhh over sneakers and like everything. That's not what NT should be about. Message boards are for discussion.

Word. Where at a point where we've seen enough pictures throughout the year that it doesn't have the same appeal anymore. If you're gonna post pictures every post then you should post them on Flickr or something, which we never told that poster to do. But you get defensive when you don't like what you want to see. We just have to meet in the middle.
Been a LeBron shoe fan for a while, if I did not get them I always thought the shoes looked good. But these 10's are not doing it at all for me. The only thing that will push these is that LeBron was "given" a title finally.
SANS Madden 13' this year. That physics engine they put in the game gives it an ENTIRELY different feel than any other Madden released in recent memory. I didn't buy it tho because they removed the one game mode that I enjoyed most, FRANCHISE! I was shocked and appalled, made me not look at the game twice despite the actual gameplay being insanely realistic with a few minor glitches.
While on the topic of video games, has anybody seen any gameplay footage of 2k13, I know Rose has his new sneaker colorway but is Lebron wearing the X and if so what colorway cuz I doubt its the USA colorway, maybe that would give us a peak at the BRED colorway...just a thought.

The footage looks like he's wearing the eight like in the beginning of 2k12 because kobes wearing the 6's and durant is wearing his 3s
I dont mind the discussion piece, but I dont want the thread to get locked when the arguing gets to heated.
I dont mind the discussion piece, but I dont want the thread to get locked when the arguing gets to heated.

If we can all stay respectful and allow people to have an opinion we can keep the thread alive and also get alot of development of the culture embraced and flourished.

Hey Blossom, why did you repost the Away Floridian, did something change on the shoe? I'm looking at them, not seeing anything different. Help me out...

P.S. All my post are sincere questions and comments, I don't so the sarcastic stuff. My ego is nonexistent from this point on, lets really make this forums a community of united sneaker collectors.
Was a big fan of the 8"s 9"s but this bulky ugly thing has me scratching my head!!! Even the colors are not inspiring!!!! 
I dont mind the discussion piece, but I dont want the thread to get locked when the arguing gets to heated.
If we can all stay respectful and allow people to have an opinion we can keep the thread alive and also get alot of development of the culture embraced and flourished.

Hey Blossom, why did you repost the Away Floridian, did something change on the shoe? I'm looking at them, not seeing anything different. Help me out...

P.S. All my post are sincere questions and comments, I don't so the sarcastic stuff. My ego is nonexistent from this point on, lets really make this forums a community of united sneaker collectors.
He probably reposted the pics in an attempt to bring the discussion back to the shoes.

AKA/Longstroke got another thread to fall for his trolling I see.
Lebron 10 still aint doin much for me right now.... i know it seems to always be like dat with lebrons but ....
And for that tag price i kinda hope they rot on shelves.... nike dont cre bout their customers... with all the shoes peeps
Purchase throughout the year they still find ways to hike prices up....
And while some of u guys enjoy the luxary of free rent and what not.. some other peeps got to mke the right choices...
My 2 cents
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Been a LeBron shoe fan for a while, if I did not get them I always thought the shoes looked good. But these 10's are not doing it at all for me. The only thing that will push these is that LeBron was "given" a title finally.

You cant be serious right?
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