:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. New York Giants @ Candlestick 10/14:::

******** and Cowboys following this game are far more important since they are 0-2 in the division to start, but this would be a nice W leading up to those two if they can pull out the win.

Giants need Canty off the PUP list, pass rush hasn't been the same without their regular rotation (probably will practice AFTER this week unfortunately). Team seems to always get up for big games on the road.
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They played the Bills. The Jets put up 40 on them. I can guarantee the 49ers will not have anywhere close to 600 yards. I think 49ers fans are forgetting that only 1 WR had a catch in the NFCCG and it was meaningless.

Umm nobody is giving the Giants a chance. Multiple people on NT have said the 49ers by atleast 2 TDs. Which if you know anything about football is just a dumb statement to make. The Giants always play down to the level of competition. Like the Browns last week, but they always play good teams very well. Patriots, 49ers & Packers twice last year. Pats, GB, Dallas in 07. It is gonna be a game that comes down to the final drive just like last years regular season game and Eli is not gonna lose this one.

Quit your crying. What does 1 WR having a catch in the NFCCG have to do with this game? If you look at the people in this thread who predicted the niners winning, guess what...theyre niner fans. Do you really think a niner fan would predict the giants winning, especially the way both teams have played so far this year? And dont say MULTIPLE people have predicted a 2TD win by the niners when a couple of posts up you stated that there was only one post on the first page of someone actually predicting this. And what do the giants playing down to their competition have to do with anything? Youre saying that they always play in close games? Theres no logic in your post.
Nobody is crying. Not sure what your talking about. I have nothing to cry about. We are the Super Bowl Champs. Just like any Giants fan I like being the underdog. The team plays better. I'm having a football discussion. 14 out if 15 ESPN analysts picked the 49ers. So like I said nobody is giving us a chance. Everybody thinks they will roll over the Giants, because we played a close game with the Bucs & Browns. If anybody has paid attention to the Giants for as long as I've been alive they have always play bad against bad opponents and great against good opponents.

Me saying something about the NFCCG is because dude up there is making it seem like the 49ers are the Greatest show on turf. Yeah they had 300 passing against the Bills. The 49ers are averaging 205 passing yards a game. Good for 27th in the NFL. I was saying 49ers fans shouldn't expect 300+ yards passing this week considering the last time we played we absolutely shut their WRs down.
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Are you really?

You're complaining about ESPN analysts not picking your team to win the the game?  What kind of football discussion is that?  Shut up, already. 

Certainly not the only thing I've said, but ok whatever you say bro!! Nobody has said anything in regards to the game except predicting a score. 49ers fans don't have to be mad we got "their" SB ring
So again, why the **** are you worried about Tom Jackson and who he thinks will win this game?
14 out of 15 analysts picked the 49ers doesn't mean nobody is giving the Giants a chance, it just means they think the Niners will win. You're buying too much into what Coughlin is saying.
This game is going to be a test for the Niners. Yea they blew out the jets and buffalo, but come on, really. As a Niner fan, I wasn't impress with those win. I was impress with the GB win thou. If the Niners blow the Giants out of the water then its saying something.

keys to the game:
Defense. Do what you been doing...
Offense. Get those 1st downs and control time of possession, similar to the GB game. keep eli on the sidelines.
Eli. Throw those risky throws.

Seems pretty easy. Go Niners!
we gotta do what we do.

our secondary is amongst the bottom 10 pass defense, and our rush defense could be better.

So it's simple what we got to do since we can't rely on our secondary to step up and lock-down their receivers. We have to bottle up Gore and Hunter and pressure Smith into making mistakes. If we can contain Gore we can force them to have to air it out on us. That's where our pass-rush comes in, and that's where we win or lose this game.

If not, Gore and Hunter are going to run wild on us, Smith is going to find Davis over and over again and Manningham (and Crabby) are going to hurt us.

On the offensive side we need Bradshaw and Wilson to run it right into the brickwall, we can't be one-dimensional. They're fully expecting us to air it our all-game, we need our o-line to make a push and let our boys in the backfield soften these guys up. Most teams get discouraged running it against Frisco, but we can't be those other teams. We got to play NYG football and run the rock and open up passing lanes for Eli.

We gotta punch the ******g bully right on the button, check that chin. We gotta take the air right out the crowd.
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^ Giants were one-dimensional last season in their regular season matchup and the game was still close as well....could've won if Manningham stretched out for that slightly overthrown pass when he was wide open.

I don't expect anything different today.
Statement game for the Niners. 24-21 SF. Crabby, Manningham, K. Hunter. Two for Cruz, one for Bennett.
Brandon Jacobs is inactive again. I thought he would come back against the Giants. I dont see him staying with our team too much longer.

Lets go Niners!
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