Official Seattle Mariners 2009 Season Thread Vol. Season Over

Didnt see the game. Good to see the O get some production...too bad Felix was many bombs did he give 3? smh

Another day another L....Bedard is up and if the O moves this production into tomorrow..we have a shot...slightly
We need to clean this team of the dead wood that causes these implosions every season. Beltre, yuni (who popped up first pitch with the bases loaded to end theinning), johjima, silva, and Batista for starters.
Well, at least they scored some runs...

Ok, trying to stay positive, cuz we know everyone else is giving up on them already... they'll turn it around, they'll turn it around.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Well, at least they scored some runs...

Ok, trying to stay positive, cuz we know everyone else is giving up on them already... they'll turn it around, they'll turn it around.
i've noticed that this thread has really slowed down as opposed to when we were cruising with that 7-2 record or whatever it was...
for what it's worth:
-felix started out 2-0 with a 1.47 ERA in 2008. ended up 9-11 with a 3.45 ERA.
-felix started out 2-1 with a 1.56 ERA in 2007. ended up 14-7 with a 3.92 ERA.
-felix started out 4-0 with a 2.38 ERA in 2009. has gone 0-2 and given up 11 ER in his last two starts.

notice a pattern here?
Things are really hard right now... I'm with finnns2003 on Felix' pattern, and it's really odd. Although, it is nice to see the offense doingSOMETHING. Like I said, although we're under .500 now, it's a very long season.

Hope for the best and heads up!!! Blue and teal all day every day.
bedard goes tomorrow. either we come out and start playing solid baseball, or by all-star break Z will be dealing guys.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

i've noticed that this thread has really slowed down as opposed to when we were cruising with that 7-2 record or whatever it was...

Yeah well, no one likes to route for a losing team. still, you shouldn't abandon them just cuz they're in a slump and comeback when they're doingbetter. What kind of a fan does that make us? Think positive, think positive...
I'm gonna maintain that mentality thoughout the season regardless of how they do. blind-optimism? maybe. Oh well.

Someone find a shrink for the King...
Well I'm still here, I was way wrong on my predictions yesterday
but they'll have to win sometime. You know what's interesting and somewhat sad,have the Mariners even lead for an inning during this losing streak? I don't recall them playing a single inning with the lead.
I'm here, but uh....I'm a Twins guy so....Right now I don't care about the M's. I'll be back after the series.
I'm still here... lurking for the most part. Havent had a lot of time to actually watch any games (work + school), but I'll check this thread from timeto time.
As for todays game, is it a bad thing when I'm assuming that our pitching wont get out of a full-base situation without the bases clearing first?
You know what's interesting and somewhat sad, have the Mariners even lead for an inning during this losing streak? I don't recall them playing a single inning with the lead.
Naw you're right they I dont they had any leads at all because they were getting their heads crushed in early in each game
This teams needs to learn to play some small ball

Only 2 runs allowed so far and the offense cant get jack *%!+ on the board
Considering how mediocre today's pitching has been, they're only down by two... and yet it seems like an insurmountable lead...
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

This teams needs to learn to play some small ball

Only 2 runs allowed so far and the offense cant get jack *%!+ on the board
Couldn't agree anymore, what happened to the "Wak Ball" that was working so well? This whole offense just fell asleep at once. C'mon M's get 3 runs and lets break this darn streak!
We just had to make it dramatic didnt we?

Feels nice to get a W.......Im dont even want to think about the next game
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