Originally Posted by sneakerjunkie

does anyone ever come in this thread..........
not really, everyone that posts here is looking for help, noone comes in to help
some guy named sneakerpinoy or something like that used to help all the time but i havent seen him post in a while
yo thanks for the post i have the bravo toro 5 and i need them to be fixed the sued looks a lil messy but clean none the less lmk what i should do to help out
Guys, need your help. Has anyone ever tryed cleaning the XI bottoms with Bleach? was thinking about scrubing them with bleach+cotton balls to whiten them. How about using hydrogen peroxide to clean the bottoms?
Ok so I am not sure if its been covered but I recently tried to get creases out of my OG XII's and found some success. No before pics but I have an after. Here is all that I did to the shoe to make them look NDS.

1) Scrubbed shoes with wet washcloth
2) Took the laces out, threw them in with some laundry sprayed with stain lifter.
3) Armorall on the black sections (both leather and sole)
4) Took wet washcloth used earlier and layed it over the shoe
5) Turned an iron onto cotton steam setting and pressed the creases out *Note* this should be done with some sort of stuffing in the shoe to help give original shape
6) Repeated step 4 half a dozen times on each shoe. I ironed the lace areas where creases were, the tounge, and toebox.
7) Let shoe cool out, then went over it with Armorall leather protectant

And here is what they look like now...

Luckily the white part of the midsole is still pretty fresh so I didnt need to use any special cleaner. But to those with XII's looking to rid of creases in the leather, I highly suggest ironing. It works.

So i recently was cleaning my closet and I pulled out some CoolGrey 01's and a bit of the glue has come apart....what kind of glue would you all suggest I use to get these going again.
This is the shoe separation.

Also: while i was at it, i grabbed some Columbias that ive never worn and that also have seperation...but on the sole...should, what kind of glue should i use there?

^^^looks like seaglow jacked em up............BTW, did you know those were in your closet or was it a surprise find???
Will somebody post a step by step on how to use shoo goo properly to fix separations.. I'm bout to do my og 12 nd 13s.. thanks
for the sole separation on the previous page with the cool grey and columbia xi's, i would go with the shoe goo. try to smooth it out when applying so you get an even coat. check all the surrounding areas of the shoes where the separation has occured to see if you might have to fix those areas with the shoe goo. you might as well do eveything at one time to prevent future separtion since the glue obviously has dried out for sitting so long in ds condition.^to vipersupra, i really can't give you a step by step process on the shoe goo. if the shoes have major separation all around the soles, you might want to start from the front of the shoe and work your way towards the back. you might want to use rubber bands to hold the shoes in place where the shoe goo is being applied since it takes a while to dry compared to other glueing alternatives. i hope you have success with your projects. i've tried to shoe goo some xii's and xiii's before but didn't get the success i hoped for so i gave up on them. good luck.
Any tips on how to fix this?  Want 'em lookin' unchipped/peeled again.  Oh...my Grapes...

I have a pair of 2000 Metallic V's. Originally my brothers and he gave them to me recently. When I opened the box, I was surprised to see orange stuff on the tongue. It can't be peeled off and and used a wet one to try to rub it off to no avail. Is there anyway i can remove it?
that actually looks like a bleach stain, bro. I could be wrong though...if you have a macro shot you probably would want to use it so it focuses more.
I only have the camera on my HD2. If it is a bleach stain (which i doubt, my brother wouldn't bleach his Jordans), it wouldn't be removable through everyday cleaning materials huh?
I don't think you can remove bleach stains, period. unless you re-dye the material effected.

better off getting a better answer from someone else cause I really don't know what it is without seeing a better shot. Material is stained foreal though..and it was spilt on there(splatter marks)
I posted this in the Sneaker Reviews section, but I'm wondering if I'll get more answers here.
Did anyone else's XIs come pre-creased? My DS pair has a very, very, very faint crease that goes along the toebox that you can't see at first glance, but if you hold it to the light and look closely, you'll kinda see it. I know it shouldn't, but it's kinda bugging me.
Here are pics if anyone wants any:


You can kinda see it a line that goes along the toebox if you look closely. That's what I'm talking about.
For ajIII I noticed a sued nubuck erased from ftl worked great on removing yellow tint on heel tab. Also great for patent leather scuffs or easy clean up!
Foot locker suede /nubuck eraser works great for all scuffs on patent, all leathers and midsoles. As well as heel tabs on 3s 4s etc..
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