I just used the basic ingredients (Hydrogen Peroxide/Cornstarch/Detergent) for my mix.
That's what I go do u mind explaining how I mix it?? I did a trial but I guess it dryed and it left white marks on my cool greys

  • I added about 1/2 a cup of hydrogen peroxide to a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch. Make sure the cornstarch dissolves completely before poppin' the mixture in the microwave. Heat it for about 10-15seconds. It should be quite thick once it's taken out from the microwave.
  • Add around 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of detergent to the hydrogen peroxide/cornstarch mixture. Stir the mixture up until it all comes together and foams up.
  • If it get's too thick, just add more hydrogen peroxide.
  • I find it more effective if direct sunlight is used.

Hope this helps.
For those that have experience using retrobrite.. If I'm leaving out my 06 metallic 5's in the sun... Won't that fade the upper?
how to get scuffs off white leather ? I know probably answered many times before but cant seem to find a good answer . 

dont mind all my questions recently , finally getting around to cleaning my kicks . 
how to get scuffs off white leather ? I know probably answered many times before but cant seem to find a good answer . 

dont mind all my questions recently , finally getting around to cleaning my kicks . 

Most surface scuffs can be brushed off using soap, water and a tooth brush.

Hey whats up guys. I need some advice and help and was wondering if you could help me. I bought some jordan 7 citrus and I started cleaning tthem with Roma Laundry Detergent. I started scrubbing with the toothbrush and I think this guy used some sort of paint or the soap because I did put alot of soap in a little half cut plastic water bottle. I was wondering if you guys could give me any advice.

That looks like you just used an excess of soap in the material. Next time use more water and a little bit of soap. It will create a lather rather than a gel.

Just get a toothbrush and go to work on it with water only. It should bubble up. That's the soap left in there. Get all of that soap out of there and they will return to normal.

Don't leave the paper inside the box. The paper is acidic.

It has no effect. I can attest to this.

I only take the paper out when I have clear soles.

For those that have experience using retrobrite.. If I'm leaving out my 06 metallic 5's in the sun... Won't that fade the upper?

Possibly, I would make sure the upper is covered or shaded before you leave it out. Just leave the soles exposed.
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yeah for me i take paper out for clear soles and shoes with colors that can bleed easily like white and red or black and red 13s.
It has no effect. I can attest to this.
Please feel free to enlighten us

What's there to enlighten you about? I keep the tissue paper in all of my boxes and nothing out of the ordinary has happened. No stains, out of the ordinary yellowing etc. People make too much about this. The only suggestion I have is when it comes to XI's, put them in a plastic bin in the back of your closet to prevent light from hitting them all the time. That's it. There's no magic to it.
what are the best insoles to prevent cracking? I heard 'Sir Charles' talk about some type of insoles not sure what though.

the only specific one I found was the [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Spenco polysorb cross trainer insoles[/color]

are here any other ones?
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun

Depends. Repeat the process until you get the desired result. I've tried it twice and it seems to work, but I used the indoor method. You can do back to back sessions or space it out. It's really up to you. Just make sure you wipe it good.
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Does any one know how can I fix these deep scuffs. I need to know what's the best paint..... Thanks
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun

Saran Wrap on the shoes after you put retrobrite on, it prevents it from drying out.
Does any one know how can I fix these deep scuffs. I need to know what's the best paint..... Thanks

As far as I know, if I can remember correctly, paint won't take to that material. I know it's not nylon, but similar to a nylon. Keep trying to get something non abrasive to scrub that spot out. Quick question though, how long has that spot been there? Did you let it set in?
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun

Saran Wrap on the shoes after you put retrobrite on, it prevents it from drying out.

Really? Never tried that. After I let it sit, I just washed and dried the outsole really well.
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun

Saran Wrap on the shoes after you put retrobrite on, it prevents it from drying out.

Really? Never tried that. After I let it sit, I just washed and dried the outsole really well.

Yep, your sessions can last hours longer.
I'm trying out retrobrite and if it drys out in the sun do I just add more?? Also when I'm done with a session do I wash it off and whipe it down to begin another?? How long do I leave it in the sun

Saran Wrap on the shoes after you put retrobrite on, it prevents it from drying out.

Really? Never tried that. After I let it sit, I just washed and dried the outsole really well.

Yep, your sessions can last hours longer.

I gotta try that next time. I actually tried both. I had moderate success with seaglow. Never noticed it until I wore them one day and someone said they looked fresh. Thing is, you gotta put like 20 hours + into cleaning them. I think once I finally do retrobrite/seaglow, I'll be done and go back to cleaning after every wear like I used to. I also think that helps. To those who are just wearing XI's I strongly suggest you clean them thoroghly after EVERY wear. So when you reach that inevitable stage, it would be easier to restore. I've done this with my '00 and without a real treatment of retrobrite/seaglow they look better than some '09s I've seen and I wear them reguarly. Just a tip.
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