What paint should I use for this? I don't want to use angelus black suede dye because it comes out purple
Anyone have experience with using Jason Markk on these? I have the soft premium brush
i've only used Jason Markk on my xx9 for the mid sole and outsole, but have used them for the kobe 9 moonwalker. they do ok. you have to damp the material first or the weave/cloth will just absorb the soap. 
I accidentally sprayed insect repellent all over the patent leather on my bred 11 lows this past weekend. They're ruined! The pl surface is now very dull with what appears to be water spots. Don't ever get deet on your feet, peeps! If you have any tips on how to restore the pl on these then please advise me. I'll try to restore them this weekend. Thanks, Fam!
Same thing happening with my '01 cool grays but to separate sole place over a pot of boiling over so the sole can come off then apply salon care 40 to unyellow the soles. To reattach use cement glue, I use barges (you can buy at home depot) make sure the shoe is aligned perfectly with the sole and make sure you apply a lot of pressure using shoe strings to tie tightly. 
anyone dealt with patent leather tear? only thing i can think to do is fill the holes with super glue and repaint. any ideas?

this is for a client so if anyone has a better fix i'll gladly tip
anyone dealt with patent leather tear? only thing i can think to do is fill the holes with super glue and repaint. any ideas?

this is for a client so if anyone has a better fix i'll gladly tip
I haven't heard of one person in here that has found a solution yet, but this thread doesn't get updated that much so I honestly can't say for sure

Idk if you've already looked around, but I tried to and found 2 things that you could look at.
 If the PL is chipped, I theorized masking the chipped area off and using a clear varnish to restore the clear layer that was once there. 
Rips or Holes

  1. Find extra patent leather that you can use as a patch. This might be from an old purse, pair of shoes, or a swatch of patent leather at a craft store.

  2. Cut your patch down to size to just cover the hole or tear. Using a razor blade, scrape the edges of the patch down to their thinnest composition, so that when you apply the patch there isn't a ridge.

  3. Apply contact cement to the hole or tear and then press the patch down, fitting it exactly upon the damaged area. Allow it to dry for at least an hour or per the directions on the contact cement. Once dry, gently shine it with a soft, clean cloth.
[h2]Tips & WarningS[/h2]
When the cement is drying, consider placing a flat weight on top of the patch to help adhere it. A heavy dictionary would work well.
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I'm not sure this is a care and maintenance question,but recommended that I post here to see what I get.

So I bought a pair of b grades from the Nike outlet and didn't notice the flaw until I got home. I was debating taking them back before my receipt expires, but I'd like to "fix" them instead. So anyone with any ideas, I would appreciate it.

The gold coating on the eyelet on my taxi 12 was messed up. I thought it was glue, but it wasn't. It started like this


..now looks like this


I don't have any experience with Angelus paint or painting on shiny surfaces, or painting shoes in general. Recommendations for a somewhat lasting fix? ...besides taking them back? LOL. tia
Where can I find a replacement eyelet. Any suggestions????
Hey everyone so recently I got a 2013 fire red midsole for my 99 fire red Vs. When swapping where do I start first and it seemed like there were gaps when I first glued them that I couldn't close. I especially have trouble with gluing the toecap because of the gap it creates. What is your guys advice on this? Should I get a .5 size smaller midsole, stretch the shoes out a little bit, or reglue a certain way? Thanks for the feedback. BTW the midsole and upper are the same size. 
I got a pair of 1985 Air Jordan 1s and I was wondering what the best way for storing them is. Is it also okay to put water repellent spray on them? I wanna rock em and want to keep them clean as much as possible.
I got a pair of 1985 Air Jordan 1s and I was wondering what the best way for storing them is. Is it also okay to put water repellent spray on them? I wanna rock em and want to keep them clean as much as possible.

Might want to hit them with a leather conditioner just to keep the coat looking good
As far as storing them, you don't have to worry about nature doing anything to the leather, only worry is midsole yellowing but that's fixable.
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