If i was doing a custom and i wanted to put paints words or a picture on a suede shoe, can i just the regular angelus leather paint? I believe i can but want to reassure myself
I recently got a pair of Pantone Xi in a trade. Upon receiving them I noticed there was this reddish-brown clay type substance on parts of them. I used dish soap and water to get it off the midsole and soles. I used a dab of water and a suede brush to get it off the upper, but I notice the suede seems to bit discolored/darker from it. My wife doesn't notice it anymore but I do...any suggestions? Here is. Pic of them before I removed what I could.
Guys...how do I get the smell of gasoline off the outsole of some kicks (Foams, if it matters)? I've tried airing them out, scrubbing them with warm water, warm water/Oxyclean, warm water/laundry soap, bathroom cleaner, everything...still smells like straight petroleum.

Any ideas?
Guys...how do I get the smell of gasoline off the outsole of some kicks (Foams, if it matters)? I've tried airing them out, scrubbing them with warm water, warm water/Oxyclean, warm water/laundry soap, bathroom cleaner, everything...still smells like straight petroleum.

Any ideas?
Maybe try putting them in a plastic bag with a box of baking soda opened inside the bag. That usually works great for absorbing smells from stuff.
I have a question that nobody on s0le coll3cter has even attempted to reply to:

I copped the carmine 6s last year and I haven't worn them because I HATE the icy sole. I have a product that I use to clears soles already and i started to apply it to the carmines, but stopped after 1 day since i didnt know if it would work and I dont want to waste. So my question is, can I use sole sauce to clear the soles of my carmine 6s from blue to clear? also, has anyone done this for a icy sole yet? 

thanks in advance, P3rry.
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I have a question that nobody on s0le coll3cter has even attempted to reply to:

I copped the carmine 6s last year and I haven't worn them because I HATE the icy sole. I have a product that I use to clears soles already and i started to apply it to the carmines, but stopped after 1 day since i didnt know if it would work and I dont want to waste. So my question is, can I use sole sauce to clear the soles of my carmine 6s from blue to clear? also, has anyone done this for a icy sole yet? 

thanks in advance, P3rry.
It will not do anything to the already clear sole. It's dyed blue from the factory you can't get it to clear. Just wear the shoes and after a few wears they won't be as blue anymore.
It will not do anything to the already clear sole. It's dyed blue from the factory you can't get it to clear. Just wear the shoes and after a few wears they won't be as blue anymore.
thanks man. so there's noway to remove tint? i mean isnt yellowing considered a tint too?
thanks man. so there's noway to remove tint? i mean isnt yellowing considered a tint too?
Yellow is the oxidation of the rubber it's not a tint. The sauce removes the oxidation which brings it back to the original color
I need some help .. I've been trying to whiten the mesh on my dmp 11s and I haven't gotten any results.. I've tried the rit whitener method like 4 times and nothing.. Can I just paint the mesh white?
I need some help .. I've been trying to whiten the mesh on my dmp 11s and I haven't gotten any results.. I've tried the rit whitener method like 4 times and nothing.. Can I just paint the mesh white?
yes but the mesh will get hard and look not good (i did this on my beater pair of 00 concords) so i would not paint them unless you have an airbrush cuz that might get you a better coat and more thin... anyone else?
yes but the mesh will get hard and look not good (i did this on my beater pair of 00 concords) so i would not paint them unless you have an airbrush cuz that might get you a better coat and more thin... anyone else?

What else can I try to do to whiten the mesh? What I try and use sea glow on it or some find of sole sauce?
What else can I try to do to whiten the mesh? What I try and use sea glow on it or some find of sole sauce?
they say you can use jason mark and barkeepers friend but i used barkeepers friend and it burned the mesh, so if you do any method make 1000000% sure all of the product is out of the mesh or it might mess them up
[quote name="rcjbbp1313" url
they say you can use jason mark and barkeepers friend but i used barkeepers friend and it burned the mesh, so if you do any method make 1000000% sure all of the product is out of the mesh or it might mess them up
they say you can use jason mark and barkeepers friend but i used barkeepers friend and it burned the mesh, so if you do any method make 1000000% sure all of the product is out of the mesh or it might mess them up[/quote]

they say you can use jason mark and barkeepers friend but i used barkeepers friend and it burned the mesh, so if you do any method make 1000000% sure all of the product is out of the mesh or it might mess them up

Alright thanks ama try Jason mark
What is salon care? I want to restore some soles, should I do the fabes sole sauce? What works the quickest? And gives the best results? I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
What is salon care? I want to restore some soles, should I do the fabes sole sauce? What works the quickest? And gives the best results? I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
they all work so i would go the cheapest route, is it for XI soles or just clear soles in general? if so the mixes do work better and faster than just salon care
What else can I try to do to whiten the mesh? What I try and use sea glow on it or some find of sole sauce?
they say you can use jason mark and barkeepers friend but i used barkeepers friend and it burned the mesh, so if you do any method make 1000000% sure all of the product is out of the mesh or it might mess them up
Only use liquid BKF and rinse thoroughly after scrubbing. Like hold the shoe under running water type rinse. I've had great results. Gonna re attach my soles this weekend as I've decided not to do anything to the soles. Was gonna try and remove the yellow but since I have a pair of 11 concords with minimal yellowing, eff it...
Only use liquid BKF and rinse thoroughly after scrubbing. Like hold the shoe under running water type rinse. I've had great results. Gonna re attach my soles this weekend as I've decided not to do anything to the soles. Was gonna try and remove the yellow but since I have a pair of 11 concords with minimal yellowing, eff it...

Can I buy bkf at the store or only online?
Only use liquid BKF and rinse thoroughly after scrubbing. Like hold the shoe under running water type rinse. I've had great results. Gonna re attach my soles this weekend as I've decided not to do anything to the soles. Was gonna try and remove the yellow but since I have a pair of 11 concords with minimal yellowing, eff it...

Can I buy bkf at the store or only online?
I cop it at Lowe's.
When I use the bkf

When I use the bkf .. Do I just apply it and leave it there for a while then rinse it or do I put it on there and scrub it and then rinse it or how?
do not let it sit, its an abrasive so the work it does is with scrubbing and sitting will just mess the material up, scrub it then rinse it thoroughly then scrub it with soap and water to make sure it is all out of the mesh or it will burn it.
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