Official Spartacus: Vengence thread - Epic Season Finale

Gonna take some getting used to with the new guy. The problem is I keep trying to picture whats going on with Andy Whitfield. Just not the same.
Docture though 
Saw the first episode and I feel that they choose a bad replacement for Andy. Maybe he'll grow to the role better as the season goes on but base on the first episode, he doesn't seem to fit the role too well. I think they tried to find someone who looks too similar than one that can act the part accordingly.
why doesnt he fit the role? i dont get the complaints. his character wasnt even the focus in this episode. obviously his acting was limited. but its one episode, and all he was asked to do was swing a sword.

some of you guys need to chill.
What are you talking about, the episode practically focused on him. He was on screen practically the whole hour. He pretty much showed all emotions in that episode too, being sad, mad, happy, surprised, etc... Not sure what you meant by his acting being limited in the episode.

He just doesn't have the same presence and the way he delivers his lines is less believable. Like his speeches, just doesn't compare to Andy's. Then his fighting movements doesn't look as well coordinated as Andy's. All the complaints are understandable since Andy has become Spartacus and anyone who steps into that place will likely fall short. Like I said, he might grow on me as the season goes on but based on that episode, he isn't looking good as Spartacus.
Don't underrate the change Nako. Big serialized shows like always flows through and gets it's biggest strength and moments from the main guy. If he ain't up to the task, your show is gonna be stumbling in the long run.

Whether it's Michael Chiklis on The Shield, Bryan Cranston on Breaking Bad, James Gandolfini on The Sopranos or Idris Elba on Luther, your lead means a ton. And you can get by ignoring him, making it more on ensemble show, focusing on the other characters, but those season finales, big turns, the meat of the story always finds a way of revolving around him.

This ain't Game of Thrones, it's Spartacus. And when the show started Andy felt like too much of a !*### to be that guy, but he manned the #%%% up. In this case though. They replaced him with an extra. Even if this guy puts it together...he just blends into the background, looks like any dude waiting to get his throat cut and doesn't have much presence so far.

Normally the show would be close to ending after something like this, but a lot of what people love isn't about Spartacus. It'd change the focus of the show; this should be Krixus' and Gannicus' show now. Or they'd just create a new character to take the lead. But that's hard because of...history.

I'll hold out hope, but almost every scene with him in it felt flat, unless someone else came through to save it. When he talks you stop paying attention. He's a create-a-character.
Originally Posted by RFX45

What are you talking about, the episode practically focused on him. He was on screen practically the whole hour. He pretty much showed all emotions in that episode too, being sad, mad, happy, surprised, etc... Not sure what you meant by his acting being limited in the episode.

He just doesn't have the same presence and the way he delivers his lines is less believable. Like his speeches, just doesn't compare to Andy's. Then his fighting movements doesn't look as well coordinated as Andy's. All the complaints are understandable since Andy has become Spartacus and anyone who steps into that place will likely fall short. Like I said, he might grow on me as the season goes on but based on that episode, he isn't looking good as Spartacus.
I agree with all this. I he can grow into the role and the audience can get use to him. But there are clearly specific areas where he needs to improve.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

And when the show started Andy felt like too much of a !*### to be that guy, but he manned the #%%% up. 

This is true, it took a few episodes for me to warm up to him as Spartacus but that might just be because he acted so well. He wasn't a bad mf'er in the beginning but grew to be one. He had progress and development. While this new guy has to be a bada$$ from the start and he just isn't doing it at the moment. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

What are you talking about, the episode practically focused on him. He was on screen practically the whole hour. He pretty much showed all emotions in that episode too, being sad, mad, happy, surprised, etc... Not sure what you meant by his acting being limited in the episode.

He just doesn't have the same presence and the way he delivers his lines is less believable. Like his speeches, just doesn't compare to Andy's. Then his fighting movements doesn't look as well coordinated as Andy's. All the complaints are understandable since Andy has become Spartacus and anyone who steps into that place will likely fall short. Like I said, he might grow on me as the season goes on but based on that episode, he isn't looking good as Spartacus.

Not at all though... maybe this is what you guys mean, but he wasn't the focus of ANY of the scenes.  The convo with Jarro's wife? Was about Jarro's wife.  Everytime he was with his new girl, it was about what they were going to do and how naked she was.  Every fight scene he had was a group battle, he was never the focus of any of it.

Rewatch the episode.  How many scenes were JUST Spartacus or required Spartacus to carry it.  It was always him interacting with others and deferring to their tales.

I think a lot of what you guys are complaining about is the fault of the director and the shots he chooses and the writing in the first episode.

When would Spartacus have been bad #%%?  when he was fleeing horses and leading them into an ambush?  When he tried to take on the soldiers in the square and got all of 10 seconds before Crixus and the rest of them came through and it turned into another battle royale?

It's obviously going to be weird at first; he's a new face and you're accustomed to and comfortable with a different one playing the role.  Your gripes however aren't necessarily with the actor as it is what he's been asked to do.

Andy was a 1000x better of an actor, there's no question, but go back and watch those old episodes of Sparty and these ones.  there'd be scenes that would just be Andy dolo with one other character acting his #%% off controlling.  In this first episode it was always the new guy listening to what a different actor had to say or setting them up.  We're also a lot more accustomed with Crixus and Onomatopoeia (sp?) and the rest of them because theyve BEEN here and had the opportunity to develop their roles and know how they want to portray their characters.

Give him time to make the role his own before you judge.  It's been literally 49 minutes of season so far.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by RFX45

What are you talking about, the episode practically focused on him. He was on screen practically the whole hour. He pretty much showed all emotions in that episode too, being sad, mad, happy, surprised, etc... Not sure what you meant by his acting being limited in the episode.

He just doesn't have the same presence and the way he delivers his lines is less believable. Like his speeches, just doesn't compare to Andy's. Then his fighting movements doesn't look as well coordinated as Andy's. All the complaints are understandable since Andy has become Spartacus and anyone who steps into that place will likely fall short. Like I said, he might grow on me as the season goes on but based on that episode, he isn't looking good as Spartacus.
I agree with all this. I he can grow into the role and the audience can get use to him. But there are clearly specific areas where he needs to improve.
I agree as well.  I already knew it would be difficult to replace Andy so I'm going to give the new guy a chance.  The story line alone is intriguing so I'm really looking forward to this season.

Hopefully Gannicus will be back this season and maybe they can shift some focus towards him. 
Not really liking the new guy.  Maybe his acting will get better but he doesn't come off as a leader on the screen.  They also should've made him hit the gym more, he's looking frail.
I see they went back to the cheesy blood effects.  Looks like tomato sauce flying onto the screen 

Kinda messed up that they killed everyone at the brothel.  They were just having some fun.  Must go against some kind of man code.
Originally Posted by shogun

Not really liking the new guy.  Maybe his acting will get better but he doesn't come off as a leader on the screen.  They also should've made him hit the gym more, he's looking frail.
Agreed. I don't know if I'm going to find myself being a fan of the new Spartacus, but I won't write him off just yet. Andy is definitely missed, though (touching homage to him after the credits).

The episode itself, I was very happy to see it back. Jampacked for a season premiere, which was fine with me. I can't wait for Gannicus to show up, forgot all about him until I saw him in the entire season preview
Mann eff all u dudes who spoiled gannicus's return! I know u guys said it was in the preview but i purposely avoided it dudes need to learn to put $+%* in a spoiler.

And I was ab to stop watching the episode cuz of the new dude. Paused it and checked the rating on imdb if it weren't almost a 9/10 I was gunna turn off the tv. I'm not sure why after the success of the previous 2 seasons that they couldn't get a good established actor. It was fun watching andy develop as an actor with the development of his role, but now I wanna see someone who's already established like both Spartacus and Andy were at this point. And we can all be real, we miss Andy and would love if he were still with us, but there are definitely other actors who could be as good as he was or better.
Gonna miss the physical perfection of OG Spartacus, but I am still amped to watch. Had no idea that it started.
I just watched the first season and this $*@# is AMAZING. I'm soo sad Andy died.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

ok fine you're right. the new lead actor is trash

What made you change your mind? 

Also, I don't have Starz anymore but still subscribe to Netflix. How long does it usually take for new episodes to make it there?
I was watching dude try to boss people around in the 2nd episode and he just looked so frail and unassuming that i couldn't buy into it. i kept waiting for crixus to backhand him
the show is not the same w/o andy ... RIP ... some scenes the new guy is cool ... other scenes ... i'm like ehhhh

but i'm a fan of the show and andy gave his blessing ... so let the show go on ...

this is my favorite show on tv ... if anyone of you guys have not watched the show b4 start with season 1 and then watch the prequel ... much better that way

... the things i would do to her as well as Spartacus' wife
The fight scenes last night looked like an imitation of the scenes from 300 with all the alternating between slow-mo and real time speeds 
I like the new blonde girl.  Her bosoms look great 
.  Don't know why she felt the need to let that smelly Gaul bang her out just because she couldn't have Spartacus.  She could've approached him and asked to be his second chick behind Mira or have a threesome kind of deal.

The show was more fun when they were in the arena. I don't care about this rebellion crap.  They jumped the gun by having them escape for this second season.

Onemous (spelling?) looked kind of weak in his first pit fight.  Surprised that guy was able to stab him.
Originally Posted by shogun

Onemous (spelling?) looked kind of weak in his first pit fight.  Surprised that guy was able to stab him.
I thought the whole flashback of young Oenomauswas dope. The return of that slime Asher turning him in at the end of episode 2

I still can't rock with new-Spartacus, but I won't let him take away from me enjoying the show.

I wonder when Gannicus makes his return
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