Official Spartacus: Vengence thread - Epic Season Finale

Originally Posted by shogun

The arena fights were a million times more entertaining than all this rebellion stuff.  Even their interactions when they were locked up as slaves in the house of Batiatus was more interesting.
Season 1 started off slow too, so I have faith the show will pick up some more. I find these early episode very entertaining. 
Real talk, I think writers should consider killing off Spartacus. The new guy isn't just not as good as Andy, he just doesn't come off as believable character all together. 

And the old actress that played Nivea is a bish. I hate female actresses for this, they flash the boobs and take the D to make a name for themselves then they run away for a bigger role. 

No %!@%+%% loyalty  
i don't know, but is the new spartacus becoming smaller and smaller after each ep?
first ep he had muscles second ep it was like his muscle were getting weaker, this ep (friday) he didn't look like he worked out in over a month...

at that young new girl.
Yah the new Spartacus doesn't look that brolic. pause.

but overall I'm enjoying the season. I really dont think the new guy is doing as bad as some of you are saying. *shrug*


why all the black gladiators have to die, though?
To be fair to the original actress that played Nivea, production did keep getting pushed back.  That's a tough situation for a lot of actors.  You have to keep waiting for the show to start again or move on to new roles.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

why all the black gladiators have to die, though?

that's what i'm saying!!!

i was SURE that the last one was gonna make it too

and at the very last scene i was like
^^ lmao @ the black gladiators getting murked. i called it extra EARLY in the episode. as soon as dude got sliced in the gut, i looked at my friends and let out the most fulfilling 'WELP!' in history. i knew exactly what was going down. sidebar: what did they carve in their heads?

that dude with the dreads was hilarious to me.

in the previous episode when they were trying to find Crickets girl, that bootleg Chrissy Teagen took a wrong turn in the mines and the dude with dreads yelled 'SHE HAS LED US TO OUR DEATH!' ... when he was literally standing in the doorway to the correct path. when she said, 'this way' ... all he had to do was turn around. unintentional lulz.

my other fearless prediction for this episode, was that Crickets and the silent black dude would reunite in the arena and takeover whenever Sparty showed up with the crew. i was half right... but we'll see how it plays out.

looking forward to some new arena fights tho.
ive only seen 2 episodes this season, im slacking, but its hard for me to get used to the people change. 
in due time 
This season is starting to drag to be honest. This last episode was more about what was happening with the Romans instead of the Gladiators. I hope that Crixius and Onnemaius start kicking @%@ in the Arena. Hopefully they will win over the people again, and further piss off the Romans who want them to die. It would put the Roman leaders in a bad spot because they want the gladiators to die, but the people are loving the matches in the arena, so they can't just kill them off.

I hope it speeds up, cause I feel like the last episode was kind of a waste. I understand having to make episodes that move the story along, but still....I have not been impressed so far with this season.
Put Crixus and Onomaeus back in the arena ... then i would not care what happens going fwd ...

@ bootleg Chrissy Teagen ... Mira/Katrina Law
Pretty much waiting for Gannicus to come back and watch him Crixus, Docture, and Spartacus go off on ninjas.
Spoiler alert* for those who havent seen the past 2 episodes

I know this was the third episode but I never posted in here after it. I know it looks like the brother (cant think of his name) and Spartacus are teaming back up with the way this last episode ended but going back, how unrealistic is it that they split up in the first place? Who in the hell would not follow Spartacus to find Navier because of the risk of dying and go with the brother. Its not even Spartacus, he's with Crixus too. I feel like its almost taking advantage of having a new character instead of Andy Whitfield. Im sittin there thinking if that was Andy not a damn soul would leave his side AND Crixus' for this guy who hasnt proven squat.

Anyone else feel me on this?
I was reading the story of Spartacus on Wikipedia, and It's really cool to read the names of the people that were involved when it all went down, and then compare them to the characters on the show like Crixus and Onemaus.
Last nights episode might have been my favorite of the entire series (moreso than "Kill Them All", the season finale of season 1).

Spoiler [+]
The way Spartacus and the crew came up through the water, the way Spartacus manhandled everyone in the arena with Crixus, and the burning of the arena itself, SO jampacked

Love that Gannicus is back, he's going to provide great help and knowledge.
Episode blew my mind 
I've actually liked season 2 (even before this episode)

Glad they made Agron and Nasir obvious. Part of me thought Agron saw Nasir as a younger brother
Last night's episode was by far the best of this season..The new guy has finally started to step up his acting game..So glad Illythia's dad got what was coming to his smugass..And the look on her face when she realized her hubby killed him was priceless..Hopefully Doctore' survives and they can all get along enough to go on a rampage..Only thing I didn't like was the horrible SyFy channel looking effects when the arena was burning..Looked incredibly cheesy..
Originally Posted by bkmac

Last nights episode might have been my favorite of the entire series (moreso than "Kill Them All", the season finale of season 1).

Spoiler [+]
The way Spartacus and the crew came up through the water, the way Spartacus manhandled everyone in the arena with Crixus, and the burning of the arena itself, SO jampacked

Love that Gannicus is back, he's going to provide great help and knowledge.

def my 2nd favorite episode to the one where spartacus bodied 4-5 roman soldiers unarmed in an exhibition in Battiatus's house.  That ep made me go do some pushups.
Illythia is dirty.  She turned on her husband real quick these past few episodes.
Glad that fruity looking Cain Velsaquez lookalike got hit with a spear.  I've wanted that dude dead ever since he messed up Lucretia's virginal handmaid.  

If Spartacus beats Gannicus in that one on one fight they showed in the preview, I will no longer be a fan of the show.  spartacus isn't even good enough to lace the Champ's boots/sandals.
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